
One Year later

Sienna’s POV

“Alexander! I’m just about to leave!” I yell out as I place on my earrings in the bathroom “Oooh noooo… forget it, I can’t let you leave the house looking so fucking sexy” he growls into my ear wrapping his arm around my waist and biting down gently on my neck, his teeth just lingering.

 forget it, I can't let you leave the house looking so fucking sexy" he growls into my ear wrapping his arm around my waist and biting down gently on my neck, his teeth just lingering

“Baby, you know I have to go, I can’t let down Mia on her bachelorette night” I tell him however feeling that full effects of his seductive touches “I know, I know. I can’t believe Mia and Damon are getting married tomorrow” He says backing away from me leaning up against the wall giving me his best cheeky smirk.

 I can't believe Mia and Damon are getting married tomorrow" He says backing away from me leaning up against the wall giving me his best cheeky smirk

“I’m so happy for both of them. So Damon didn’t want to do drinks with the guys tonight or anything?” I ask as Alexander shakes his head “Nah I asked him a couple of times and he said he didn’t want anything and wanted to spend the night before his wedding by himself. He did mention he was sorting out a few finals things… whatever that means… I’m guessing he’s talking about work” Alexander shrugs.

“Well maybe he’s just wants a night alone before he becomes a married man. So what big plans do Ava and yourself have tonight?” I ask now ready to head out walking over to my man.

“A Dora the Explorer marathon is on tonight and while Ava is enjoying Dora I’ll be thinking about all the naughty things I’m going to do to you once you get home, first thing will be ripping off this sorry excuse for a dress, I can’t wait to see it on our bedroom floor” his hands start to explore underneath my dress as his teeth gently pulls the skin on my bare shoulder. 

“Mmm can’t wait for that handsome, let’s see if you’re still in the mood for that when I get home, you might be too tired” I giggle as his finger wrap around my lace panties “Maybe I could show you right now” Alexander growls as I feel his hard excitement pressing up against me.

“Sorry I have to go handsome, I can’t be late, you’ll have to hold off till I get home and then we can make love in our bed for as long as you like” I smile as I see Alexander look slightly disappointed “Fine… I’ll keep you to that promise. Enjoy your night Si, I love you baby girl, call me if you need anything” Alexander states as I nod and enjoy a long kiss goodbye.

Damon’s POV

It was the night before my wedding and I felt good, really good. Mia is a fantastic woman and I was so lucky to have found her. There was just one final thing I needed, closure.

I sat in a slightly rundown bar  just outside the city slowly sipping on my drink waiting for her. After 15 minutes of nursing my drink I see her appear, she was looking as beautiful as ever.

“I didn’t think you were going to come” I say to her standing up leaning in to give her a small peck on the cheek “Well it had been a while and I still do care about you.” she says to me as we sit down in the booth. I still couldn’t believe Scarlet was here.

"How have you been? I heard you had a baby a while ago" I ask her trying to break the ice "Actually I have daughter and twin boys, they're all doing really well, I still can't believe I'm the mother of twin boys" she smirks taking a sip of her coc...

“How have you been? I heard you had a baby a while ago” I ask her trying to break the ice “Actually I have daughter and twin boys, they’re all doing really well, I still can’t believe I’m the mother of twin boys” she smirks taking a sip of her cocktail.

“Wow… three kids, that’s great Scar….and um… Jean-Marc… he’s well?” I ask as she nods “Yes he’s very well” she continues smiling keeping her answers short and sweet.

“I guess you’re wondering why I ask you to meet me here. Well I’m getting married soon, very soon actually, tomorrow. I know you’ve met Mia before through Sienna and she’s just wonderful, I’m so lucky but something has been eating me up inside for a while” I tell her taking another big gulp from my drink.

“What is it?” she asks looking confused “Fuck this is harder than I thought it would be” I deeply sigh before continuing “I was…. I was never enough for you, what if one day she wakes up and thinks I’m not good enough for her. Tell me why I was never enough so Mia doesn’t leave me, I want to have a wonderful married life with Mia, I don’t want her to leave me for someone else” I tell Scarlet choking back on my emotions.

“Damon… it was never about you not being enough. You’re an amazing man, smart, handsome, sweet, successful… fuck I could go on and on but Jean-Marc already had my heart and it was always his, no one could ever change that no matter how amazing they were” she tells me sympathetically as she reaches out for my hand.

“Scarlet.. I feel like I’m not good enough. Maybe this whole wedding thing was a mistake” I say shaking my head “Do you love her?” Scarlet asks me “Of course, she’s incredible, I couldn’t picture life without her” I reply

“Then getting married isn’t a mistake, if you walk out on her now you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, that would be the mistake” she tells me firmly and I know she’s right.

