The Next Stop

Alexander’s POV

It was like I was watching those words come out of her mouth in slow motion, my heart stopped for a split moment and my mind racing, I had so many questions in my head that I wanted to ask her but she was clearly emotional about this, I had to try and be as sensitive as possible

“Tell me what you’re thinking Sienna?” I say to her taking her hands in mine as she tries to calm down “I’m thinking how fucking stupid I am, my pills were in our luggage and I completely forgot about them, even when we came home I was so caught up in our engagement and thinking about getting that contract that I didn’t remember, it was only until I saw them in my luggage that I realized and by that time I knew it was too late, I knew straight away I was pregnant, I mean how could I not be? The amount of sex we’ve had in the last six weeks I think it would be impossible not to” Sienna sighs as tears run down her face

She was right, on our vacation we made love multiple times each day and even when we came home we were just a crazy newly engaged couple who couldn’t keep their hands off each other

“I’m so upset because I worked so damn hard for the last 3 years to get my degree and I’m not going to spend one day working in my dream job, I’m going to be a Mother and that’s it, no career for me, you probably think I’m being incredibly selfish but this is how I feel” Sienna bursts into tears again as I pull her into my arms

“I don’t think that at all Sienna, I think that’s a very reasonable reaction but baby you need to know that there are options” I say to her before she cuts me off

“That’s bullshit Alexander!! I don’t have an option, if I don’t go through with this pregnancy I know for a fact that you’d never look at me the same way again, you could never forgive me” she states firmly 

“Well, I won’t lie, it wouldn’t be easy but I know it’s not the right time and when the right time came along than we would try, however, there is still another option” I say to her as she looks at me with an eyebrow raised

“I know I obviously can’t have the baby but once the child is born and you’ve recovered from giving birth you can go back to work and I’ll stay home with the baby full time, I mean maybe you could still work for Damon and just take off a few months, I don’t know it’s an idea” I say to her not knowing how she would feel about my proposal

“You’d really do that for me? What about your career?” She asks wiping the tears from her eyes “Of course I’d do that for us, I’d love to raise our baby, I didn’t get to enough with Brandon and in regards to my career, well, I’ve done it for 20 years, I’ve achieved so much and I’m pretty satisfied, as long as I get to fly on the occasional weekend I’d be very happy, more than happy” I say to her taking her hands in mine kissing them

“So I’d only have to take a couple of months off?” Sienna says to me looking intently “Yeah hopefully, I mean it’s something you’ll need to chat to Damon about but I’m sure he will accommodate you, I know we can make this work baby” I say kissing her forehead and rubbing her back

“Maybe we should go to the doctor’s first before we get too ahead of ourselves” I say as she nods, I wander over to my grab my cell and call the local clinic, luckily they were able to squeeze us in due to a cancellation, my heart was beating like crazy thinking about Sienna being pregnant, it felt so surreal 

“They can see us in an hour Si, remember I’ll support your decision no matter what” I say to her lifting her up off the ground placing her into a tight hug “It’s our decision handsome” she whispers into my ear

We decided to make our way over to the clinic and just wait, we felt like until Sienna’s pregnancy was confirmed time basically stood still for us “Sienna Hazelwood?” the doctor calls out as we head in together

“Doctor, this is my boyf…um I mean fiance, Alexander” Sienna say to her as she greets me “So how can I help today Sienna?” she asks, I watch Sienna’s body language and I can tell she’s internally freaking out barely being able to get the words out “I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant” 

The doctor ran some tests and then asked to do an ultrasound on Sienna’s stomach, it felt like the doctor was looking at the screen for forever before the words came out of her mouth making my heart skip “Well you’re right Sienna, you’re definitely pregnant, congratulations, you’re about six weeks along” the doctor says smiling at us both, it was official my beautiful fiance was pregnant carrying our child, I couldn’t help but shed a few tears “I’ll give you two a moment alone” the doctor says leaving the room

“Six weeks pregnant, so you basically knocked me up the first chance you got, typical” Sienna jokingly smirks as I laugh with tears still rolling down my face

“So do you want to do this Sienna? Do you want to go through with this?” I ask her taking a deep breath trying to pull myself together, I look up and see her eyes sparkling looking straight at me as she shoots me the sweetest smile

“If you really mean it about being the full time parent and you’re happy to do that then.. yes..yes I want us to have this baby, our baby” she smiles as tears start to fall from her eyes as well

I wrap her up tight lightly sobbing into her shoulder, I couldn’t believe we were going to have our own little family, I was going to be a Dad again and this time I know I was going to do it right

Sienna’s POV

When I first saw my contraceptive pills sitting in my luggage my heart stopped, everything fucking stopped, I couldn’t believe I could be so stupid, I knew straight away I was pregnant, I had been feeling nauseous and was sensitive to every smell that came my way

My emotions were so intense and all over the place, I was so pissed off and upset that I was so forgetful and irresponsible, I had basically thrown my career away before it had even started

I also knew deep down that I had to have this baby, I know Alexander would support my decision but I couldn’t do it to him, it would break his heart and he would never look at me the same way again

When I broke down and told Alexander I was pregnant I felt bad knowing this was meant to be a happy moment but I couldn’t help but feel crushed not being able to go to work now, I had dreamed about this for so long and I had already lost it, it completely took me by surprise when Alexander told me that he would look after our baby full time, just another selfless act from my man

When I saw our baby on the monitor, well, that changed everything, even though it was tiny it just made it all the more real, I wanted to make this work more than ever, I finally let out a smile and start to feel happiness for our teeny tiny baby

The doctor gave me some medication for my nausea and some information on what to expect during my pregnancy, we booked in to see the doctor again in a few weeks time for a check up, I left the clinic with fiance in hand and child in stomach, it was just so surreal

I look over at Alexander and you couldn’t wipe the smile from his face, he was glowing and beaming with joy, it was so beautiful, I can’t believe this man who is so incredibly beautiful inside and out is going to be my husband and father on my child

We arrive home and I was feeling exhausted so I headed to bed, Alexander joined me and cuddled up to my stomach “Already love you so so much” he said kissing my belly, I drift off to sleep with him gently resting on me, I felt so at peace

I wake up the next morning to find Alexander in the kitchen “Okay Mamma to be, what can I make or cook you that won’t result in your head in the kitchen sink again?” he asks smirking coming over to greet me with a kiss

“Hmm, maybe some pancakes and fresh fruit?” I say yawning still trying to wake up “Coming right up, that was quite a nap you took” he says mixing up the batter “I think it’s going to be a regular occurrence for the next 7 and a half months” I say as he laughs

“So did you want to start telling people our news or wait a while?” he asks flipping pancakes in the pan “Um… well I guess we could tell everyone at our engagement party, I mean we were only inviting close friends anyway, but I’m think we should tell my parents and Brandon before then, just to give them a heads up” I say sipping on some weak tea with no milk, all I can stomach at the moment

“Sounds good, I’ll have to make sure I note all the exit’s when we meet with your parents so I can make a quick escape, Owen is going to kill me” Alexander jokes cutting up some strawberries

“Nah, he will be fine, I mean we’ve been together for over 3 years, it was going to happen eventually” I say stealing some fruit from the chopping board

“I guess, I know him though and he will still kill me, he probably thinks you’re saving yourself for marriage” he smirks as I choke on some fruit “Fuck, he’s not that naive!” I say as we both laugh

“Speaking of marriage, I guess that growing child of ours has changed our plans a bit, do you want to get married before or after our child arrives?” he asks me looking nervous

“Definitely after, our focus should just be on the child plus planning a wedding can be stressful and I know I meant to keep stress to a minimum being pregnant, I want to plan our dream wedding without having to feel like we’re rushing down the isle before I get too big for a wedding dress” I laugh as Alexander serves up the mouth watering breakfast

“Yeah…. yeah I guess you’re right” he replies, I can see he’s disappointed “You wanted to do it before?” I ask “I don’t know, I think so, I guess I’m just being silly but I always had in my mind that I’d have a pregnant wife but pregnant fiance still sounds good, I guess I’m just being old fashioned, I know it doesn’t matter” he shrugs 

We eat our breakfast together but the awkward silence couldn’t be ignored any longer “Ugh, Sienna, I’m just being a jerk, of course it doesn’t matter and I want you to plan your dream wedding in your own time, ignore what I said” he frets shaking his head

“Baby, you’re allowed to have your own feelings about things, I understand what you were saying, I get it, I do, how about I make you a promise that if we have another child I’ll 100% be your wife then?” I say taking his hands in mine, he laughs at my proposal “Sounds good baby”

One week Later

It was the night before our engagement party, my parents had just flown in early this morning and were staying with us for a few days, we had invited Brandon over for dinner and had planned to tell all three afterwards

“Well if it isn’t the world’s hottest step mom to be” Brandon smirks as I open the door, little did he know he got the Mom part right “Haha, and if it isn’t the cutest step son to be ever” I reply hugging Brandon as he walks in “You look amazing Sienna, you’re shining like a little star” he whispers into my ear “You too B, you too” my heart aches a little bit for him, I know our announcement is going to hurt him a bit, Alexander was always going to be my forever and our news was confirmation of that


Please comment if you’re enjoying, thank you for your support

Take care

Starlet x


Sienna’s POV

Alexander and I completely messed up our hotel room that night, celebrating being engaged… again… over and over, all night he wanted me to wear nothing expect a smile, flushed cheeks and my beautiful diamond engagement ring

The next morning after a very late check out we head back to our apartment “Ugh I seriously need to finish unpacking from our holiday even though they didn’t even come with us” I saw no reason to rush to unpack as nothing needed to be washed and I wasn’t going to use any tropical clothes in freezing New York

“No problem baby, I’m going to do some work” Alexander replies heading to our lounge, I start to unpack my large suitcase full of my clothes, swimmers, underwear etc. It was a bit depressing looking at all the pretty things I didn’t get to wear and knowing our holiday was well and truly over but Alexander promised me we would keep travelling and I was hoping to get that opportunity to as well through my career

“Si, you’re cell is ringing!” Alexander yells out as I run out to the kitchen, It was Damon, I chat to him for a while and he asked me to meet him later in the week to discuss work, as I walk back to our bedroom I see my man “Do you just get more and more handsome everyday?” I ask him smirking

"Si, you're cell is ringing!" Alexander yells out as I run out to the kitchen, It was Damon, I chat to him for a while and he asked me to meet him later in the week to discuss work, as I walk back to our bedroom I see my man "Do you just get more ...

“Damn Si you’ve been on heat lately, I fucking love it” he smirks dragging me on top of him “Who says I’m in the mood? Can’t I just give a compliant to my wonderful fiance?” I say to him trying to not let him think he knows everything about me “Your eyes Sienna.. your eyes always tell me what you’re thinking” he says cupping my face in his hands looking deep into my eyes 

“Make love to me” I whisper to him as he let’s out a small cocky chuckle, he’s right I have been so horny lately, I guess having all this free time that I usually spend studying has made my mind focus on other stimulating things

4 days later

“What are you cooking babe? the smell is seriously stinking out our apartment” I say to him as I roll out of bed, I see him cooking in the kitchen making scrambled eggs “But you love my cooking” he says pretending to pout “I know but I think the milk or cream you’re using is different or something, it’s just so strong” I complain 

He looks confused “It’s all the same baby, are you leaving to meet Damon soon?” he asks as I nod “Yeah I might go jump in the shower now” I say to him moving back to our bedroom

“Baby have you seen my cream hair mask??” I yell out to him from the shower, my hair was a bit dry from the ocean water and tropical heat “I’m not that into my hair that I’d steal it baby…. mmm you’re naked and wet” he chuckles opening the shower door “Sorry big man, no time this morning, Damon said he had a few things to discuss with me, I’m so nervous what if…” I say before Alexander cuts me off “He’s going to offer you a position Si, you’ve got to stop stressing” he says trying to calm me down

Alexander strips off his clothes and gets in the shower with me but it was nothing was sexual, he just massaged my shoulder, neck and back while washing down my body, he just wanted to relax me, fuck I was so grateful for this man

After our shower we both get dressed “It’s all going to work out baby, I’ll see you tonight after work, I love you” he says to me as he walks out the door, I leave a few minutes later to meet up with Damon

I arrive at the cafe before Damon and take a seat “What can I get you?” the waitress asks me “Um… I think just water please” I say to her

I turn around and see a sight I’ve been waiting to see for a long time coming now “Oh my god you two finally got your shit together?!?!” I stand up excited, Damon and Mia walked into the cafe together holding hands looking blissfully happy together

I turn around and see a sight I've been waiting to see for a long time coming now "Oh my god you two finally got your shit together?!?!" I stand up excited, Damon and Mia walked into the cafe together holding hands looking blissfully happy together
"Haha yes we took our time but we're finally here" Mia says looking lovingly at Damon "So damn glad we're here" Damon smirks squeezing here hand tighter

“Haha yes we took our time but we’re finally here” Mia says looking lovingly at Damon “So damn glad we’re here” Damon smirks squeezing her hand tighter

They take a seat in front of me looking like a couple of teenagers in love, it was very sweet “Black coffee for me, what would you like honey?” Damon says to Mia “Ooooh already have the pet names” I laugh “Haha, just a latte for me” she replies

“Oh fuck look at that rock on your finger!!” Mia cries out when she sees the ring “Oh yeah, that’s my news” I say smiling looking down at my beautiful engagement ring

“Congratulations, it’s about time you two made everything official” Damon states “I want all details in full right now” Mia cuts in so I tell them about our trip, our lost luggage and our second hotel room engagement

“So we’re going to have an engagement party in a few weeks time, I’ll send you both the details” I gush “Sounds fantastic Sienna, well is it okay if I share my news?” Damon asks, as I enthusiastically nod

“Well, I have two contract offers for two very special graduate lawyers, if they want to come work for my firm that is” Damon smirks “You mean…” I say “Yes, I want you both to come work for our firm, all the other partners agreed that both your college results were very impressive and you’re just the type of lawyers we want at our firm” he confirms

Mia and I both leap up hugging each other in celebration, we’re nearly in tears knowing that our hard work has paid off and both so thankful Damon came into our lives