Scarlet and I continue to talk for the next few hours until she gets a text on her phone “Shit it’s late, I better getting going and you need to get sleep for tomorrow, it’s a big, big day” she tells me as I nod and we get up to leave.

“Congratulations Damon, I’m so happy that you’ve found your girl” she tells me as she places her arms around me for a hug.

“Thank you Scarlet, you… you were always the first” I say as she places my head in her hands “And Mia will be the last” she smiles as she slowly walks away.

I watch Scarlet get into a waiting car outside. I know it will be the last time I see like this, just the two of us and I vow that tonight will be the last time I think of what life could have been like with Scarlet as my wife. 

Brandon’s POV

I reach out for my phone in my half asleep state “Yeah?” I say answering it “Well hello to you!” I hear as I look over at the clock in my room “It’s 2am, what do you expect?” I say groggy and dazed.

“Well I wouldn’t be calling unless I had some damn good news” he tells me as I sit up in my bed “I’m listening” I reply to my manager.

“From this Monday your single is going to be number one in the UK and US, you fucking did it Brandon!! You bloody well did it!!” he shouts out excited. Fuck I couldn’t believe it. 

I had finished my album last month and this was the first single which I released last week “Let’s go grab a drink or five and celebrate! I knew you were going to be a fucking huge success the minute I met you” he tells me as I sit up in my bed still in shock “Um thanks but… not tonight I’m still half asleep but soon for sure, thanks for letting me know and thank you for everything” I tell him ending the call.

The next week was complete madness, every type of media outlet wanted to chat to me and perform my single for them. My first single was a song about heartbreak, it was titled “Forever Boo”. 

I had been living in the UK for the last year and was heading back to New York to perform on The Tonight Show, it would be the first time going back to New York since I had left, I didn’t even go back at Christmas. I just needed some time away but it felt like this was the right time to see Dad, Ava and Sienna again.

The same day that I flew in I was performing on The Tonight Show so we agreed to meet up the next day after lunch, I would need the morning the sleep in and mentally prepare for seeing them again.

After the performance I head backstage to my dressing room and start to pack up getting ready to head back to the hotel "Brandon? There is a girl here to see you, she says you know each other" My manager says as I shake my head chuckling to myself

After the performance I head backstage to my dressing room and start to pack up getting ready to head back to the hotel “Brandon? There is a girl here to see you, she says you know each other” My manager says as I shake my head chuckling to myself.

“Isn’t that what they all say?” I tell him with a small smirk on my face “I know but for some reason I believe this one, she definitely knows you” he replies as I look up at him perplexed.

I walk out to the empty stage and see her immediately, my heart comes to complete stop. All my feelings came rushing back and it made me realize how much I had missed her. We had so many good times together, so many laughs, so much love and I threw it all away.

“Zara?” I call out as she turns to me and smiles. I run over to her and she throws her arms around me “Have you missed me Bran?” she asks “So much” I softly reply. 

One Year Later

Alexander’s POV

“Daddy, Where is Momma?” Ava asks inquisitively as we enjoy ice creams together in the summer sun sitting in the park across the road “She will be here soon Princess” I reply pitching her noise as she let’s out her sweet girly giggle.

"Are you still leaving tonight Dada?" she asks pouting knowing the answer but trying to guilt me into staying "In just for one night sweetheart, I'll be staying with Uncle Jean but Aunt Scarlet will come here with Violetta" I tell her smiling "Do ...

“Are you still leaving tonight Dada?” she asks pouting knowing the answer but trying to guilt me into staying “In just for one night sweetheart, I’ll be staying with Uncle Jean but Aunt Scarlet will come here with Violetta” I tell her smiling “Do you remember what tomorrow is?” I ask.

“Yes. You and Momma are getting married tomorrow” she replies continuing to munch on her ice cream “That’s right Princess, you’ll have a beautiful pretty dress to wear tomorrow and we will have a big party” I smile feeling giddy about tomorrow.

“Hello my loves” we both hear from the distance as we see Sienna appear, I help Ava up as we both run over to her.

"Hello my loves" we both hear from the distance as we see Sienna appear, I help Ava up as we both run over to her

“Missed you Mumma” Ava says wrapping her arms around Sienna “Missed you too baby girl” she replies. I place my lips down on Sienna and greet her with a lingering kiss “Everything good Si?” I ask as she nods “Absolutely Handsome, everything is ready for tomorrow” she tells me as we all head inside.

“I can’t believe we’re finally having our dream wedding tomorrow” Sienna tells me as I see a little sparkle in her eyes “Me too baby, I can’t wait to have our day tomorrow and than afterwards….mmm” I growl that last part into her ear as she giggles.