“Thank you so much Damon, I’m so grateful for everything you’ve done for me” I say to him trying to calm myself down “You’re most welcome Sienna, you’re a very talent and intelligent young woman, you’ll do amazing, I’ll drop off the full employment contract to you next week, plus I’m grateful for you introducing me to this wonderful woman” he smiles taking Mia’s hand in his

“That’s right, when you were pretending to be Sienna’a boyfriend and I was Alexander’s date” Mia laughs “Oh that night was so bad and to top it off my Aunt nearly caught Alexander and I in the bathroom” I tell them shaking my head as they both laugh loudly “Oh that’s priceless” Damon states

The waitress brings out the coffee orders for Damon and Mia “Since when don’t you drink coffee Sienna?” Mia says to me “I think I must have a flu or something, everything just smell horrid to me lately” I tell her trying not to gag from the overwhelming coffee smell 

“Well we won’t hold you up anymore, as mentioned I’ll drop off the contract next week to you, take care and congrats again your engagement” Damon says standing up with me placing me in a tight hug “Thank you again, you’re an amazing man” I smile back

“Take care Si-Si, can’t wait to plan the wedding with you, I want a bridesmaid position by the way” Mia says hugging me sweetly placing her hand on the back of my head

I head home feeling excited, I couldn’t believe I was going to be working full time at Damon’s law firm as a human rights lawyer, finally being able to help and make a difference in the world

Once at home I decided I should probably eat something as I’ve had nothing so far today, I open up the fridge and grab a container seeing what’s inside, I take a sniff of the left overs and immediately feel sick “Oh this is off for sure” I say, seconds later I made my way to the kitchen sink hurling my guts out “Fuck it’s in my hair, ugh gross”

I stumble by way over to the shower “Where is my fucking cream hair mask?” I say to myself, finally it hit me like a lightning bolt, it was in my carry on that I hadn’t unpacked yet, I open up and dig in looking for it, I gasp when I see something else “Oh fuck!!! No, no, no, no, no,…. Oh no, fuck no!!!” I cry out collapsing to the floor

4 days Later – Alexander’s POV

Ever since the morning of her meeting with Damon, Sienna just hasn’t been herself, something was off and I didn’t know how to help or what to do as she was shutting me off, I was getting scared that something was really wrong, I planned to confront her this morning as we couldn’t keep going on this way

It was close to noon when I see her stumble out of bed  “Si, can I make you something to eat?” I ask as she shakes her head, her face looks completely miserable 

“Sienna, I can’t take this anymore, what’s going on? I’m going to be your husband soon and you need to tell me if something has happened or if something is bothering you” I say firmly without being too harsh

I walk over to her and place my hands on her arms, she won’t look at me, I move my hand to cup her face and tilt her head up so our eyes can meet, her eyes were lost nearly helpless “Baby, this is breaking my heart, tell me what’s happened” I plead with her rubbing her cheek as I see her eyes start to swell 

“Alexander… I” she starts to whimper out when we hear a knock at the front door “Fuck, worse timing” I growl out, Sienna rushes off to our bedroom “I’m not here, I don’t want to speak to anyone” she calls out

I open the door to see Damon standing there “Hey Man! How are you?” he says cheerfully shaking my hand “Good, good, how about yourself?” I ask “Couldn’t be better, I have the love of a beautiful woman, what more could I want?” he smiles “Ah yes, I heard, congrats on yourself and Mia” I reply

“Congratulations yourself, was about time you put a ring on it, speaking of beautiful women, is Sienna here?” he asks trying to peek past me looking inside

“She is but she’s in bed, not feeling well, I think she’s sleeping right now” I lied “Ah, yeah she didn’t seem well at the cafe the other day, complaining about the coffee smell!” Damon laughs

“Anyway I just wanted to drop off her full employment contract, if she has any questions please get her to call me, got her a very good starting income too” he smiles clearly proud of his efforts

“Thank you so much, I know this means so much to her, well if I don’t see you beforehand hopefully we’ll see you at our engagement party?” I say “Absolutely” he replies as he shakes my hand goodbye

As I close the door I couldn’t help but smile as this will surely make Sienna happy, I couldn’t wait to give it to her “Baby, it’s just you and me again and I have something here to make you smile” I yell out

I see Sienna appear from our room, her eyes were red and blotchy she had clearly been crying “Aww Baby” I say, it hurts me so much knowing she isn’t happy 

“Si, you’re contract is here, Damon just dropped it off, isn’t that exciting?” I hand it to her watching her face closely, one more tear is released from eyes before her sadness turns to anger, full blown anger

She grabs out the contract and starts ripping it to shreds with her bare hands, I was in complete shock “Sienna!! What are you doing? What’s going on?” I say completely confused and worried by her actions

Her angry turns back to sadness as she collapses on the floor with a flood of tears coming out, she’s surrounded by her torn up contract “Baby, I’m really scared now, you have to talk to me” I say falling to the ground with her

She takes in some deep breaths trying to calm herself down “I’m pregnant” she whispers


Take care

Starlet x


Alexander’s POV

This wasn’t at all what I had planned, I wanted to had candles with rows and rows of flowers, her favorite meal and wine would be sitting in front of her which she would have just finished, add in a secluded beach with just the two us listening to the waves crash before I get down on one knee presenting her with that ring and ask her what I’ve wanted to ask for years

Instead it was happening right now on a small raft in the middle of the Indian Ocean, no ring, no flowers, no candles but the moment was now, I knew it was now, it felt so right and I didn’t want to wait a second longer

“Sienna…the moment I saw you again after all those years I was taken aback by your incredible beauty, what I didn’t know then was how beautiful you were on the inside as well, I honestly don’t know how I got so lucky to have a smart, sexy, fiercely independent and caring woman but what I do know is that I can’t live a day without you, I had everything planned out the first night we got here and somewhere in the world located in a suitcase there is a beautiful diamond ring for you” Sienna gasps and softly clutches her throat when I mention the ring

“But the ring will come and I can create another romantic date for us but what I can’t do is wait another second without asking you the question I’ve been wanting to ask for so long, Sienna Grace Hazelwood, will you marry me?” I ask, my throat has turned completely dry and my eyes already filled with tears

“Yes! Yes! There is nothing I want more than to marry you” Sienna cries out as I wrap my arms around her bringing her in for a long passionate kiss

My heart was racing but my happiness was uncontrollable, Sienna was going to be my wife, my queen, life was going to be complete

“I’ll make you the happiness wifey ever Si, fuck I can’t wait to marry you” she laughs at my enthusiasm “I can’t wait to marry you too baby, I’ll promise to make you a very satisfied and loved husband” she smirks as her hands get lost inside my shorts 

“Island Sienna is so damn frisky, I don’t think we should ever leave” I whisper to her as she laughs “Hey, I just got engaged and I was just looking to celebrate” she giggles as her lips connect with mine

We made love on the boat again before having to take it back to the marina, we walk along the beach heading back to our room but stop to have another quick dip in the ocean, we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, we were both so madly in love that it utterly consumed us

We made love on the boat again before having to take it back to the marina, we walk along the beach heading back to our room but stop to have another quick dip in the ocean, we couldn't keep our hands off each other, we were both so madly in love ...

The next week we stayed inside our bungalow only moving to the balcony or to the water in front of us and it was so damn perfect, I felt like I had died and gone to heaven

Sienna’s POV

We only had a two days left of our holiday but I really didn’t want to leave, our suitcases didn’t show up yet but we didn’t want that to ruin our holiday, it was really just about Alexander and I being together and not having any stress or worry, just being a couple in love and expressing that…. frequently

I wanted to make our last night together special as he made this trip so special for me, I spoke to one of the hotel staff last week and asked her if she would be going into town soon and if she could pick me up some lingerie and a bit of make up so I could feel sexy and pretty for our last night, just a little something to surprise Alexander

She came back to me yesterday with the most beautiful pink lace corset with matching panties, as expected I gave her a very big tip and I couldn’t wait to show my man

“Baby we’re out of ice, would you mind getting some?” I say to him as we’re both laying down outside on our balcony “Of course baby, be back in 10 minutes” Alexander smiles as he makes his way towards the hotel reception

I place on the lingerie and make up swiftly and make my way to the bed trying to find a seductive pose to lay in, shortly after I hear him arrive back “Si, I’ve got the ice you wa…..” he stops mid sentence when he sees me on the bed with a devilish grin on my face 

"Baby, you look fucking incredible, this is so damn sexy" I see his eyes light up as he approaches me and the bed "You looking to have some fun naughty man?" I askĀ 

“Baby, you look fucking incredible, this is so damn sexy” I see his eyes light up as he approaches me and the bed “You looking to have some fun naughty man?” I ask 

“Absolutely, I’m looking to get between the legs of beautiful fiance and have her ankles wrapped around my neck” he growls coming at me like a wild animal stalking it’s prey

His lips connect with my neck immediately and he starts pulling on the material of my lingerie, “No lingerie will ever replace how sexy your naked body is Sienna” he groans as he removes each item 

He quickly removes his own clothes and moves on top of my naked body, he starts nipping at my neck as I feel his hardness press up against me, the thought of making love with him always made me aroused

His erection teases my entrance as I beg for him to slip inside me, he flicks himself at my folds knowing this gets me so worked up

“Baby, please fuck me now” I beg him not being able to take much more “Mmmm I love it when you ask me that, you love me being inside you don’t you? mmm naughty Si” he smirks like a cocky ass

“Yes handsome, I love it so fucking much, I need it, please baby, I’m so wet for you” I cry out as he let’s out a small chuckle and enters me with force

“Oooohhhh fuck yess!!” I cry out as his thrusts start hard and fast “God Si, you are so damn wet, fuck what a turn on” he groans as he continues to pound into me

He knew the exactly angle to fuck me in so he would hit my g-spot and of course he went there every time, his lips find my nipples as his hand creeps towards my neck

He knew the exactly angle to fuck me in so he would hit my g-spot and of course he went there every time, his lips find my nipples as his hand creeps towards my neck

“Grip tighter baby” I growl out as his fingers slowly grip my neck, I see him bite down on his lip as he places more pressure on my neck, I knew that would send him crazy

“Oh fuck Si, I’m so close baby, you feel so fucking amazing” he groans out as I see the look in his eyes knowing he’s about to blow “That’s it baby, cum hard inside me, fuck me just like that” 

A few more deep thrusts and I feel his warmth shoot inside me, as soon as I felt his cock twitch I got my own release which felt incredible, my skin tingling and body on fire

“I’ll never get sick of doing that with you goddess” he say placing small kisses over my body “Trust me handsome, I’ll never get sick of that either” I say smiling at him running my fingers through his hair as he continues to kiss down on my body

“I love you so much Sienna” his whispers coming up to face “I love you always Alexander” I softly reply

2 Days Later

Once back in New York we arrive to our luggage waiting for us “Good to see you all, would have been nicer to see you two weeks ago though” Alexander says to our luggage as I laugh

“Soooo I was thinking, maybe I could take you out somewhere nice this weekend and give you a little something?” Alexander says playfully to me “You’re serious going to make me wait? I’m dying to see it” I pout, I really wanted to see what my man had picked out for me 

“I can’t give it to you now, we’re in our smelly plane clothes and nothing romantic is in the apartment, please give me till the weekend baby?” he pleads softly kissing my neck trying to seduce me into saying yes “Okayy… finneee but it better be worth the wait handsome” I say smiling “Thank you goddess… oh and by the way I’m getting you a dress for this weekend” he says kissing me sweetly, I could only imagine the type of dress he’ll get

That weekend

As soon as I saw the dress I knew Alexander was thinking of only one thing when he saw it “Handsome, I have lingerie that’s less revealing than this dress!” I yell out “Come on baby, it’s classy and sexy, what more could you want in a dress?” he laugh as he knows he’s a naughty man “How about more material?” I reply

He walks towards the bedroom so I can show him and he throws his hands to his heart “Absolutely flawless, such a goddess, seriously Si you’re the most beautiful woman in the world” he smiles with that twinkle in his eye

He walks towards the bedroom so I can show him and he throws his hands to his heart "Absolutely flawless, such a goddess, seriously Si you're the most beautiful woman in the world" he smiles with that twinkle in his eye
"Well you're very handsome in your dashing suit, very sexy" I say "I've got nothing on you gorgeous, should we go?" he asks "Are you sure I can wear this dress out into the public? I feel a bit self conscious" I say nervously to him

“Well you’re looking very handsome in your dashing suit, very sexy” I say “I’ve got nothing on you gorgeous, should we go?” he asks “Are you sure I can wear this dress out into the public? I feel a bit self conscious” I say nervously to him

“Trust me baby you look amazing, the only problem will be how long can I last without ripping that dress off you?” he growls snaking his arm around me kissing my naked shoulders “Okay, okay let’s go” I laugh

He takes me to restaurant and leads me to the roof top where I see just as he always in visioned, candles and rose petals

We had a delicious 3 course meal with some wine just laughing and enjoying each other's company, Alexander's hand constantly finding themselves misbehaving under the table

We had a delicious 3 course meal with some wine just laughing and enjoying each other’s company, Alexander’s hands constantly finding themselves misbehaving under the table

Afterwards Alexander took me to the hotel next door “I know we’re not far from home but I need you now baby, watching you in that dress all night is making me lose my mind” he growls as he takes us up to the 29th floor, his hand tugging at my straps pulling them down so he can bite down on my shoulders

We arrive at a room and he opens the door for us, I was shocked seeing how he had set out the room, full of balloons and roses with the words ‘Wanna Marry me’ I could I help but laugh, I turn around to see my man on one knee with the ring box in his hand presenting it to me

We arrive at a room and he opens the door for us, I was shocked seeing how he had set out the room, full of balloons and roses with the words 'Wanna Marry me' I could I help but laugh, I turn around to see my man on one knee with the ring box in h...

Tears flood my face, even though I knew it was coming I couldn’t even dream of having a ring this beautiful “Alexander, the ring is just perfect, I can’t believe everything you’ve done for me, I love you so much baby” I break down in his arms

“You’re everything to me Sienna and I’ll do my best to give you everything you deserve and more, I can’t wait to make you my wife” he says placing the ring on my finger

“I can’t wait either baby, I always knew one day I’d be a Rose” I smile as he laughs

Tears flood my face, even though I knew it was coming I couldn't even dream of having a ring this beautiful "Alexander, the ring is just perfect, I can't believe everything you've done for me, I love you so much baby" I break down in his arms


Aww aren’t they the sweetest! definitely couple goals!