“Don’t get me started naughty man, anyway Jean-Marc and the boys are waiting for you” she tells me with a slight bit of disappointment in her voice.

I say goodbye to my two beautiful girls and make my way towards Jean-Marc’s place, I still can’t believe tomorrow is our wedding day.

Once the twins were asleep Jean-Marc pours us both a drink as we sit down and chat about our incredible women “So have you and Sienna spoken about having another child?” Jean asks me smirking into his drink.

“Ha, well, maybe, I hope so. I mean it’s Sienna’s call, she’s the one working so much maybe we don’t have the time, she’s pretty much Damon’s right hand, he can’t function without her and she’s become one of the best lawyers in that firm. She’s way too busy right now to think of having another child. All I asked her for was one child and Ava is just so amazing, I have my son and I have a daughter, I can’t be greedy” I reply letting out a small sigh.

“I get it man, I do but If you want another child you should let her know, if she says she doesn’t want anymore than at least you know the answer rather than second guessing it” Jean states to me as I finish off that drink.

"I get it man, I do but If you want another child you should let her know, if she says she doesn't want anymore than at least you know the answer rather than second guessing it" Jean states to me as I finish off that drink

“By the way… you just had to bring up that asshole Damon, didn’t you?” Jean states as he chuckles and I shake my head “Let it go bud, you got the girl. You won” I laugh.

Scarlet’s POV

I couldn’t believe it, my wedding day was here. I shouldn’t feel this nervous, I mean we’re already married. To this day no one knew we were already married apart from Brandon, I can’t believe we kept it a secret for this long.

As I get up out of bed I see Mum, Mia, Scarlet and Aunt Betty frantically getting themselves and the girls ready for today “Oh Si-Si finally you’re up, quickly have something to eat because the make up artist will be here in 20 minutes” Scarlet tells me, she always takes charge of a situation.

An hour and half later we were all ready to go, everyone waited for me outside as I spend a final minute alone in our apartment. I walked out of our apartment to everyone “Oh Si, you’re so damn stunning, so radiant” Mum says to me giving me a small kiss on my cheek.

“Si-Si you have to see our girls, they look so cute!” Scarlet tells me as we look over at the girls holding hands, Violetta was about 18 months older than Ava so she a bit taller but they looked so much alike, it was freaking adorable.

"Si-Si you have to see our girls, they look so cute!" Scarlet tells me as we look over at the girls holding hands, Violetta was about 18 months older than Ava so she a bit taller but they looked so much alike, it was freaking adorable

Our wedding was outside in a beautiful garden setting, I had been so busy at work that Alexander had organized most of it. I had no doubt that he would create the wedding of my dreams.

Once we’re at the ceremony I take a final deep breath and meet up with my Dad before I walk down the aisle. “Ready Si-Si? I’m so proud of you darling” he tells as gives me a sweet kiss on my forehead before placing my veil over my head and linking my arm with his as we start to walk towards the man of my dreams.

 "Ready Si-Si? I'm so proud of you darling" he tells as gives me a sweet kiss on my forehead before placing my veil over my head and linking my arm with his as we start to walk towards the man of my dreams

I try and keep my emotions in check but as soon as I lock eyes with my man I started to feel my eyes fill with tears. I couldn’t believe Alexander and I were finally having the wedding of our dreams.

Alexander’s POV

Our wedding day was here, after everything we had been through and nearly losing each other on more than one occasion that was all now in the past, we were a family, we were everything together and nothing or no one was ever going to change that.

I see our daughter first and she looked like a perfect little angel, flowers scattered in her hair and shining in a gorgeous pink flowery dress, the amount of happiness that Ava brought Sienna and I was immense, she was our world.

Moments later my hearts stops when I see my enchanting woman, she was absolutely flawless and so beautiful, I’ll never ever forget this moment or how stunning Sienna looked walking down the aisle.

Sienna and Owen meet me as Owen shakes my head “Take care of her always Alexander” he says to me as I nod “Always” I reply.

“You take my breath away Sienna, you’re the most beautiful woman in the whole world” I whisper to her as I take her hands in mine both of us clearly nervous.

"You take my breath away Sienna, you're the most beautiful woman in the whole world" I whisper to her as I take her hands in mine both of us clearly nervous

We just look at each other smiling like a couple of dorky teenagers, the celebrant asks us to give our own vows to each other, Sienna begins first.