There is probably only 5 chapters or so left, all I’m going to say is don’t assume you know how it’s going to end 

Also I’m really super excited because I’ve already written the first three chapters of my new book, I can’t wait for you guys to read it, I’ll release those chapters once Love Triangle has finished, the story line is something completely different but same genre of drama/romance/erotica

Thank you again for all your love and support, don’t be shy please comment

Take care

Starlet x

Island Life

Alexander’s POV

I wanted to fucking knock this guy’s teeth out seriously is he fucking kidding me hitting on Sienna when I’m standing right here watching, the rage I was feeling was building and it started to engulf me

“Alexander it’s okay, I’m sure Ricky didn’t mean to come off as a complete sleazebag, correct?” She says to him raising her eyebrow

“Um.. er yeah… right… sorry” he mutters out as he walks away from us like a dog with it’s tail between it’s legs, I can’t help but smile at my strong, sassy woman putting this asshole in his place, fuck I love her

“That was hilarious Si, you’re amazing, do you want to head out on the jet ski’s now that he’s gone?” I ask her as I see her looking around the beach

“Actually I have a better idea” she smiles at me taking my hand as we stroll up the beach, she points out a sign for boat hire “Hey Guys, would you be interested in hiring one out?” the man on the marina says to us “Absolutely” I reply

“Great, do either of you have a boat license?” he asks us, I grab out my wallet and flick through my multiple cards “You have a boat license? How did I not know this?” Sienna asks slightly shocked “Baby, if I can fly a plane I can drive and sail a boat” I wink at her 

We board the boat which was a small sail ship with a narrow raft attached to the side, we were able to sail fairly far out, it was now just us out in the Indian ocean miles from anyone or anything, I couldn’t be happier

We board the boat which was a small sail ship with a narrow raft attached to the side, we were able to sail fairly far out, it was now just us out in the Indian ocean miles from anyone or anything, I couldn't be happier

Sienna’s POV

As I watch Alexander take control on the boat I couldn’t help but stare and check out my handsome man working up a sweat, his muscles tight and clinched as he pulls on the sails to steer us in the right direction

“Baby, can I do anything to help?” I ask him as he shakes his head “I’m nearly done Si, you relax baby girl and I’ll be with you in a moment” 

I place a towel down on the long chair at the end of the boat still keeping a close eye on my man, he takes off his tank top to pat down his face which is now dripping with sweat, I watch the droplets of sweat fall onto his perfect defined abs, mmm fuck yeah, It was now official, I had to have my man

I take off my dress revealing the small yet cute bikini that I picked up from the gift shop this morning while Alexander was still sleeping, I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I wanted to seduce my man

I take off my dress revealing the small yet cute bikini that I picked up from the gift shop this morning while Alexander was still sleeping, I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I wanted to seduce my man

“Si, where did you go?” I hear him yell out “Down this end handsome, come find me naughty man, I want to play….”  I see my man set his eyes on me, his serious look turns into a cheeky smirk

"Si, where did you go?" I hear him yell out "Down this end handsome, come find me naughty man" I chuckle as I see my man set his eyes on me, his serious look turns into a cheeky smirk

“Now this bikini is great, I can see I’ll be able to rip it off with my teeth without any trouble” his eyes become wild as he slowly walks towards me

“Come to me my goddess” he says as he lifts me up and places himself behind me “All my hands want to do is explore this beautiful body, god you make me feel amazing Sienna” he growls into my ear as he bites down moving his teeth to my neck

"Come to me my goddess" he says as he lifts me up and places himself behind me "All my hands want to do is explore this beautiful body, god you make me feel amazing Sienna" he growls into my ear as he bites down moving his teeth to my neck

His hand slowly slides under my bikini bottoms and as soon as his fingers delicately touch my increasingly wet core I was completely gone, I let a small moan escape my lips and I was ready to take control

I remove his hand from me and turn him around so we’re facing each other, I look deep into his eyes and see the fire, the desire, the lust and the love he had for me, exactly what I had for him

I push him back so he falls back onto the seat “I instigated this so I’m in control, you’re not going to fuck me, I’m going to fuck you” I tell him point blank

I get onto my knees and remove his shorts, his hard erection pops out straight away smacking his firm abs, I wrap my fingers around the base on his cock as I lower my mouth into his head

“Oh fuck Sienna, yessss arghh” Alexander moans out as I suck down hard in perfect rhythm, I feel his cock become even harder and start to twitch in my mouth but I wasn’t going to let him cum yet

I slow down my pace and bit by bit place all of him down my throat while my fingers massage his balls “Oh god Sienna, that feels fucking amazing!” he groans 

Once his cock reappears from my deep throat, I release him from my mouth and stand up so I can remove my bikini, the whole time I kept eye contact with him, I know he is more comfortable being the one in control but he will enjoy this, I’ll make sure of it

I move onto his lap and lower myself onto him, he was so damn hard but my extreme arousal ensured that he went in smoothly, stretching my muscles as I fit every single bit of him inside me

Bouncing up and down on him felt incredible, I knew the exact angle to ride him at to ensure my g-spot was being continuously pounded 

I push down on his chest as he wraps his fingers around my hips grabbing on tight, our eye contact with each other breaks as he focuses on my breasts, I hear a small growl come out of my man’s mouth as I know exactly what he wants to do  

Alexander’s POV

I was fucking losing my mind, she was riding me hard and fast and her breasts were all up in my face, her beautiful pink nipples were begging to be sucked and I was more than happy to oblige 

My mouth smacks onto them and as she cries out in pleasure “Alexxxannndderr” I feel her tighten and start to climax

Her pace now out of control, her breathing heavy and erratic, her body moves closer to mine as she wraps her arms my neck, our eyes back on each other as our bodies become one

“I’m so close baby” her words barely coming out of her mouth “I love you so much Sienna, cum with me baby girl” I whisper to her, she digs her fingernails into my back as her orgasm takes over, once I feel her start to cum that’s all I needed to allow myself to release my seed deep inside her

“Fuck that was so amazing” she cries out still trying to catch her breath “Well now we can cross off ‘doing it on a boat’ from the list” I laugh as she playfully hits me “You’re so naughty” she smirks

As we both try to recover from our passionate love making it made us realized just how hot it was outside and doing what we just did made our body temperatures skyrocket, I look over to Sienna’s face and her cheeks that normally are a sweet pink glow were bright red “Si, let’s go under the deck to cool down” I say to her offering my hand

She takes my hand but leads me in the other direction “Or we could…..” she says with a mischievous grin on her face, she takes us to the edge of the boat before letting go of my hand “Let’s go in handsome” before I could even react she jumps into the ocean, I loved this side of Sienna, she was being spontaneous and completely at ease, no stress, no worry, no second guessing

I see her head pop up from the water, her hair all messy but her blue eyes sparkling like never before, she really was a goddess, my goddess

"Are you coming in or just going to watch?" she yells out, I laugh as I jump into the water with her, she immediately finds my body and wraps herself around me as her salty lips connect with mine, our kiss wasn't overly sexual but just passionate,...

“Are you coming in or just going to watch?” she yells out, I laugh as I jump into the water with her, she immediately finds my body and wraps herself around me as her salty lips connect with mine, our kiss wasn’t overly sexual but just passionate, raw and real passion 

After a while we decided to go for a swim, it was incredible seeing all the beautiful marine life below us, the different colors of the tropical fishes and stunning coral just made the day perfect

We swim towards the raft at the side of our boat “I’ll get in first and I’ll help you in Si” I say to her as we arrive at the raft

Sienna’s POV

I felt like I had died and gone to heaven, I was feeling euphoric and this amazing little love bubble that Alexander and I were in, well, I never wanted it to burst, we were both so happy and relaxed, I don’t ever wanted this feeling to end

Once at the raft Alexander pulls himself in, I was right behind him and I got to have the most perfect view of his amazing ASSets, seriously what a fucking perfect ass and it all was mine

Alexander stood up and I can’t help but be a massive perv, the ocean droplets on his drool worthy abs were being accentuated as the sun glistened on his beautiful olive skin, his hair slicked back and his smile, oh fuck his smile, his smile at times was all I ever needed

He holds out his hand for me as I accept, I climb on the raft but I only had one thing on my mind, I needed my man again, as soon as I was with him I throw my hand on the back of his neck and slam my lips on his, I was so damn attracted to Alexander, it was combination of love and lust that just took over my body, I couldn’t deny my feelings for him 

Seconds later we were naked and he was on top of me, we made slow sensual love, it was the third time today but it still felt new like I still had so much more of him to uncover, afterwards I just place my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, I was in a complete state of utter bliss

We continue to just float peacefully as I lay down on my side so I could now face him, there was something I had on my mind but I really didn’t want to ruin our day because it had been complete perfection 

“Sienna, what are you thinking about? I know that look on your face” he says to me, damn I keep forgetting that he knows me so well “Um.. nothing handsome, it doesn’t matter” I say to him trying to shake it off “You know I’m just going to bug you until you cave, come on Si you know you can tell me anything” his comforting smile gave me the courage to ask him 

“Well, I know it’s something we haven’t really talked about before…. and um.. I don’t want to put any pressure on you or make you feel like you have to do or say something that.. er um” he cuts me off “Baby you’re rambling, just say what’s on your mind, come on it’s just me” 

I clear the lump in my throat and try to ensure my words come out this time “Do you ever think about getting married again someday?” I say as my words came out as one trembled mess 

Alexander’s POV

I couldn’t believe she didn’t know how I felt about this, she must know that I’m crazy in love with her and would have married her years ago but I guess because we didn’t talk about it she didn’t know, her study came first and I gave Owen my word that I wouldn’t do anything until she finished but again I guess she didn’t know that

Her eyes become heavy and she starts to fidget, oh fuck I’ve taken too long to answer her question “It’s okay, I know you had a bad marriage and it’s probably something you wouldn’t want again and I understand that” her words were literally heartbreaking I needed to fix this right now

“Baby, I want to get married again even more because I had a bad marriage, it never felt like a proper marriage, we never had that faze of just being crazy in love newlyweds, I want to be able to take my wife’s hand and walk down the street knowing we’re only each others, I want to go out to a fancy restaurant walking in with my wife by my side knowing she’s the most beautiful woman in the room and every other man in there is jealous, I want to go out and get weird food at 3am when my wife has pregnancy cravings and see that beautiful glow on her face, I want all these things and much more… and there is only one person I want that with and that’s you Sienna, you have my heart now and forever” I pour my heart out to her as she needs to know exactly how I feel

“Alexander… that was so beautiful” I see Sienna was softly crying, tears rolling down her beautiful flushed face

This wasn’t what I had planned but I knew this was the moment, “Sienna…”  I say as I get down on one knee 


How you all enjoyed this sweet and sexy chapter, please comment and let me know your thoughts

Take Care

Starlet x

Paradise Uncovered

Alexander’s POV

I remove all of my clothes as I step into the warm soapy water filling the over sized tub and move straight to Sienna wrapping my arms round her hips, my lips connecting with her neck immediately

“Mmm you always taste so amazing Si” I growl into her ear biting down on it “Baby, let’s just enjoy the bath for a moment before we.. you know… ruin it” she laughs as she tries to calm me down

"Ruin in?!?! You mean improve it! You have no idea how badly I want you right now, I'd love to bend you over this bath and

“Ruin it?! You mean improve it! You have no idea how badly I want you right now, I’d love to bend you over this bath and….” she cuts me off before I can finish “Hey Mister, I can tell you’re very worked up but let’s just cuddle and look out at the beautiful view for a just a moment” she smiles, argh, how can I say no to her

As I start thinking about unattractive things (taxes and dead fish) to distract myself I start to actually appreciate the stunning scenery and the wonderful woman in my arms “This is really beautiful baby” I say

“I’m so happy we’re here, I honestly can’t thank you enough” she turns around to me wrapping her arms around my neck, her naked silky skin and her supple breasts up against my body was too much for me to ignore

"I'm so happy we're here, I honestly can't thank you enough" she turns around to me wrapping her arms around my neck, her naked silky skin and her supple breasts up against my body was too much for me to ignore

“Sorry baby, we can have a nice well behaved bath later” I say to her as I move her on top of my body, I throw my lips on hers like our lives depended on it 

“Alexxxannnndeerrr, you seriously have no patience” she smiles at me, ha, that smiles tells me that she’s now in the mood as well

My hands move up and down her body, her skin feels even more amazing as it was covered in the soapy warm bubbles 

I move my hands onto her ass squeezing as she moves up closer on my body, her hand finds my now very hard cock as she tugs and pulls teasing me and sending me into overdriveĀ 

I move my hands onto her ass squeezing as she moves up closer on my body, her hand finds my now very hard cock as she tugs and pulls teasing me and sending me into overdrive 

“You’re going to be in so much trouble once I get to that tight little pussy of yours Si” I growl turning her around so her hands are now clinging to the edge of the tub

“Put that plump ass of yours in the air you naughty minx” I say as she immediately complies, her beautiful soapy ass was now in the air as her breasts are placed still in the warm water

I enter her swiftly, she was tight as the only foreplay I used was my words, I place a few thrusts into her as she moans out very loudly, I pull out and move down so I can place my tongue onto her delicious pussy, I need her to relax more so I can fuck her nice and hard afterwards just like I wanted

I spread her open a little bit more as my tongue starts to flick at her entrance, I feel her muscles start to relax rather than being tight and clinched as she was before

“Alexxaannderr, that feels so damn good” she moans out as her arousal was now spreading as my tongue delves deep inside her, I feel her start to climax as her hands grip the side of the tub tighter 

“Sorry Si, not yet, I want us to cum together baby girl” I say to her as I take out my tongue and replace it with my hard as cement cock that was twitching to be inside her again

"Oh fuckk!!" she screams out as I enter her, she was still tight but more relaxed than before, I grip the side of the tub as well thrusting hard into her as she takes in every last bit of my engorged manhood

“Oh fuckk!!” she screams out as I enter her, she was still tight but more relaxed than before, I grip the side of the tub as well thrusting hard into her as she takes in every last bit of my engorged manhood

The water was splashing violently as I thrust harder into her, I slide one of my hands onto her throat as she tightens up and start to climax