“Alexander, we haven’t always had the easiest of times together but I would take a difficult day with you than an easy day with anyone else. You light the fire inside me and I feel more alive when I’m with you. My love for you runs deep through my veins and you’re all I ever want or need. You’re the perfect Father and the perfect husband any woman could want and today you giving me your love for forever will keep me happy for the rest of my life” Sienna beautiful words come out shaky in the last sentence as we both try and keep it together for now. Now it was my turn.

“Sienna, My beautiful Sienna. The love that I feel for you is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before, I crave you when you’re not around and I count down the seconds till you’re with me again. I’m not perfect at all but with the love that you’ve shown me I’ve become the man I’m meant to be. I’ve never met such a warm, beautiful, funny, smart and down to earth woman like you and that’s what I’ve come to realize, there is no one in the world like you Sienna and I’m so lucky that I get to call you my wife. I give you my word today that I’ll love you till the end of time” I say to her as we’re both now complete blubbering messes. 

After our vows we exchanged rings and end the ceremony with a long sweet kiss which was accompanied by the cheers and clapping from our guests.

After the ceremony finished glasses of champagne were passed around as our guests mingled with each other, after a little while I thought it would be the perfect moment to steal my wife away and show her the reception area which was set up on a hotel rooftop near by.

“Alexander, this… this is the same place of Scarlet and Jean wedding yeah?” Sienna asks excitedly as I had kept this a secret from her.

“It is my love, I wanted to surprise you. We had such a good time at that wedding and we really became one that night, this place is special to me” I say to her as I see her look around the roof top at the silk lined tables and fresh cut white flowers scattered everywhere.

 We had such a good time at that wedding and we really became one that night, this place is special to me" I say to her as I see her look around the roof top at the silk lined tables and fresh cut white flowers scattered everywhere

“I love it Alexander” she smiles as she comes back and wraps her arms around me “Hey… one question Si, How come you never call me Alex?” I ask inquisitively raising my eyebrow.

“Alex… it’s a boys name. Alexander… that’s a man’s name. You were never a boy to me, ever.” She chuckles as she pulls me in for a long deep embrace.

We enjoyed the rest of the night dancing and socializing with our guests, however my favorite part of the night was spending it with just Sienna and Ava.  

We didn’t know it yet but what seemed like just the three of us was really the four of us, our son was on his way. My beautiful wife was pregnant once again. Our family would be complete.


Arghhh I hate finishing books! So sad to finish them but I really hope you enjoyed this story, I’m going to try and get all of this story on Wattpad at some stage (if they don’t delete it, ugh!) so it can be read from start to finish.

Going forward I’ll be focusing on re-writing French Tutor and my other story Fighting for Love, I’d love for my readers to continue supporting my work.

Please let me know what you thought of this chapter/story, I really greatly appreciate comments from you guys!

Take Care

Starlet x

Final – Part Two

Sienna’s POV

I immediately saw red at Alexander’s actions and I had enough of his boorish behavior “Sorry B, just give us a minute” I say to Brandon sympathetically as I grab Alexander’s wrist and lead him to the spare room.

I shut the door behind us before I lay into him “What is wrong with you?? You can’t just coming in yelling and carrying on like that, firstly our daughter is trying to sleep and secondly you could just ask me without jumping to conclusions!” I snap at him.

He sits his ass down on the bed looking like he is about to explode “Are you pregnant Sienna?” he asks as I shake my head “No Alexander, It’s not mine” I say to him bluntly.

 “It’s Scarlet. Last month she thought she was pregnant so we did a test one night after her and Jean had dinner here. She got flustered and threw it under the sink when she thought Jean was about it come into the bathroom. I forgot that she put it under there, anyway she’s pregnant with twin boys and they’re both so ecstatic” I see relief wash over his face as he starts to feel slightly embarrassed.

“Anyway… it would be physically impossible to be mine” I say to him in a huff. He looks at me confused “What are you talking about Si?” he asks quizzically.

I sigh and lean back against the wall crossing my arms “The last time I had sex was 3 years ago… the morning that my husband left for Iceland” I say to him looking down and slightly shy.

“But… but…. Brandon sleeps in the same bed with you every night?” Alexander asks “Yes.. sleeps, we cuddle most nights and sometimes kiss but we’re never intimate, I never felt ready to do that with anyone who wasn’t my husband” I say to Alexander as I see how immensely happy the news has made him.

He leans forward from the bed and grabs the back of my legs pulling me towards him “I still have your heart don’t I Si?” he smirks as I place my hands on his shoulders “You always have, Alexander” I say to him as he softly places kisses on my stomach.

“We need to be together Sienna, we’re married, we’re in love, we have our daughter, I don’t want it to be like this, I want to make love to my wife again, I want to wake up with you again, I want to hold you every night again” he begs me as he takes my hands in his looking into my eyes pleading with me.