“Fuck baby, such a sweet tight pussy you have, I’m so close to blowing inside it” I moan out as my dirty words cause her to cry out “Cum hard handsome, make me feel it baby” 

She screams out my name as her body stutters and convulses, I grip both her hips tighter and I blow my seed deep inside her, I came so hard I stopped breathing for a second

“Mmmm, you get better and better at doing that you naughty man” she giggles turning around kissing me hard wrapping her body around me

“Well you’re so fucking sexy Si, I can’t help but unleash on you” I smile as I rub her swollen pink cheek with my thumb

After some time she slowly moves out of the bath “Hey… where are you going good looking?” I ask “I need a cold shower to clean up and calm down…. alone” she smirks as I watch her cute naked ass walk away

I splash some of the water bath water over my face as I try and cool off myself, we defiantly both got hot and bothered during our first of I assume many hot naughty vacation sessions 

Once Sienna has returned from the shower we sit out of our balcony in our towels watching the sun set, she was laying back in my arms and I honestly can't ever remember feel this calm before

Once Sienna had returned from the shower we sit out on our balcony in our towels watching the sun set, she was laying back in my arms and I honestly can’t ever remember feeling this calm before

“Did you want to go out and grab some dinner Si?” I say to her gently rubbing her shoulders “I’m so damn hungry but also so damn tired as well, do you mind if she stay here and order in for the night?” she asks 

“Absolutely baby, as long as you stay in the towel or less all night long I’ll be happy” I laugh as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head at me

I playfully carry her inside as I place an order for way too much food, we were both starving due to our ordinary hardly eaten plane food and bath time activities

Sienna’s face lights up when she sees the amount of food being placed down in the room “Perfect ending to a perfect day” she says, I had a different perfect ending in mind for tonight but this one will have to do for now

Sienna jumps on the bed so excited like a little kid, as we sit on the bed in front of all the food I can’t help but think we ordered way too much but judging by how Sienna was making her way through it maybe not

Sienna jumps on the bed so excited like a little kid, as we sit on the bed in front of all the food I can't help but think we ordered way too much food but judging by how Sienna was making her way through it maybe not

Sienna’s POV

The plane food was seriously awful, I had one bite and I was done so this was heaven, everything tasted amazing, I can’t remember feeling this happy, being in this tropical paradise with my handsome man, making love and feasting on all this amazing food, yes I had died and gone to heaven

Afterwards I was definitely in a food coma unable to move for a good while, luckily we were ready in bed, I didn’t realize it at the time but my food coma turned into full on sleep and I slept in my man’s arms until morning

The next morning I wake up still in his arms, he was asleep but I can’t help but stare at his beautiful peaceful face, how did I get so lucky to end up with this amazing man?

I leave him alone so he can continue sleeping as I get changed and move onto our balcony to enjoy the relaxing warm weather, as I lay on down flat on my stomach reading my book I hear him stirring and eventually see him outside with just his swimmers on, honestly he couldn’t get any more handsome if he tried 

I throw a cheeky grin his way “Hey sexy man, come to join me outside?” I smile “Absolutely, though I think I’m still half asleep” he replies 

He lays next to me giving me a good morning kiss “I like what you’re wearing Si but I do prefer bikinis, easier to rip off with my teeth”  he smirks pulling on the material

“Is that all you think about?” I ask laughing and raising my eyebrow at him “Kind of, your fault though for being so damn sexy” he chuckles 

“So what is our plan for today? I ask “Well I’ve actually booked us in to do some jet skiing later this morning, do you like the sound of that?” he replies

“Fuck yes! how exciting but I have no idea how they work, never used one before” I tell him “That’s okay, there will be an instructor to show us what to do but first maybe we could test out the strength of these deck chairs” he grin moving on top of me

“Nice try mister, I’m going to have a shower before we leave” I tell him as he pouts “Fine but can I have a little taste of you before we go?” he asks taking a hold of the straps on my swimwear lowering it down exposing my chest 

He proceeds to suck on my breasts as his hand moves under the material finding my increasingly wet core “Knew you were in the mood, you can lie to me but your body can’t” he smirks, damn his cockiness

After making love on our balcony we proceed in having that shower and make our way over to the resort’s private beach to start our jet skiing lesson

Alexander’s POV

I look over at her and she was so damn cute, she was super excited to go jet skiing and as much as I would be happy to be locked in our room for 2 weeks just fooling around the whole time I know she needed more

Once at the beach we see a man on a jet ski who appeared to be the instructor, he was your typical beach buffed bone head type, oh fuck, what have I done “Alex? Sienna?” he asks with a smirk the size of Texas

“That’s Alexander” I say to him unimpressed “Sure man, no drama, let’s keep it chilled, I’m Ricky” he replies with some frat boy attitude “So should we proceed with the lesson?” he asks

“Actually I’ve used them before I think we’re fine” I reply crossing my arms “Oh not me, I’ve never used one, can you show me?” Sienna asks

“Sure gorgeous, let’s go out for a spin and I’ll show you how it all works” he smiles looking her up and down, I could literally feel my blood boiling

“Hold on tight to me, can’t have anything happen to someone so beautiful” he tells her as she looks over to me all giddy completely unaware this guy was being a sleaze 

I watch them go out to water laughing and giggling as he shows off to her zipping around the water, I keep a very close eye on them both not letting them leave my sight for a second

 As they return to the sand I can see Sienna was completely pumped and overjoyed “Thank you so much Ricky, that was incredible, I feel confident to go out myself now” she smiles

“You’re welcome babe, if only all my students were as good looking as you I’d be a very lucky man” he laughs

“So is this how you conduct your business, hitting on your female clients any chance you get?” I ask him blinded with jealous rage  


Oh no what’s going to go down?

Thank you for reading my story, got so much love for my wonderful readers, can’t thank you all enough

Please comment, love hearing from you guys so don’t be shy

Take Care

Starlet x

The Chain Effect

Alexander’s POV

I walk into the jewelry store completely overwhelmed, the butterflies in my stomach felt like they were multiplying by the second “You know you don’t have to go through with this if you’re not ready yet, it’s a big step” Jean-Marc says to me clearly seeing the sheer terror on my face

“It’s not that I’m not ready, I just don’t want to get this wrong, I want to give her the perfect ring with a perfect proposal, she deserves nothing but the best” I say to wiping some sweat from my brow

“Alexander, breath, Sienna loves you and you know she is going to say yes, stop putting huge expectations on yourself, chasing perfection will only lead to disappointment, as long as you show her how much you care that’s all that matters” Jean-Marc says to me giving me a comforting pat on the back

"Alexander, breath, Sienna loves you and you know she is going to say yes, stop putting huge expectations on yourself, chasing perfection will only lead to disappointment, as long as you show her how much you care that's all that matters" Jean-Mar...

“You’re right, I need to relax, okay…. let’s take a look” I say to him as we browse the floor 

A sales assistance comes over to us and shows us some different ring styles “Oh my gosh are you French?” she says to Jean-Marc batting her eyelashes, it was at this point that Jean-Marc flashed his own ring

“Um.. okay, I’ll leave you two for a moment to talk it over” she says leaving us with a selection of rings “That accent of yours sure does attract attention” I say to Jean-Marc laughing 

“They think because I’m French that I must be romantic and passionate….okay so maybe I’ve succumb  to that stereotype” we both laugh

“So do you like any of these ones? They’re all beautiful” he says to me as I look closely at the beautiful jewels in front of me

"I'm not sure, I mean yes they're all stunning" I say as I slowly walk away from the rings, I continue to walk around the floor until a certain ring catches my eyes

“I’m not sure, I mean yes they’re all stunning…hmm I just don’t know…” I say as I slowly walk away from the rings, I continue to walk around the floor until a certain ring catches my eyes

“Jean, what do you think of this one?” I ask him “Wow, it’s incredible, I could actually see that on Sienna’s hand”  He says as I nod  “Me too, that’s the one” I smile

Sienna’s POV

Once I had finished shopping with Scarlet and Kat I went back to the apartment to start packing, Alexander wasn’t home which was surprising as I had no idea where he would be, maybe he needed a few things for the trip too but it looked like he had already packed

I decided to have a shower before packing, we had an hour before we had to leave for the airport, half way through my shower I see a familiar figure approaching “Mind if I join you baby?” he says to me smirking as he opens the shower door “As long as you behave, we don’t have time to fool around or we’ll miss our flight” I say as I wrap my arms around his neck

“Aww no fair” he pouts “Where did you go by the way?” I ask as he starts to rub my back with my loofah “Um.. just getting a few last minute things for the trip” he stutters “Ah, thought so”

After our very innocent well behaved shower I pack everything required for the next two weeks and set my suitcase at the front door with Alexander’s “Ready to go baby? Fuck I can’t wait to spend two weeks alone with you just relaxing and being just a little bit naughty?” he says as he scoops me up into a hug and kissing down on my lips

“Please, a little bit naughty? who are you kidding?” I say to him as we both laugh, we start to head out the door when a thought flashed into my mind “OH FUCK MY PASSPORT!!” I yell out

I frantically run back to our bedroom and look in my bed side draw “Oh fuck! oh fuck! where is it?” I cry out as I turn the room inside out

Alexander starts looking around the apartment as well, 25 minutes later we were still desperately looking around the apartment, I start to feel defeated with our search efforts turning up nothing and I end up bursting into tears “Oh god I’ve ruined our holiday, I’m so sorry” 

Alexander brings me in for a hug “Baby, relax, we will find it, if we miss the flight we’ll just take the next one, it will be okay, I promise” he tells me in a soothing voice kissing me gently on the forehead

I head back to the bedroom to put my things away when I lift up one of my heavy law books, it was at the moment my passport falls out of the book “What the fuck was it doing in there?” I say frustrated 

“It doesn’t matter, come on Si we might still be able to catch that flight” he says to me grabbing my hand and racing to the front door

Luckily we get to the airport fairly quickly and rush to the check in counter, we can see the screen flashing up with ‘Final Call’ and we knew we had just made it in time 

Luckily we get to the airport fairly quickly and rush to the check in counter we can see the screen flashing up with 'Final Call' and we knew we had just made it in timeĀ 

“Mr.Rose, Ms. Hazelwood, I’ll be able to check you into the flight however our cabin storage is completely full, you will need to check in all bags including carry on” the airport check in staff member says to us

“Ugh, okay fine” I say as Alexander starts to panic “Baby, I don’t think we have much choice” I say to him as we hand over all our bags, we race over to gate 8 and board our plane immediately 

“Fuck I hate flying commercial” Alexander grumbles “I know baby” I say to him sympathetically as we take our seats at the back of the plane 

As we embark on the very long flight I watch as Alexander falls asleep on my shoulder, I think about how lucky I am to have him and how far we’ve come, 3 years ago when we were about to move in together our relationship was so badly strained after Kate’s death however once we got back together that Christmas I have to say Alexander has been my rock, he supported me in completing my degree and he moved his whole life to be with me in New York , over this time I’ve fallen deeper and deeper in love with him

Eventually we arrive in the Maldives, flying in to land I can see the beautiful sparkling crystal clear water and the lush green palm trees and I immediately feel relaxed “Baby, wake up, you have to see this” I say to Alexander slightly nudging him “Wow…. what a view… oh and it looks beautiful outside too” he says smirking as I laugh

Once off the plane we wait for our bags to come as wrap my arms around Alexander laying into his shoulder “I’m so sleepy, I can’t wait to have a bath and a nap” I say to him yawning

“Hmm… bath… some fooling around than nap, how does that sound?” Alexander teases as his hands sneak under my top “Baby…. not in public” I playfully whinge as I can tell my man is in a very frisky mood 

After trying to keep Alexander’s urges to a minimum we noticed our bags were taking ages to come out, we head over to one of the airline staff to ask them if there was some sort of delay

We walk over to the counter with the staff member as she looks up some information on the system, “Mr.Rose, Ms.Hazelwood, it appears you’re luggage was loaded onto the wrong flight, I’m so sorry about the inconvenience, I’ll get them sent here as soon as possible but I suspect it will take some time, I’ll organize some vouchers for you to get clothing and anything else will be covered by insurance” she tells us regrettably

I look over at Alexander’s face and it was like he was about to explode, the veins in his neck were bulging and his face was flushed red with rage, I pull him to the side before he can say anything to the staff member

“Baby, it’s okay, it’s not her fault, the bags will come soon and based on how you’ve been behaving I didn’t think we needed much clothing anyway” I whisper the last part to him quietly as I rub his back trying to get him to calm down 

I watch as Alexander starts to hyperventilate, fuck he was really freaking out about our bags being missing “Handsome, let’s just leave our details with the lady and go check in to our hotel, we’ll take a long bath together, please baby, I just want us to be happy and relaxed on our vacation” I smile at him as he starts to slow down his breathing 

Alexander’s POV

I felt like such a fucking idiot, why didn’t I insist on taking the ring out of the bag when we checked in, I know I hesitated about it as Sienna was right there looking at me

I wanted to propose tonight and have the whole trip to celebrate as a madly in loved engaged couple but now that wasn’t going to happen, not to mention it would take me another 2 years to save up for that ring if I had to purchase it again

After putting down all our details Sienna and I get into the waiting car to take us to our resort, I couldn’t help but feel completely crushed about having no bags or luggage right now and having to postpone the proposal, it just felt like our vacation was getting off to a bad start

I immediately start to feel better when I see Sienna’s face light up when she sees the resort we will be staying at “Oh my god Alexander, did you book one of those over water bungalows?” she asks like a kid on Christmas day “Absolutely baby, just for you and me” I say to her able to smile again

We get to the front desk with nothing while the hotel employee get us our key “Si, why don’t you run a bath and I’ll pick us up a few items in the gift shop, try and find some clothes and toiletries while you have that soak you’re dying for” I say to her as I place my arms around her

“That sounds wonderful, don’t be too long though, I want you in that tub with me” she says giving me a long loving kiss

As I watch Sienna walk towards our bungalow I speak with the hotel staff member “I need to cancel the dinner plans and arrangements I made tonight, It has to be postponed until we have our things back” I tell her as she nods  

I wander over to the small gift shop, I was able to get us a couple of toothbrushes, swimwear and a few pieces of clothing, we would need to go into the main town tomorrow to get a few more things

As I open the door to our beautiful water bungalow I see the most gorgeous sight, no it wasn’t the picturesque blue water that went for miles or the deep blue sky without a single cloud but the beautiful goddess in the over sized bath tub 

She turns and smiles at me “Baby, this place is amazing, thank you for this, how can I ever repay you?” she asks

I thought to myself just say yes when I ask you to the question I’m dying to ask you, that’s all I’ll ever want or ever need


Thank you to everyone who has followed my blog where I will now finish this story, I’m so sorry to everyone for this shit but Wattpad were just being so unreasonable

Please continue to comment as you usually would, I love hearing from you guys and it gives me the motivated to keep going

Thank you again for all your support, I can’t tell you how deeply it’s appreciated

Take Care

Love Starlet x 


So I promise this is the last chapter that we will do the 3 years past/3 years present, next chapter will all be the present!