“Alexander, I can’t do this right now, Brandon is in the other room and I need to know what’s going on with him. I want all those things too but we need to work out how we can do this without him hating the both of us” I say to Alexander as he nods “I know Si, If it was anyone else I would have told them to hit the road straight away, I don’t want to hurt my son” he tells me shaking his head “I know” I reply.

I left Alexander’s room and head back into the bedroom where Brandon had all this bags together “So sorry about that B. Now tell me… what is going on? where are you going?” I ask him unsure of anything right now.

Brandon takes my hand and sits me down on the bed next to him “I got a call last week for an offer to record some of my music and make it into an album” he tells me “Oh my god Brandon!! That’s fucking amazing” I say to him excitedly throwing my arms around him.

“Yeah it’s a great opportunity, I had a few of these offers before but always turned them down however now seems like the right time” he says to him looking somber, I didn’t really know to response to that comment “Why do you need to pack up all your things? You don’t have to move out because of it, do you?” I ask him perplexed.

“Well I kind of do, the recording studio is in London, I’ll be moving over there… indefinitely.” Brandon replies as I gasp in shock “Come on Sienna, I’m not blind, I see the way the two of you look at each other, I’m just getting in the way being here” Brandon says as I shake my head “That’s not true, everyone wants you here” I say to him as tears rush down my face.

“Will you ever love me the way you love him?” Brandon asks point blank as I try and stop the tears from gusting out “No” I say softly as I knew I had to be honest with him as he gets up to grab his things.

“But I still love you and you mean the world to me Brandon, how can I ever repay you for what you’ve done? Ava and I would have been so lost without you” I say to him crumbling like a mess.

“Be happy Sienna, that’s what you can do for me. I realized that if you truly love someone you want them to be happy, even if it’s not with you and I know you’ll be happy with him, the love you two have is a once in a life time kind of thing” Brandon says to me wiping away the tears rolling down my cheeks.

I watch as Brandon takes his bags to the front door and tells Alexander his decision to leave for London “I couldn’t be more proud of you son, you turned out to be such a strong, caring, wonderful man. Thank you for looking after Sienna and Ava, I love you Brandon” Alexander says giving Brandon a hug goodbye.

“Thanks Dad, take care of everyone okay?” Brandon replies as we hear Ava come running out from her bedroom “Where is Brandon going?” she asks dazed and unsure of what’s going on.

Brandon kneels down and tells her that he is going to make some music and has to go away for a while to do that, Ava breaks down into hysterics “No!! Nooo!!” she screams clinging onto Brandon.

“Sorry Avie, I have to go and catch my plane now” Brandon says taking her hands off him “I hate you for leaving!” she yells out as she runs to her room “I’ll go calm her down” Alexander says as he gives Brandon one more hug goodbye.

“You know she doesn’t mean that, she’s such an emotional child. Anyway we will come visit soon yeah?” I say to Brandon trying to hold back my emotions “Yeah… eventually… but I think I need some time alone for a while though Boo, it’s not going to be easy getting over you but I know I need to” He tells me as I feel my heart slowly break.

“Have a wonderful life with Dad and Ava. I’ll always love you Sienna” Brandon says to me as he gives me one final kiss goodbye placing his lips on mine “I love you too, I’ll never forget what you did for us” I reply as tears continue to steam down my face.

I keep the door open as I watch Brandon walk away and walk out of my life, I know we will see him again but as per his wishes it won’t be anytime soon, I just hope that Brandon wasn’t in too much pain. 

Once Brandon was out of sight I close the door and come back into the apartment, I was a fucking mess once again. I sit on the couch feeling completely numb, so many mixed emotions were running through my head, I had my life back with my husband but at the cost of losing my best friend.

Eventually Alexander returns from Ava’s room and comes over to me “She cried herself to sleep the poor girl, she was really upset” he says to me as I nod “We all are” I reply looking up at Alexander with red bloodshot eyes.

“Um.. I’m going to lay down for a while, are you okay to keep an eye on Ava?” I ask Alexander “Of course Si, can I get you anything?” he asks as I shake my head “No thanks”.

I head towards my bedroom and once in lock the door throwing myself onto my bed. I start to let out all my emotions over the last few weeks, getting Alexander back, not able to be with Alexander than losing Brandon, I couldn’t take it. I must have cried for hours before falling sleep and not waking up till 2am the next day.

I get up and check on Ava who is fast asleep, I come out and see Alexander asleep on the couch looking quite peaceful and pretty damn adorable.

“Si?” I hear him faintly call out “You okay babe?” he asks as I reply “Yeah I’m okay, thank you for looking after Ava” I say as I walk over to him.

“You don’t need to thank me for looking after my own daughter. So um.. do you want to cuddle in here with me?” Alexander asks as I let out a small smile “Sure handsome” I say as he opens his arms for me and I slide right into him.

“You’re so beautiful Wifey” Alexander whispers into my ear as I turn to face him “I’ve missed you so much Alexander” I say to him holding onto him tighter “I’m sorry for all the pain I caused, I promise to make it up to you, we will have an amazing life together” he tells me placing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

Alexander looks lovingly into my eyes before placing his lips sweetly onto mine, his kiss lingered and I felt I was now able to return his kiss just like I’ve always wanted to.

Alexander grabs the back of my head pulling me towards him in an increasing passionate embrace, his fingers started to explore and trailed down my body dancing on my skin. The electricity that we always had was well and truly alive.

“You have no idea how badly I want to make passionate love to you Sienna” he growls, judging my his hardness poking into me I think I had a reasonable idea. “I crave every single bit of you, I want to feel your naked skin on mine” he whispers to me as I nod and we sit up on the couch together.

Alexander lifts up my top and removes my pants exposing my naked body “mmm pure perfection” he smirks as I laugh, I can feel my heart racing as I was actually nervous about making love to Alexander, it had been so long and I wanted this to be so special.

“Relax baby” he says placing his hands on my face clearly picking up on my nervous energy, Alexander slips out of this shorts and now we were both naked and wrapped up in each other just softly and slowly exchanging deep kisses.

I know Alexander must have been on edge and eager to make love but I was glad he was taking it slow, I wanted to remember exactly how this use to feel, making it slow and sensual rather than quick and fast.

He cups my breasts as his mouth gently bites down on my neck, I move into his lap as I feel his hardness brush up against my needy soaked core, neither of us could hide how badly we wanted this.

Alexander places his hands on my waist as he lifts me up in the air and gently throws me down on the couch “I’ve missed how good you taste Si, I need to taste you again baby” he growls as he opens up my legs and places head down between me.

His tongue starts to eagerly explore my wetness “Oh god Alexander!” I shout out as my body spasms up in the air.

His tongue is working overtime to ensure every single bit of my needy clit was given proper attention, his talented tongue flickers at the base of my entrance and my nipples become erect with my body covered in goosebumps.

 “Alexander, please, I need you, I need you inside me” I plead with him as he knew he had teased me some hard that I had to have more of him.

He lets out a small chuckle knowing how worked up I am “I’ve been dreaming of this for so long baby, I love you Sienna” he smiles as he moves up and onto my body “I love you too Alexander” I reply as he firmly enters me.

I moan out loudly in pleasure as Alexander finds the exact spot that makes me lose my mind “Shhh Si, you don’t want Ava to hear us making her a sibling” he laughs as I playfully smack him on the chest. 

Alexander places his mouth down on my perk pink nipples as I grab a chunk of his hair and throw my head back further into the couch pillow “Fuck me just like that handsome” I cry out to him as his thrusts deeper inside my tight wetness.

Alexander moves my legs and places them on his shoulders as my toes point to the ceiling, he wants to get deeper inside me and I immediately feel his thick hardness stretching me out.

“Oh fuck Sienna, you feel so damn amazing, like fucking heaven” Alexander cries out as it becomes obvious that he’s struggling to not finish our love making.

“Let me see you bounce on me baby, I want those fucking amazing breasts in my face” Alexander growls into my ear as his dirty words turn me on just as much as his actions.

I slide into his lap and we immediately connect, Alexander’s hand start on my hips throwing me up and down on him before his hands move up my body cupping my face. 

His eyes firmly locked in with mine as we continue to make love “I can’t live without you Sienna” he whispers as we both begin to climax.

I tighten around his hardness as we both pant and moan out in pleasure “I need you always husband” I cry out. As we continue to climax our speed increases as I feel like a rag doll being thrown up and down on Alexander’s hard greedy cock.

“Cum with me baby” Alexander demands as I let out one final loud moan. I throw my head back with my hair sweaty and sticky. 

I was in complete awe of what just happened, that was seriously the most intense pleasure I’ve ever experienced and I know Alexander felt it too.

“Fuck Wifey, that was fucking incredible” he blurts out as I laugh and collapse my head on his shoulder “We’re just made for each other Husband” I reply as he softly kisses my forehead.

“That we are Wifey” he smiles.


Aww our wonderful couple together again.

Okay so I know I said this was the last chapter but once again I lied 😦

I didn’t mean to lie but I end up writing so much more than I think I will (this one was 2500 words) so next chapter I will be wrapping everything up so you’ll find out what happens to all the characters in the future. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,please let me know your thoughts!!