3 years past – Alexander’s POV

After we finished putting the Christmas tree up I suggest for Sienna to have a bath as she was a bit cold and weary “How about you have a nice long soak in the tub while I make us some dinner and I’ll start to… um.. unpack my things, if that’s okay?” I ask hoping that wasn’t too forward

“That sounds wonderful, thank you handsome” she says as she gives me a kiss and wanders over to the bathroom

I multitask by throwing together a pasta bake then placing in the oven as well as unpacking some of my things, I honestly couldn’t beat this feeling of knowing that I’m living here now with my beautiful goddess Sienna

I also set up some candles to warm up the room as well as getting a romantic mood going, I didn’t expect Sienna to want to make love straight away but just to be in each other’s arms would be more than enough for me or so I thought

I wait for her in our bedroom as she finishes off her bath, she walks into the room and gets into a beautiful white lace robe "No trying to get a sneak peek handsome" she laughs as she turns away from me so I can't see her towel drop "Aww, no fair...

I wait for her in our bedroom as she finishes off her bath, she walks into the room and gets into a beautiful white lace robe “No trying to get a sneak peek handsome” she laughs as she turns away from me so I can’t see her towel drop “Aww, no fair Si” I laugh

“Do you know how angelic you look Sienna? honestly baby, you take my breath away” I say to her as I pull her onto my lap and start to kiss down her neck “You smell amazing” I whisper as I wrap my arms around her hips

"Do you know how angelic you look Sienna? honestly baby, you take my breath away" I say to her as I pull her onto my lap and start to kiss down her neck "You smell amazing" I whisper as I wrap my arms around her hips

3 years past – Sienna’s POV

As he pulls me onto his lap I instantly feel weak, I didn’t want to give into him so easily I wanted us to have dinner and talk while slowly easing back into being a couple but I don’t know if I can resist this man

His hands move from my hips to under my robe running his fingers down my back, his kisses travelling down further as he pulls down the material slightly as to expose more of my skin

“Baby… maybe we should just slow things down and talk first” I say to him as I take deeper breaths in “Ah huh” he replies as he moves back up to my neck and his teeth gently starting to bite down

“Alexxanndderr I’m serious, let’s go watch a movie” I say to him as my skin is now covered in goosebumps, his hands now exploring my legs and thighs “mmmhmm” he mutters as I know he wasn’t taking me seriouslyƂ 

He suddenly pulls me closer to him on his lap and I could feel his hardness, oh shit he was rock hard and the way his mouth was exploring my body I wasn’t surprised

I had to be the strong one here, I had to take control again, I grab his hands and bring them into mine as he looks up at me clearly wondering what I’m doing “Baby, we don’t have to do this” I say to him looking for this reaction

He leans in to kiss my lips but pulls away, the first time I just thought our timing was off but once he does it a second time I knew his game, he was trying to tease me, seduce me

"I can stop at anytime Si, just say the word" he growls out as his pulls me even closer to him, I was now up against his body, I could feel every moment and I start to lose myself in him

“I can stop at anytime Si, just say the word” he growls out as his pulls me even closer to him, I was now up against his body, I could feel every moment and I start to lose myself in him

I close my eyes as he continues to tease my lips, as my eyes shut his scent overpower my senses and all I want to do is drink him in, I love his manly intoxicating scent, even when he wasn’t here I still kept a shirt of his under my pillow, I wanted to be covered in his scent

He lifts me up against his body once more as his lips crash down on mine hard, this kiss was passionate and needy, his tongue fighting mine for power, I had never seen him this worked up before

“I’d do anything to have you right now baby, I’m losing my mind, the desire I have for you consumes me” he growls out as his hand moves under my robe and cups my left breast as his mouth sucks down on my neck

It was this action that caused me to moan out loud, shit, I had lost, my body had betrayed me, my mind was strong but my hunger for him was stronger and letting that moan slip out meant that he knew he had won, he had me, he knew I wanted all of him

“You’re mine again Sienna and I’ll make you mine over and over again” he groans as his rips off my robe and pulls off his clothes in a matter of seconds

He then lifts me up and lowers me down on his hard cock, his tip just teasing my soaked core, circling and dipping in and out without fully penetrating me

“Tell me you want this baby” he growls as he looks straight into my eyes, the yearning in his eyes was unmistakable, he was ready to unleash however I now saw this as my turn to tease him

“Hmmm, I don’t know baby, how do I know you’re still any good? how do I know you still know how to properly fuck me?”Ƃ  I smirk at him as his eyes grow wide, I had never seen that look on his face before, I think it was mixture of shock, lust and sexual frustration

“Oh Si, you’re in so much trouble now, I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a week, starting right now” he groans as he roughly enters my wetness, throwing me up and down on him as he grabs my assƂ 

“Oh fuccckkkk Oooohh Alleeexxaaaander” I yell out as I can feel his how incredibly cement hard his cock has become “You sure don’t sound like a woman who isn’t being fucked properly” he quips as I continue to moan and gasp at each deep thrust

He moves us into the lounge and I see all the beautiful candles and the soft white blankets he had placed in the room, it looked so romantic but what we were doing right now was more animalistic than romantic

“Let me suck on those delicious pink nipples while you ride my cock beautiful” he says as he throws us down on the white cashmere blanket

As soon as his mouth connects with my breasts I was in heaven, his warm mouth sucking down as his tongue flicks my nipples, I use my hips to thrust into him as his cock hits the exact spot that makes me scream and climaxƂ 

“You’re so wet baby, fuck it’s such a turn on” he growls out, he was right I was so aroused and I was moments away from achieving orgasm

He removes himself from me as he knows I’m about to get my release “Not yet baby, I want to stay deep inside you for much, much longer” he demands as he flips me onto my back with my head resting on a cushion

He enters me once more and his mouth couldn’t decide where it wanted to be, it darted from my neck, mouth, shoulders and breasts, he was being wild and impulsive and it was so fucking hot, I was quickly losing every bit of air from my lungs as I struggle to keep up with him, I just wanted to let myself be taken over by this incredible man

He enters me once more and his mouth couldn't decide where it wanted to be, it darted from my neck, mouth, shoulders and breasts, he was being wild and impulsive and it was so fucking hot, I was quickly losing every bit of air from my lungs as I s...

“Baby, you’re my goddess, my absolute love, my everything, you make me feel so alive” he cries out as I can tell he’s close to getting his release

My legs wrap around his back as he goes in deeper and harder than before, it was a perfect rhythm and our intensity was like nothing we had experienced before

“I’m about to cum so hard into your tight wet pussy beautiful” he growls as I moan out at his words “Oh yesss please baby, please cum hard inside me” I scream as I enter the final stages of my climax

He pins down my wrists as his body start to convulse, both us gasping for air as I manage to scream out his name one last time before our orgasms simultaneously hit leaving us both complete messesƂ 

“Okay….. now we can talk or watch a movie” he mutters out laughing as I playfully hit him, he pulls me into him “Sorry baby, I just had to have you, it’s your own fault for being so damn sexy”Ƃ 

3 years past – Alexander’s POV

I did start to feel bad for coming on so strong, I honestly didn’t expect us to be intimate straight away but I couldn’t control myself with her, it had been nearly a month since we were together and all I can think about was having my lips on her naked skin, feeling the weight on her body on mine while I explore every single inch of her

As the guilt started to grow I knew I had to do something to make up for it “Let me get you some dinner and a hot drink Si” I say to her jumping up from the ground, I throw on a robe and sweatpants then heat up some food

I bring her the food as she sits in the lounge looking at the Christmas tree with her beautiful pink cheeks still glowing from our love making “I have an idea for us” I say to her as she looks up at me smilingƂ 

I bring her the food as she sits in the lounge looking at the Christmas tree with her beautiful pink cheeks still glowing from our love making "I have an idea for us" I say to her as she looks up at me smilingƂĀ 
I move her over to the window and bring over the over sized lounge chair "How about we drink cocoa, stayed wrapped up in a warm blanket and watch the snow falling until it's Christmas" I say to her as I see the cutest little smile appear on her face

I move her over to the window and bring over the over sized lounge chair “How about we drink cocoa, stayed wrapped up in a warm blanket and watch the snow falling until it’s Christmas” I say to her as I see the cutest little smile appear on her face

“Sounds perfect” she giggles as I take her in my arms lowering her down in front of me and wrap us all up as one

We had 40 minutes or so before midnight and officially Christmas day so we watched the snow gently fall on New York City, we were able to faintly see the Rockefeller Christmas tree from our window, it was just perfect

As the clock strikes midnight I turn her towards me and place down a gentle loving kiss "Merry Christmas Sienna, I know this will be the first of many together baby" I say to her unable to hide my immense joy "Merry Christmas Alexander, you're all...

As the clock strikes midnight I turn her towards me and place down a gentle loving kiss “Merry Christmas Sienna, I know this will be the first of many together baby” I say to her unable to hide my immense joy “Merry Christmas Alexander, you’re all I ever needed, the best present ever” she smiles, fuck I love this woman so damn much

3 years present – Alexander’s POV

I can hear Sienna in the other room squealing and laughing with Scarlet on the phone telling her about us leaving for our vacation tomorrow, I look down at my phone and see a message from Jean-Marc

“Hey Bud, I’ve booked this expensive suite for Scarlet and I tonight and it’s kind of important because the amount of uninterrupted time we get thanks to Violetta is minimal so if there is anyway you could get Sienna and Scarlet off the phone to each other I’ll be forever in your debt”

I couldn’t help but laugh hard at Jean-Marc’s text, he was a man on edge I could tell “Oh that’s too funny, no problem I’ll try my best to get Sienna off the phone, enjoy your night!”

I decided to take off all my clothes and wait for her to discover me on the dining room chair “Sienna?” I call out, she casually walks back into the room and her face drops as she’s shocked by my unexpected outfit or lack thereofƂ 

I decided to take off all my clothes and wait for her to discover me on the dining room chair "Sienna?" I call out, she casually walks back into the room and her face drops as she's shocked by my unexpected outfit or lack thereofƂĀ 

“Um… Scar, gotta go… see er.. you at 9am” Sienna mutters out as I laugh “See something you like Si?” I smirk

“Absolutely, and judging by whats happening between your legs I think you might feel the same way” she chuckles as I swoop her up moving us into the bedroom, I was about to make love to my college educated kick ass Lawyer girlfriend

3 years present – Sienna’s POV

I woke up super early and excited, I couldn’t believe Alexander surprised me with a vacation, just two weeks of sun, beach, love making and relaxing, I couldn’t wait

Before meeting up with Scarlet I had a few things to do before we left, I had to go to the drug store to get my pill script refilled and drop off some work to Damon who I had been assisting with on some of his cases

It’s now 9am and I meet up with Scarlet to firstly grab a coffee “Oh I need a big big coffee, I have had no sleep” Scarlet says wearing an over sized pair of sunglasses “Big night hey?” I say to her winking “Well you know what they say about the French, they’re lovers not fighters and my man is very… French” she chucklesƂ 

I end up dragging Scarlet's ass up and down 5th Avenue, her friend Kat ended up joining us as well, "Okay so you need new bikinis, now seeing as you'll be at the beach everyday you'll need about 3 or 4

I end up dragging Scarlet’s ass up and down 5th Avenue, her friend Kat ended up joining us as well, “Okay so you need new bikinis, now seeing as you’ll be at the beach everyday you’ll need about 3 or 4…. maybe 5 to play it safe” Kat tells us as we laugh

I try a few on and pick out a few different styles that I thought were cute “Hmm I like these three” I say to the girls “Good choice hun, get those three, Scar and I might get a couple of extras pairs for you as back up” she winks

I try a few on and pick out a few different styles that I thought were cute "Hmm I like these three" I say to the girls "Good choice hun, get those three, Scar and I might get a couple of extras pairs for you as back up" she winks

After swimwear shopping we hit Saks for dresses and general beachwear before heading over to the lingerie section “Okay this is important, you need to find something to blow his mind… well not just his mind” Kat says laughing as Scarlet shakes her head “Oh you’re so full on Katrina”

“What color do you like Sienna?” Kat asks me “Um.. pink?” I say to her unsure of what’s going to happen next, I go around the store and pick out a few itemsƂ 

“Hmmm, no, no and no, you know you’re going on a hot romantic vacation with your sex on legs boyfriend not some grandma convention” Kat says to me snatching my items out of my hands “Try this one” she say pushing me into a change room “So Scar, why are you friends with her again?” I ask as she laughs “She’s bossy but she’s right most of the time”

“Um so how is this pink?” I ask as I try on the very sheer and racy black with a splash of red bodysuit, I reluctantly walk out of the change room to show them “Oh fuck yes!” Kat yells out as the other shoppers start to look over at us “Wow Sienna, he will freakin’ lose it when he sees you in this” Scarlet saysƂ 

"Um so how is this pink?" I ask as I try on the very sheer and racy black with a splash of red bodysuit, I reluctantly walk out of the change room to show them "Oh fuck yes!" Kat yells out as the other shoppers start to look over at us "Wow Sienna...

“Okay, I’ll get it but it better result in us having the best sex imaginable” I tell them as I get changed back into my normal clothes “Don’t worry if not we will come back and get a refund” Kat laughs

3 years present – Alexander’s POV

Sienna was out shopping with Scarlet and Kat but little did she know that she wasn’t the only one shoppingƂ 

I meet up with Jean-Marc for coffee and a certain type of shopping “I can’t thank you enough for getting them off the phone last night, oh what a night it turned out to be” Jean says to me taking a big gulp of his coffee “So much so I should be buying this as a big fucking thank you to you”

I laugh at his gesture “No need, I’ve been putting away money for the last 2 years so I can get her something amazing” I tell him “It needs to be perfect” I say as he nods

“Well you’ve got 5 floors to choose from, If you can’t find it here, you can’t find it anywhere” he replies

I take a deep breath as we walk inside “Okay, let’s find a ring that she’ll want to wear for forever”

I take a deep breath as we walk inside "Okay, let's find a ring that she'll want to wear for forever"


Oooh things are getting a little bit serious (and naughty) now, who is ready for the loved up couple’s vacation next chapter? woo!

Hope you all enjoyed this spicyƂ chapter, please continue to share you comments and thoughts, love hearing for you all x

Hope you’re all having a wonderful pre Christmas weekƂ 

Take Care

Starlet x


Just like last chapter – 
*Just to give you some context about this chapter the timeline will be jumping back and forth from 3 years past (Just after Brandon confessed his love to Sienna) to 3 years present (Sienna’s graduation) I’ll try and keep in as non confusing as possible!

3 years past – Alexander’s POV

When Brandon told us about Kate’s death I felt like my whole body, my whole system just shut down, I kept replaying in my head my final words to her, it was pure torture, it was one emotion I kept feeling, regret.

Sienna came to comfort me but I felt like I didn’t deserve it, I knew Sienna’s love would make me feel better but I needed to be punished, I was a monster

Even though what Kate did was wrong how could I say that to the mother of my child? Now I can never take it back, ever

It made me think If I could be so heartless to someone I was once in love with than would I one day say the same thing to Sienna? Say something just as cruel in the heat of the moment?

As the days when on I began to loathe myself, I didn’t deserve to be happy and I certainly didn’t deserve a woman like Sienna, strong, confident, beautiful, intelligent. She was completely out of my league

When Sienna confronted me I hated seeing her hurt but I was too far gone at that point, I was in dark place and I couldn’t seem to get out of it, I just wanted to shut everything and everyone out

It was a few hours after Sienna left for New York when I heard a knock on the door, I was staying at a pilot buddy’s place who was going to be out of town for a month so no one should be knocking, I ignore the first few knocks before eventually answering, it was Owen. 

He was standing there with an unfamiliar woman, “Alexander, this is Dr.Daria, she’s here to speak to you and I’m not talking no for answer because if you don’t speak to her, you’ll never have my blessing to see my daughter again” he states in a very serious manner, well played Owen.

I went into the lounge with Dr.Daria and sat there in silence for a while until eventually I slowly started to open up, we spoke for an hour until she had to leave, she asked me to see her tomorrow at her office in town

After she left, I just cried, I hadn't cried yet over what had happened but I finally broke down and mourned the loss of Kate, a woman who I once loved many many years ago and who gave me such an amazing gift, my son Brandon

After she left, I just cried, I hadn’t cried yet over what had happened but I finally broke down and mourned the loss of Kate, a woman who I once loved many many years ago and who gave me such an amazing gift, my son Brandon

That’s another thing that scared me, Brandon, he didn’t deserve to lose his Mother and now I’m the only parent he has left and look at me, I’m so fucked up, how can I ever help him out, I was useless

I continued to see Dr.Daria everyday and slowly I began to leave the dark hole I was in, she told me I had very low self esteem which may be the result of having a failed marriage and a wife who didn’t find me attractive or want to be with me physically or emotionally and now I had a woman who was the exact opposite and I was screwing it up, what the fuck was I doing?

After that particular session with Dr.Daria I felt like a big cold bucket of ice water was thrown on me, fuck, I need Sienna, I can’t be without her, at times I still don’t feel like I deserve her but I need her, she was my air, my life, my everything and I might have lost her

When I got to New York and went to see her I had butterflies in my stomach, I didn’t know how she was going to react, when I saw her again my heart immediately raced, she was so beautiful and radiant but I could tell straight away she was so damn pissed off

She had all of my things boxed up in a corner, I was lucky they weren’t out on the street, she then handed me the broken photo frame and that really hit me, it hit me just how much I hurt her, I could feel myself starting to go to that dark place again, thinking I hurt her so I don’t deserve her but this time I remembered Dr.Daria words, I deserved love and I deserved happiness and I want it from only one woman, Sienna.

I knew I would have to fight to get her to forgive me and so I penned down every thought, every feeling, every emotion I ever felt for her and sent them to her with gifts

Meeting her at the cafe I was feeling every possible emotion, maybe she was meeting up with me to break up with me for good, maybe I wouldn’t be able to get out everything I needed to say, everything I needed to tell her but once I saw her angelic face I knew I had to put it all out there, I needed my amazing woman back with me

After she left I still didn’t know what was going to happen to us, I honestly don’t think I could ever forgive myself if I lost Sienna

3 years past – Sienna’s POV

It was Christmas Eve and I had planned to have lunch with Brandon and exchange Christmas presents, “Hey Boo, ain’t you looking super cute” he says giving me a kiss on the cheek “Always the charmer B” I say to him smirking

We talked for a while before Brandon suggests to swap presents “Come on Boo, let’s see if you did any good” he laughs

Brandon opens his present first “Love a big present” he smirks as he rips off the paper, he looks at it for a moment maybe unsure as to what it is “I know you’ve always wanted to start a band so this could be something to get that process going” I say to him, I got him some recording equipment so he can become a superstar in no time

“Boo, that’s so thoughtful, I haven’t told you about that in ages, I can’t believe you remembered” He says to me smiling “I never forgot anything you tell me” I reply 

It was now my turn to open his, I was taken a back when I saw it “Oh my god Brandon, this is the most beautiful necklace I’ve ever seen” I was completely in awe of the beautiful jewels shining and glistening in front of me

“I saw it and it reminded me of you, you’re just like a star, beautiful and shining bright” he says to me as I can feel my eyes start to water

"Boo, are you doing okay?" He asks, I shake my head and look down, this amazing man just gave me the most beautiful necklace and I was about to break his heart

“Boo, are you doing okay?” He asks, I shake my head and look down, this amazing man just gave me the most beautiful necklace and I was about to break his heart

3 years present – Sienna’s POV

Everyone at the bar was quiet as Brandon spoke on stage “I want to ask a very special lady to come up and join me on stage….Zara… Zara baby please come up here” he announces as the crowd goes wild, it was just at that moment I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist

“Si, do you have any idea how sexy you look in this red dress?” he whispers into my ear “You’ll have to show me later handsome” I reply raising my eyebrow looking back at my man, Alexander

"Si, do you have any idea how sexy you look in this red dress?" he whispers into my ear "You'll have to show me later handsome" I reply raising my eyebrow looking back at my man, Alexander

“Where have you been by the way?” I ask turning and wrapping my arms around his neck “Just finishing off a few things… you’ll see baby” he smirks as his lips softly kiss mine

Zara gets up on stage and Brandon continues “Zara, I know we’ve had a lot of ups and downs but you’ve always be there for me, our relationship has gotten stronger and stronger over time and you never gave up, you’re amazing my darling Za-Za, I wanted everyone here to know my beautiful girlfriend just graduated from New York Fashion Tech and has been accepted for position at Ralph Lauren, so can everyone please raise their glasses in congratulating Zara, the new junior designer for Ralph Lauren” Brandon looked so proud of Zara, it was really beautiful

“Lucky they didn’t announce a pregnancy or I’d be calling you Grampa Rose!” Jean-Marc says to Alexander nudging his arm “I cannot be a Grandfather, I’m way too young” Alexander replies shaking his head as we all laugh

“I know you just got here but Scarlet and I have a suite booked tonight and we need to make the most of it” Jean says snaking his arm around Scarlet

"I know you just got here but Scarlet and I have a suite booked tonight and we need to make the most of it" Jean says snaking his arm around Scarlet

“I want a full briefing tomorrow morning first thing if anything happens tonight” Scarlet whispers into my ear “Yes, of course” I chuckle 

Jean-Marc and Scarlet say goodnight to us as we stay back and watch the end of Brandon’s set, afterwards we meet up with Brandon and Zara for a final drink before heading off ourselves

3 years past – Sienna’s POV

“Brandon, it breaks my heart to say this to you or to hurt you because you don’t deserve it, you’re the most amazing man but my heart belongs to him and I can’t change that, I’m so sorry” I say to trying to clear the lump that’s built up in my throat 

I see Brandon start to become uncomfortable and fidgety, this is not how I wanted this day to go but I couldn’t let him keep thinking that we might have a chance to be together because we don’t, Alexander holds my heart

“Oh god, I think I’m going to be sick” Brandon calls outs “What? Really… Why?!” I say to him pained by his words, he shakes his head, “I just had a thought…. one day…. one day… you’re probably going to be my Stepmom” we both look at each other in horror before bursting out laughing “Oh god, that’s so wrong” I say to him

 you're probably going to be my Stepmom" we both look at each other in horror before bursting out laughing "Oh god, that's so wrong" I say to him
"You'll have to behave or you'll get a spanking over my knee" I say to him jokingly "Well I'm definitely not behaving then!" we both laugh

“You’ll have to behave or you’ll get a spanking over my knee” I say to him jokingly “Well I’m definitely not behaving then!” we both laugh

I knew Brandon had just made that joke about me being his Stepmom to cut out the awkward tension, he used humor to deflect from his pain 

“Seriously though, that won’t be happening anytime soon, Alexander has hurt us both, he needs to prove to us that we can trust him and that he’s learnt from his mistakes” I say to Brandon ensuring he knows that I won’t accept Alexander behaving this way in the future

We stayed for a while longer chatting before I head off “What you up to now Boo?” he asks “Well, I haven’t put up my Christmas tree yet so I’m going to throw on some tacky xmas music, consume some highly alcoholic egg nog and attempt to get into the Christmas spirit” I say to him as he smiles as me

“Call him… I know he’d want to hear from you” he says as he hugs me goodbye “You’re way too good to me” I say as he slowly pulls away from me “Have a lovely Christmas with Zara and her family” I say as he gives me a shy smile and walks away

As I head back home I think about if I’m ready to speak with Alexander yet, I’m not sure if it was just because it was the night before Christmas or I was truly ready to forgive but I decided it was time

“You know I have a huge apartment and haven’t put up a single Christmas decoration yet, I might need some help….” I send to him waiting for his response, I didn’t have to wait long, I got one back seconds later “You will definitely need help with that job…. I’ll be over in 20 minutes, can’t wait to see you x” 

I let out a small smile as I read his message, I started to get giddy at the thought of seeing him, I wanted to fix this so badly, I wanted us again 

3 years present – Alexander’s POV

I take Sienna back to our apartment and I couldn’t wait to show her the surprise I had planned, we walk into our apartment with my lips on her neck wrapping her up from behind

“Baby, what’s all this?” She excitedly shouts out as she sees the flowers and champagne on the table “Just a small congratulations present, I have a much bigger present for you if you’d like it?” I smirk as she nods her head

"Baby, what's all this?" She excitedly shouts out as she sees the flowers and champagne on the table "Just a small congratulations present, I have a much bigger present for you if you'd like it?" I smirk as she nods her head

I walk into our bedroom getting out the envelope as I hear her opening up the bottle of champagne “Something I’ve waited to do with you for years and now we can finally do it” I say to her kissing her champagne soaked lips

I watch Sienna slowly open up the envelope, she had the cutest little smile on her face “Oh…my… Fuck!! We’re going to the Maldives?!” she jumps up and down

“Yep! We leave tomorrow night for two weeks, just you, me and minimal clothing” I say kissing her passionately, she stops our passionate embrace “Oh my god I have to call Scarlet, we need to go shopping tomorrow, I need a new bikini and sundress” she says trailing off as she looks for her phone, I was hoping tonight we could start our celebration early but I guess we will have plenty of time for that on our holiday, her excitement was the cutest thing I had ever seen

3 years past – Sienna’s POV

I hear the front door buzz and I see Alexander on the monitor, he looked so damn handsome with the snow gently falling on him, I buzz him up as I start to feel nervous

I open the door and greet him with a small kiss on the cheek "Hello" I say as he smiles down at me "Hello, you look so adorable Si, so beautiful" my cheeks felt like they were on fire, I blushed at his sweet words

I open the door and greet him with a small kiss on the cheek “Hello” I say as he smiles down at me “Hello, you look so adorable Si, so beautiful” my cheeks felt like they were on fire, I blushed at his sweet words

He takes his jacket off as we sit down in the lounge “I’ve had a think about things and I’m really disappointed about how you handled the whole situation, you really hurt me, however, I understand that you weren’t in a good head space at the time and I’m glad you spoke to someone to get you out of that dark place you were in” I say strongly to him

“I can’t forget all the good things you’ve done for me and all the love I have for you, I want us to go back to how we were because we were amazing, more than amazing” I say as I start to tear up

“I want you know that this time I forgive you but next time I won’t, I need you to prove to me that you’ll always be around no matter what, no matter how hard things get and in return I’ll do the same, I’ll be here for you during the hard times and we get through them together” I say to him as I see him starting to get emotional

“Thank you baby, I’m so sorry I hurt you, never again, I promise” he falls to his knees collapsing his head in my lap

I run my fingers through his hair as he slowly calms down, he looks up at me smiling as I wipe away the single tear remaining “Come on Rose, you’ve got a lot of decorations to put up” I say as he laughs

We put up the tree and placed some ornaments on our plastic fantastic tree, we thought it would be fitting to have a white tree for our first white Christmas in New York

“Merry Christmas Alexander” I say to him “Merry Christmas Sienna, I love you baby, Always”



Ah yes it was always Alexander but damn did I feel sorry for Brandon, has anyone watched the final episode of ‘How I met your Mother’? Maybe I should make an ending like that! (Aka Alexander as the Mother and Brandon as Robin) … J/K!!!

Were you happy with Sienna choice of Alexander?

So even though this could be a good chapter to end on I’m not ending it yet, I still have a few important things I’d like to see happen first and one of them I don’t think anyone could guess, it’s a bit different but good different!

Just over a week before Christmas so I hope you guys enjoyed this Christmassy chapter, please comment, vote or follow, love hearing from you guys!

Take Care

Starlet x

Is that Enough?

*Just to give you some context about this chapter the timeline will be jumping back and forth from 3 years past (Just after Brandon confessed his love to Sienna) to 3 years present (Sienna’s graduation) I’ll try and keep in as non confusing as possible!