Take Care

Starlet x

Final – Part One

Sienna’s POV

I sit down on the roof top with Alexander, he moves behind me wrapping his arms around me as I lay back on his chest “I dreamed every night of you being in my arms again Si” Alexander whispers into my ear softly kissing the side of my face.

I close my eyes and just enjoy the moment with Alexander, I don’t know what the future holds or how this is all going to play out but what I did know was that I was so happy to have him back, my love was back and even though I gave my word to another man at least I could have Alexander in my life in some way or another. 

Alexander and I stayed on the roof top in our warm embrace until the rain started to hit hard, Alexander takes off his jacket and places it over me as we run back inside.

We head back into the apartment and see that Brandon and Ava haven’t returned yet “Um… can I get you something to eat or drink?” I ask Alexander awkwardly.

He shoots me a sly little smirk before replying “I’m hungry… but not for food Sienna” he laughs as I shake my head “Behave Alexander” I reply as he approach me and snakes his arm around my waist “You’ve never ask me that before Sienna and from what I remember you don’t like me behaving at all” he growls into my ear.

I felt a sudden rush of sexual desire hit my body as I have a flash back of a few times in particular when Alexander and I were not behaving at all, I remember the intense pleasure I felt at the time and the way Alexander made my body feel like it was on fire.

“Alexander… you know I can’t” I say to him with my words coming out so very softly, the words I didn’t want to say to him but had to.

“I know Si… well I’m pretty exhausted I might have a shower and catch up some sleep” he tells me as I nod “Let me get you some fresh bedding” I say to him as I walk over to the spare room and he heads to what was our bedroom.

“Oh… yeah… I forgot all my stuff and I are in this room now” Alexander says to me making sure I felt a bit of a sting from that comment so I choose to ignore it.

I start to change the sheets and pillow cases when Alexander strips off naked placing all his clothes on the chair, I couldn’t believe he was now naked in the room, I know I had seen him naked many times before but it had been so long and things were different now.

I place my eyes firmly down on the bedding to ensure I don’t look up at this god like specimen that’s standing in the room staring at me “Do you want to take a small peek Si?” Alexander asks laughing as I throw the old bedding at him “Just go have a shower you trouble maker!” I say as he just keeps laughing.

I had no idea how I was going to live with both Alexander and Brandon under the same roof, Alexander had always been a massive tease and I know he’s not going to stop until he gets what he wants, I knew I had to tell Alexander to stop it but honestly… I didn’t want him to stop, I loved having Alexander desire me because I desired him, more than ever before.

After I finish making Alexander’s bed I wait out in the kitchen making myself some tea thinking about how my life got so fucking complicated.

“You shouldn’t worry so much baby, everything will be okay” Alexander tells me as he leans up against his bedroom door in nothing but a towel, fuck he looked incredible, the water droplets running down his muscular body as he exhumes utter perfection.

He walks into the bedroom throwing the towel on a chair and sliding into the bed naked wrapping the blanket around him “I’ll close the door so Brandon and Ava don’t wake you when they get home” I say to him as he smiles “You know… room for one more in here Si..” he chuckles as I roll my eyes “Enjoy your sleep naughty man” I say before closing the door.

I sat down to drink my tea and reply to some work emails before I hear the front door open and Ava and Brandon come in with Ava running towards me “Shhhhh sweetheart, Daddy is having a sleep” I say to her as she quietly tip toes over to me throwing her arms around me “But I want to play with Daddy” she says giving me her best pouty face as she sits down sulking.

“Ava, you just played with Brandon in the park for hours! Maybe tomorrow when Daddy has rested you can play with him” I tell her as she agrees and heads off to her room to play with her toys.

Brandon comes over and places a small kiss on my lips “How are you going Boo? Are you doing okay?” he asks curiously “Yeah I’m doing okay B, it’s hard you know, I still can’t believe Alexander is here with us, I never… we never expected to see him again” I say to him shaking my head.

“I know it’s crazy…hey…. it’s probably not the right time but are we okay?” Brandon asks nervously. I clear my throat and reply “I made a commitment to you Brandon and I will honor that, it’s just hard because I made one to Alexander too. I think we just all need to mindful of each other’s feeling and in saying that I think we should just hold off on any affection towards each other in front of Alexander, he’s hurting about us being together and I don’t want to cause him further pain” I say to Brandon firmly.

“Yeah I agree Si, I don’t want to hurt Dad either, I’ll be mindful not to do anything in front of him with you” he replies.