3 years past – Sienna’s POV

It shook me to my core when Brandon confessed his feelings to me, I knew he had felt things for me in the past but I thought with Zara now in the picture as well as Alexander and I being together that it had long passed, obviously not

When I see Brandon lean in to kiss me I immediately jump up off the couch “Brandon, I know Alexander is being kind of a jerk right now but we can’t do this to him” I say to him trying to let him down easy “Why? That didn’t seem to stop him the first time he kissed you when I was your boyfriend!”

“That’s different Brandon, Alexander knew that Penelope had blackmailed you into going out with me, he didn’t think your feelings for me were very genuine” I say to him as I watch him pace up and down the room

“I’m never going to be good enough for you, am I? It will always be him!” Brandon huffs in frustration “Don’t say that, you’re more than good enough, any woman would be lucky to have you” I say to him genuinely

“What if he never comes Sienna, what if he never comes back to New York?” Brandon asks me clearly frustrated “I don’t know, I guess I move on with life the best I can, I won’t let it define me” I say to him shrugging 

“I’m going to go home now Sienna but know this, I’m not running away and I’m not giving up, if Alexander doesn’t get his shit together soon I’m coming back because I know I can make you happy, I’ll love you always Sienna and I’ll prove to you that I’m a man worthy of your love” he says taking my hands in his lightly kissing my cheek goodbye

I have to admit I was really impressed by Brandon, he had just lost his Mother and he was stepping up to be there for me, there was no tantrums, no immaturity, just a strong young man dealing with his grief, I actually had no doubt in my mind that Brandon would make me happy but was it what my heart wanted? Maybe I needed my head to overrule my heart and over time they would both be on the same page

3 years present – Sienna’s POV

I was feeling so nervous and a complete wreck, I can’t believe I was graduating today, all those endless hours of study and sacrifice finally paid off, I was graduating today with honors and I couldn’t wait to get started on my law career helping those that needed it the most

All of my family was here and the people closest to me, when my name was called out I look out to see them all cheering me on, the look on my man’s face was indescribable, he knew how important this was to me and he was so proud, happiness was oozing out of him 

All of my family was here and the people closest to me, when my name was called out I look out to see them all cheering me on, the look on my man's face was indescribable, he knew how important this was to me and he was so proud, happiness was ooz...

After the ceremony I meet up with everyone, I had planned to have a late lunch with my parents and catch up with everyone else later at the graduation after party

“You were gorgeous up there, so beautiful and radiant” he tells me wrapping his arms around my waist “Thank you, I couldn’t have done this without you, the support you’ve given me has been nothing short of amazing” I tell him as I kiss his lovely soft lips

My Dad signals that he’s hungry and wants lunch now so I kiss my man goodbye and thank him for today “Today isn’t even close to be over yet” he says shooting me his little signature smirk 

3 years past – Sienna’s POV

It had been a few days since Brandon came over to confess his feelings for me and it had been just over a week since I last tried to contact Alexander, I hadn’t heard from either of them and my head was a complete mess

As I finish up study for the night I hear the buzz from the front of the apartment complex, I look to my monitor and was taken a back, it was Alexander

I shake my head and ignore his request to enter the building, I move into my bedroom to put away some of my clothes before I hear a knock on my front door minutes later, again, I ignore it

I shake my head and ignore his request to enter the building, I move into my bedroom to put away some of my clothes before I hear a knock on my front door minutes later, again, I ignore it

Moments later I hear the front door open, I rush out to see what was going on “How did you get in here?” I say to him fuming “I showed my ID to the doorman to prove I live here, he gave me a temporary key” he tells me looking very sheepish 

“You live here? Wow could have fooled me!” I reply crossing my arms “All your stuff is in the corner over there, please take it and leave” I say to him turning my back to him walking away

“Baby, please, please can we talk?” he pleads with me “Oh now you want to talk? now when it’s convenient for you? It doesn’t work that way Alexander, Oh and by the way… don’t call be ‘Baby’, you don’t get to call me that” I snarl, I was beyond pissed

“You continuously pushed me away, you made me feel like shit when all I wanted to do was help you, I know you were hurting but you ended up hurting me, I’ve been in this huge apartment all alone being ignored by the man that was meant to love me unconditionally, I was so excited to move in with you and instead of a fairy tale it ended up being a fucking nightmare” I started off that speech angry but ended it in tears

I see him try and approach to comfort me but I didn’t want any part of it “No! Don’t come near me, please just get your stuff and get out” I say to him as I leave the room

As I grab a glass of water to calm down I remember one thing I did want to give him “Oh I nearly forgot, you can put this with the rest of your stuff” I say to him handing him a small box, he opens it up to see the photo frame he bought for our apartment

As I grab a glass of water to calm down I remember one thing I did want to give him "Oh I nearly forgot, you can put this with the rest of your stuff" I say to him handing him a small box, he opens it up to see the photo frame he bought for our ap...
"Take care Alexander" I walk off to the bedroom as he shouts out to me "This isn't over Sienna, not even close, I'll fight for you until the end"Ā 

“Take care Alexander” I walk off to the bedroom as he shouts out to me “This isn’t over Sienna, not even close, I’ll fight for you until the end” 

I shut the bedroom door locking it as I breakdown crying hard, I muffle my pain in the pillow so he doesn’t hear me

10 minutes later I hear the front door shut and go out to look to ensure he has gone, I see he didn’t take any of his stuff, not a single thing, the only thing that was gone was the smashed photo frame and the man that caused me to smash it

3 years present – Sienna’s POV

“Okay so what do you think of this dress?” I ask Scarlet “Yes!! I love it, nothing sexier than a red dress, it evokes passion and love” she says smirking at me, I was getting ready for my graduation after party at Scarlet’s place after having a wonderful lunch with my parents

"Okay so what do you think of this dress?" I ask Scarlet "Yes!! I love it, nothing sexier than a red dress, it evokes passion and love" she says smirking at me, I was getting ready for my graduation after party at Scarlet's place after having a wo...

“Do you remember the red dress I wore to my Bachelorette party? Jean was all over me wearing that dress, it sent him crazy and I think you’re going to do the same thing tonight, you’re going to send your man ccrrraazzzyyy” we both laugh out

“Jean was crazy because you were nearing the end of your sex ban, you could have been wearing a outfit made of cat hair and newspaper and he still would have been all over you” I say smirking

“Well maybe… but tonight is all about you, do you think he has anything special planned for tonight?” Scarlet asks me “I don’t know, he kind of said something to me before but I don’t want to over think things” I reply

Betty arrives at the apartment to look after Violetta for the night, Scarlet and I head out to the party together meeting our men there

3 years past – Sienna’s POV

After a restless sleep due to seeing Alexander I woke up the next morning to a knock on my door, I look on the monitor to see the doorman

“Morning Miss Hazelwood, a delivery for you” he tells me “Thank you very much” I reply as I take the enormous bunch of flowers, they’re were so beautiful, pinks, purples, reds and whites, I place them down on the coffee table and read the card attached

"Morning Miss Hazelwood, a delivery for you" he tells me "Thank you very much" I reply as I take the enormous bunch of flowers, they're were so beautiful, pinks, purples, reds and whites, I place them down on the coffee table and read the card att...

“Sienna, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, please just let me explain, I love you until the end of time – Alexander”

Of course I badly wanted to hear his reasons but part of me was still so pissed off and knew I had to calm down first before I spoke with him

I made my way to college for the last week before the Xmas break, even though my personal life was a fucking train wreck I needed to focus on college for now

At lunchtime I find Mia and chat to her about everything going on “Would you mind if we studied at your place after college this week? As you know the library is closed this week for renovations and you’ve got all that…..” Mia stops mid sentence “All that space and room in my apartment?” I say raising my eyebrow “Shit, sorry that was insensitive of me” she says looking down “Don’t be sorry, it’s fine, we can have our study group there this week no problem” I reply

The girls came over each night to study but it actually ended up turning into a bit of a game, Alexander continued to send me gifts everyday so we would literally be studying around the monitor and they turned it in to a guessing game, like what was he going to send today, as soon as they saw a delivery person come to the front of the building they would lose their minds with excitement 

The girls came over each night to study but it actually ended up turning into a bit of a game, Alexander continued to send me gifts everyday so we would literally be studying around the monitor and they turned it in to a guessing game, like what w...

Alexander sent flowers, jewelry, perfume and cupcakes, the presents were very sweet but honestly I looked forward to reading the cards the most, his words were always beautiful and so sweet, I knew I had to hear him out but how could I trust him again to not hurt me?

Alexander sent flowers, jewelry, perfume and cupcakes, the presents were very sweet but honestly I looked forward to reading the cards the most, his words were always beautiful and so sweet, I knew I had to hear him out but how could I trust him a...

3 years present – Sienna’s POV

Scarlet and I arrive at the bar for the after party “Champagne?” she asks as I nod, she brings back the drinks as we start to mingle with the crowd 

“When does he go on?” she asks me as I look at my phone for the time “Um… about another 20 minutes” I reply 

"Fluer, you're so beautiful, you're the definition of MILF" I hear Jean-Marc say to Scarlet as he wraps his arms around her "Sorry I got stuck at the office, hope I didn't miss anything?" he asks

“Fluer, you’re so beautiful, you’re the definition of MILF” I hear Jean-Marc say to Scarlet as he wraps his arms around her “Sorry I got stuck at the office, hope I didn’t miss anything?” he asks

“Nah we just got here not long ago, look at us Beau, Mom and Dad’s wild night on the town” she smirks as they casually flirt with each other, it was seriously cute how madly in love they were

“Oh I think he’s about to start” I say to them breaking up their disgusting love fest “Who could have imagined joining a college band with a couple of friends could turn into something so successful?” Scarlet says to me “I know, it’s crazy but I’m so happy for him, it’s his passion, they’re even touring Europe next year” I reply smiling

“Good evening everyone, we are ‘Chained Hopes’ and we’re going to keep you entertained for the next hour, also congratulations to all the Columbia graduates here tonight, let’s get this night going!” Brandon announces

After a couple of songs Brandon gets on the mic again “Hope you’re all having a good night, I want to ask a very special lady to come up and join me on stage if I could….”

3 years past - Sienna's POV

3 years past – Sienna’s POV

After a week of constant gifts and cards I finally agreed to meet with Alexander, I decided to meet him at a cafe close by as I didn’t want to be tempted by him if we were in private, I need to be strong

“Sienna, you look so beautiful” he says to me as I sit down opposite him, he found a quiet corner for us to chat

You could honestly cut the tension with a knife, it was so awkward and I had never felt like this with Alexander before “I guess I should start talking and explain everything” he states taking in a deep breath

"Okay well remember the morning that we went over to your parents place to confront your Dad about him hiring that woman to try and break us up and as you know it turned out to be Kate, well, that was the last time I saw her, you had left the room...

“Okay well remember the morning that we went over to your parents place to confront your Dad about him hiring that woman to try and break us up and as you know it turned out to be Kate, well, that was the last time I saw her, you had left the room to take a call from Betty about Scarlet being unwell from giving birth when Kate and I continued to talk” I see him clearing his throat

“Well, the last words I said to her were “I hate you and you’re always trying to ruin my life” they were the last words I ever said to the mother of my son, fuck I’m a monster” he starts to break down as I take his hands in mine

“No you’re not Alexander, you were hurt and what she did was really wrong, you said it during the heat of the moment, she would’ve know that” I said sympathetically 

 “I honestly don’t know what happened to me, when I heard she died I shut down, I felt this huge wave of guilt as well as now being responsible for Brandon being his only parent, I mean I know he’s an adult but now I’m the only parent what If I fuck up with him, I mean I can’t get it wrong with him, I couldn’t deal with all these thoughts” his voice now breaking

“Alexander, you won’t get it wrong, you’re doubting yourself, you’re a good man but you can’t run away or retreat when things get tough, I need to know and Brandon needs to know that you’ll be there no matter what” I tell him releasing his hands

“I promise I will be, I went and spoke to someone who helped me out and I know if I ever feel this way again I’ll speak to someone straight away, I’m just so sorry for hurting you Sienna” 

“One thing I want to know is why did you call her your wife when we spoke, do you still think of her as your wife?” I ask him point blank

“No, I know she was my ex-wife, it’s just I had been thinking of good times when we were married before our relationship got so toxic, it was to mask the guilt of what I said to her before she died, calling her my wife just slipped out, I’m sorry Sienna” He grabs my hands this time, I could feel him shaking, it was actually heartbreaking 

“I need to think things over Alexander, I can’t be with someone who runs away when things get tough because there will always be a lot of ups and downs, that’s just life, I’ll call you soon” I tell him as I get up to leave 

“No one will ever love you as much as I do” Alexander stands up to say as I was walking away, I turn back to him and reply “Sometimes that just isn’t enough”


Next chapter we will find out who Sienna has chosen, did this chapter change your mind about who she should end up with?

Thank you for everyone’s comments last chapter, it was great to see how passionate people get about the story, it’s much appreciated 

Take Care

Starlet x

Grief and Loss

Sienna’s POV

I collapse to the ground wrapping my arms around Brandon “What.. ..what are you talking about?” Alexander stutters out as he remains staring at his son in shock 

“Her and Susie were out swimming when they got caught in a strong riptide, she wasn’t able to swim against it and… and…” Brandon was unable to finish the rest of sentence but he didn’t need to, even though it was unsaid we knew what happened next

I hold Brandon tighter as he shakes and breaks down in my arms “I’m so sorry B, we will always be here for you anytime you need us, we love you” I say to him gently rubbing his back 

I look over at Alexander and I hadn't seen that look on his face before, it was deep shock, deep severe shock, I wanted to go over and comfort my man but Brandon was holding on so tight I couldn't just walk away

I look over at Alexander and I hadn’t seen that look on his face before, it was deep shock, deep severe shock, I wanted to go over and comfort my man but Brandon was holding on so tight I couldn’t just walk away

“Alexander?…. Alexander? Are you okay?” I ask, he doesn’t answer back, he’s just staring down the hall at nothingness, I had no idea what to do

"How about we go inside? I'll make some hot drinks or something" I say as I give Brandon a hand up off the ground, I open the apartment door as they both slowly walk inside

“How about we go inside? I’ll make some hot drinks or something” I say as I give Brandon a hand up off the ground, I open the apartment door as they both slowly walk inside

Brandon follows me to the kitchen as I see Alexander head straight for the bedroom proceeding to shut the door, I make some hot cocoa for Brandon as I wrap my arms around him from behind “I can’t believe she’s gone Si, I’ll never see my Mom again, I’ll be so lost” he cries out breaking down

“B, she was so proud of you, you were everything to her, the only thing she ever wanted was for her son to be happy, I know the pain is too much right now but once you feel better you have to keep living your life in full and archive your dreams, it’s what she would have wanted” I say to him squeezing him tight

Brandon and I continue to chat for an hour, he would often break down but he was able to talk it out and be okay, we had heard nothing from the bedroom and I was getting worried “Maybe I should check on Alexander..” I say to Brandon “Don’t be upset if he shuts you out Boo, he’s not good with grief” 

I softly knock on the door and receive silence, I walk in to see my man looking completely distraught “Baby, talk to me, are you okay?” I get on my knees in front of him placing my hands on his legs “I love you sweetheart, let me ease your pain” I say to him as I lightly kiss his hands

I softly knock on the door and receive silence, I walk in to see my man looking completely distraught "Baby, talk to me, are you okay?" I get on my knees in front of him placing my hands on his legs "I love you sweetheart, let me ease your pain" I...

“Just give me some space Si” he softly mutters out, I know he was in pain but it hurt to have him push me away, Brandon was so accepting at receiving comfort but Alexander was the exact opposite

“Okay, I’ll leave you alone, please call out if you need anything” I say kissing his forehead, he didn’t even look up at me 

Brandon stayed the night on the couch as I make my way into bed, Alexander’s back was turned as I try to snuggle into him but he wasn’t being receptive, I let go and just lay next to him, it was the first night in a long time that we spent it together not touching, not in each other’s arms, I was consumed by helplessness, how do I get my man to open up to me?

4 Days Later 

The three of us head back to California for the funeral which was tomorrow, we were going to stay with my parents, I knew Mom would be a mess as Kate was her best friend, I wanted to be there for Mom as well, the closest people to me were deeply effected by her death, it was hard to know what to do

Alexander had hardly spoken to me or anyone, Brandon kept reassuring me this is just how he is but part of me felt completely rejected by him 

We get to my parents house as I grab out our bags from the trunk “I’m not coming in” Alexander says to me “Why not?” I ask “I’m going to stay with a friend, I can’t be around Owen and Penelope right now” he states “Okay, well I’ll come with you” I say to him as he shakes his head 

“Brandon, can you give us a minute?” I say to him as he makes his way inside “Alexander, I know you’re hurting right now but pushing me away isn’t the answer, I’m trying to be sensitive with you but I’m feeling rejected and I need you ” I say to him laying out all my cards on the table

“I just need to be alone for a while Sienna, my wife just died, the mother of my child, my first love, you have no idea what that feels like” he says to me shaking his head “You’re right, I don’t but what I do know is that the person who loves you now, right now, is wanting to help you and it’s like you can’t even stand to be near them, oh and by the way…. that’s ex-wife” I say to him as I turn away walking into the house

 that's ex-wife" I say to him as I turn away walking into the house
I knew my words were slightly harsh but I couldn't take the continuous rejection anymore, I should have listened to Brandon from the start and left him aloneĀ 

I knew my words were slightly harsh but I couldn’t take the continuous rejection anymore, I should have listened to Brandon from the start and left him alone 

Once inside I see Mom and lock eyes with her, her eyes were full of pain and sadness, I rush over wrapping my arms around her “I’m so sorry Mom” I whisper into her ear

“Where is Alexander, Sweetheart?” Dad asks “Staying somewhere else, he’s not dealing with it well, I don’t know what to do anymore Dad, he won’t listen” I say to him out of desperation

“Give him time Honey, this is typical of him, he retreats away when he can’t deal with things, he was like that in high school and it’s never changed” Dad tells me, I nod but part of me can’t deal with the fact that he does this

I go for a walk with Mom outside to let her grieve and tell me everything she’s been feeling and thinking, she tells me all her favorite stories of her and Kate, they mostly included when Brandon and I were babies and playing together as kids

We head back home for dinner, afterwards I go up to my bedroom as I was exhausted, I send a text to Alexander to see how he was doing but I got nothing back 

I softly cry into my pillow as I try to fall asleep, I felt guilty that everyone was grieving over Kate but I was crying over the rejection I felt, Alexander was always so warm and loving with me but since hearing the news he has become cold and distant, where is the man I fell in love with?

My eyes start to get heavy as I gently fall asleep, I was awoken when I hear a small knock on my door “Who is it?” I call out “Just me Boo” Brandon replies, I tell him to come in as I sit up in my bed

“I can’t sleep, would you mind chatting to me for a bit?” he asks as I nod and smile at him patting the bed for him to come sit with me 

We stayed up swapping stories about Kate and our childhood until I brought up another topic “When will Zara be arriving?” I ask “Tomorrow morning, she flies back tomorrow night, she could only take the one day off school” he tells me

“Boo, would you mind if I stay here with you tonight? I’m just feeling sad and lonely, no funny business, I promise” he asks slightly coy with a small smirk on his face “Sure B” I reply 

He slowly gets into bed with me as I move over giving him enough room, we keep a good distance apart while we attempt to go to sleep “Goodnight Boo, I don’t know what I’d do without you” he whispers “You’ll never have to worry about that, Goodnight B”

Slowly throughout the night we ended up unconsciously getting closer until I was nuzzled into him with his arm around me and my hand resting on his bare chest

There was something so comforting about being with Brandon, I had known him all my life, shared so many life milestones with him, he had always been there every step of the way and even though he made mistakes I knew his heart was in the right place, I knew he had always cared for me

Morning came and he gently kisses me on the forehead “Thank you for the best nights sleep ever” I gently smile as I hold him a bit tight “I’m really happy to hear that, I know you haven’t been sleeping well lately” I reply

Morning came and he gently kisses me on the forehead "Thank you for the best nights sleep ever" I gently smile as I hold him a bit tight "I'm really happy to hear that, I know you haven't been sleeping well lately" I reply

“Sienna… I…” Brandon starts to say something before we hear shouting from downstairs “Brandon! Zara is here!” It was Dad calling out from downstairs

I watch as Brandon gets up out of bed and walks towards the bathroom shirtless, wow Brandon looked really good “I guess… I guess I’ll see you out there Boo” he states taking a deep breath, I nod as I watch him leave the room throwing on his shirt, I look down at my phone and still nothing from Alexander, my frustration was starting to turn into anger   

A few hours later we head to the church for the funeral, I look around and can't see Alexander anywhere, I sit in the front row with Brandon one side of me and Mom the other, just as the service starts I see Alexander slip in and sit in the back row

A few hours later we head to the church for the funeral, I look around and can’t see Alexander anywhere, I sit in the front row with Brandon one side of me and Mom the other, just as the service starts I see Alexander slip in and sit in the back row

Mom and Brandon got up and spoke, their words were beautiful as they shared wonderful memories of Kate, next to get up was Susie and that’s when I saw Alexander get up and leave

I discretely get up to try and follow him but by the time I was outside he was gone, no sign of him, I couldn’t keep going on like this, I had to find him and sort out what was going on in his head once and for all

Arriving at his friend’s place I knock on the door to no answer, I decided to wait on the step even though there was a good chance Alexander may already be inside but he was just trying to avoid me 

An hour later I see him approaching the house “Hi” I say to him as he looks up from the ground “I know you want to be alone but I wanted to see if you were okay and I came to tell you I’m going back home tonight, the new tenants for my apartment are moving in so I have to get everything out and into… our… apartment” I say to him feeling so deflated 

 apartment" I say to him feeling so deflatedĀ 
"I'm fine Sienna" he replies "When are you going to come home to New York?" I ask him as I get a sick feeling in my stomach "I don't know" he replies

“I’m fine Sienna” he replies “When are you going to come home to New York?” I ask him as I get a sick feeling in my stomach “I don’t know” he replies

“You know when I had my accident and I came to stay at your home you looked after me and to your credit you did a fucking amazing job however it was something that you said to me that I’ll  never forget, it was right after we made love “I’ll always take care of you, everyday of my life I’ll take care of you” those were the sweetest words I had ever heard and I now I don’t even know if they’re real anymore, If you can’t let me in Alexander we will never work, If you push me aside I can’t stand next to you” I say to him as I get up to leave

I walk away without looking back, I didn’t want him to see the flood of tears that were pouring out of my eyes, my heart was breaking at the man that couldn’t let me in 

I head back home to say goodbye to my parents and Brandon, it was a hard day for us all “I’ll come see you as soon as I’m back in New York Boo” Brandon says as he hugs me goodbye “That would be nice, I’ll text you my new address, remember you can call me anytime 24/7 if you need me” I say to him as I hold his face in my hands “Same goes for you Boo” he smiles pulling me into a big bear hug

After the tedious flight back to New York I arrive at the apartment, it felt even bigger without any stuff in it, being alone in this huge apartment felt completely overwhelming 

I collapse on the hard polished floors and burst into tears, this was meant to be one of the happiness moments of my life, moving in with my boyfriend for the first time, the man who I loved and who loved me back, we were going to set up our apart...

I collapse on the hard polished floors and burst into tears, this was meant to be one of the happiness moments of my life, moving in with my boyfriend for the first time, the man who I loved and who loved me back, we were going to set up our apartment together and now I don’t even know if he’s going to come back

I look down at my phone that was going off, it was Scarlet, her and Jean-Marc had been sending me texts all night, they wanted to come see the ‘happy couple’ in their new apartment, I made up a lie and told them I caught the flu and they should stay away so they don’t pass it on to Violetta, I couldn’t stand the humiliation of being here alone

I slowly start to unpack the boxes one by one, I open up another box and find a small rectangle shaped box with a card and my name on it, I open the card and read the note inside

‘My beautiful Sienna, how lucky I am to be moving in with my gorgeous woman, you’re the light in my life, here is our first thing new item for our apartment, I love forever, Alexander’

I open up the box to see a photo frame with a picture of us in it, it was taken only a few months ago in Central Park, the frame was beautiful thick black glass, he must have intended for this to be a moving in present

Initially I smile at the photo before I start crying again, then suddenly a wave of anger hits me and I smash the frame onto the ground as it disintegrates into a million pieces, I struggle to breath as my head is clouded with emotionsĀ 

Initially I smile at the photo before I start crying again, then suddenly a wave of anger hits me and I smash the frame onto the ground as it disintegrates into a million pieces, I struggle to breath as my head is clouded with emotions 

Two Days Later

I had spent the last two days at college, when I wasn’t studying I was trying to put the apartment together, I still hadn’t heard a word from Alexander, the longer this went on the more I came to realize that he was probably never going to come back to New York

I hear the front door buzz as I look at the monitor to see who it was, I let out my first smile in days as I see a welcome and familiar face, Brandon

It was freezing outside as it was only a few weeks till Christmas and it was coming down hard, he was covered head to toe in white snow

I buzz him up and wait for him to come up the lift, as soon as I saw him I ran into his arms and let out all my emotions "Fuck Brandon, I'm so sorry, here you are dealing with grief and I'm just being some stupid emotional girl" I blurt out to him...

I buzz him up and wait for him to come up the lift, as soon as I saw him I ran into his arms and let out all my emotions “Fuck Brandon, I’m so sorry, here you are dealing with grief and I’m just being some stupid emotional girl” I blurt out to him “No need to be sorry Boo, It’s fucked what you’re going though, he should be here with you, I don’t know what’s going on in his mind” Brandon shakes his head “Let me make you some hot cocoa, you must be freezing” I say to him letting a small smile out

After a while we move to the couch and order some pizza to go with our wine, we proceeded to watch some stupid comedy and we had such a wonderful night temporarily forgetting about our problems, it was always so easy to be with Brandon and at times it felt like we were back in high school, back when life wasn’t so complicated

After the movie ends Brandon switches off the TV and turns to face me, I finish my glass of wine and place it down, I could tell by his facial expression that it was serious, he takes my hands in his and proceeds to take a big breath

“Sienna, I’m going to take a huge risk here but I feel like if I don’t say something now I never will, even though I’m with Zara and she’s amazing there is a problem because she’s not you and you, Sienna, you’re the one, you’re the only one I want, I know you have feelings for… Alexander… but I’ll always be here for you through thick and thin, I’ll be here, just imagine the life we can have together, we can graduate, travel the world, maybe start a family later down the track and that’s the thing, we’re both still young and we do all those things together, I know you better than anyone and you know me, when we were together I was young and immature but now I’m a man Sienna, I’m the man you deserve, the man that will always, always stand beside you, I love you so much Sienna, please give us a chance” Brandon confesses pouring his heart out to me as he leans in to kiss me

 but I'll always be here for you through thick and thin, I'll be here, just imagine the life we can have together, we can graduate, travel the world, maybe start a family later down the track and that's the thing, we're both still young and we do ...
3 Years Later (Yep that's right 3 years)

3 Years Later (Yep that’s right 3 years)

“I can’t believe the day is finally here!” I say excitedly to Scarlet and Jean-Marc “I’m so proud of you Si-Si, my cousin is now a qualified Human Rights Lawyer” she giggles with joy, I look around the grounds trying to see him “Don’t worry, he wouldn’t miss this for anything in the world” Scarlet says to me “I know, I know, it’s just he can’t miss my graduation” I say nervously 

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m here!” I hear him shouting out as he comes running over, I laugh at his cuteness as he sweeps me up for a big passionate kiss “I’m so proud of you, you’ll see me cheering you on, I’ll be loudest one out there” he tells me as I fix up my cap and gown “Plus just wait until you see what I have in store for you tonight” he winks as he walks away to take his place in the crowd

I watch as he sits down and continues to smile, he really was proud of me, I love that man more than anything, he was the right decision, no doubt in my mind


So who would you like to see Sienna end up with, Alexander? Brandon? or someone else… maybe Damon?

Love to hear your thoughts and comments about this chapter, I know it was a full on chapter so I’m very interested to know what you think!

Thank you again for your support, please continue to support me as without your support I don’t have any inspiration to write

Take Care

Starlet x