Alexander continued sleeping and eventually it was time for Brandon and I to go to bed, Brandon lays out his arm for me as I curl up to him “Everything will work out Sienna, I know it will” he whispers to me kissing me on my forehead goodnight, Brandon falls asleep quickly but I didn’t sleep much that night, I kept on getting up and checking the spare room to make sure this all wasn’t some crazy dream but it wasn’t, my husband was back and I couldn’t stop looking at him, I was in complete awe.

The next few weeks were interesting to say the least, there was definitely a lot of different types of tension in the house, Alexander continued with his best attempts to seduce me when Brandon wasn’t around, Brandon was highly suspicious of Alexander’s intentions with me and a few times when Brandon and I went to bed at night I heard Alexander punching the wall, I didn’t know how long we could continue in this mad house. 

The only shining light was Ava, she loved having all three of us under the same roof, she was given so much attention and adorable by all of us that she was in heaven, the rest of us were living our own kind of hell.

One Saturday morning we were all getting ready to go to the park when Brandon comes into the bedroom to see me as I was getting ready “Boo, I think I’m going to stay home but you guys go and have fun” he tells me with a slight sadness in his voice.

“Are you sure? Is everything okay?” I ask him concerned “Of course” he replies without keeping eye contact with me, I knew he was lying but I couldn’t keep Ava waiting any longer and decided to confront Brandon after we get back.

“Ready Momma?” Ava asks as I nod, Ava moves into the middle of Alexander and I taking one hand each “Let’s go!” she announces as we laugh heading off to the park together.

Once we arrive Ava quickly makes a new friend in the park, Alexander and I watch as they run around jumping on the play equipment together. 

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look today Si?” Alexander purrs into my ear sliding right up next to me on the park bench “We’re in public Alexander and in the presents of children, behave yourself” I say to him as he lets out a naughty chuckle.

“I can’t help it, my wife is so fucking sexy and it’s hard to control myself. Do you know how many times I see you walking around the apartment when all I want to do is pin you up against the wall and rip off your panties” Alexander whispers, I gasp out but before I could reply Alexander places a finger over my mouth to stop me from replying.

He moves his hand under my skirt and grips my thigh, my coat was covering any evidence that he was doing so “I’d take you then and there up against the wall, I know exactly how you like it Sienna, you’d want me bounce you up and down repeatedly hitting your pleasure spot while your fingernails dig into my shoulders, you biting down on my ear screaming in pleasure”

My wetness felt like it was seeping through, I can’t remember feeling this aroused before, his dirty sexual words hit me like a ton of bricks and all I wanted to do was…well….Alexander. 

“Why are you torturing us both?” I ask him barely able to get my words out “I’m reminding you what I can do to you, if my words can get you this turned on just imagine what my actions can do” he smiles removing his hand from my thigh.

“Daddy! Momma!” Ava calls out “Can someone push me on the swing?” she asks “I will Princess” Alexander replies to her as he gets up off the bench “Momma needs to collect herself” he smirks looking back at me, what a fucking tease.

Ava and Alexander were so damn cute together, I could see her getting attached to him again just like she did when she was a baby. 

“Higher Daddy! Higher!” Ava calls out as Alexander pushes her a little bit harder “I think that’s high enough Princess” Alexander calls out “Momma! Watch me jump off!” Ava shouts out.

“No!! Ava, No!! It’s too high” I yell as I jump up seeing Ava taking a huge leap in the air, I can see her facial expression change as she realizes it was too high.

Alexander quickly acts and dives in front of her catching her in his arms before he hits the ground “Are you both okay?!?” I race over as Ava starts balling her eyes out crying.

“I don’t think she hit the ground, I think she just got a fright” Alexander replies as I see blood gushing from his elbow “Shit, let’s get you back home so we can bandage up your elbow” I reply as all three of us head home.

Ava eventually falls asleep in my arms as Alexander opens the front door and we put her into her bed. 

We walk back into the hallway but come to a complete stop when I see a suitcase packed “Um.. I’m going to see what’s going on, the bandages and antiseptic are under the sink in the bathroom” I say to Alexander as he nods.

I walk into the bedroom and see Brandon sitting on the bed, all of his things were packed “B, what the fuck is going on?” I ask him completely confused as he looks up from the ground with a somber face.

Before he can answer we hear shouting from the bathroom “What the Fuck is this?!” we hear Alexander yell out as he starts storming towards the bedroom.

“Are you fucking kidding me!? When were you going to let me know !?” he shouts out as I shake my head throwing my hands up into the air “What the hell are you talking about?” I snap at him.

“When were you both going to tell me about this?” Alexander growls as he shows us the positive pregnancy test he found in the bathroom.


So I had to break up the finale in two parts as this was over 2000 words, I know you’re all hating my cliffhangers but this will be my last one as the next one will 100% be the very last chapter.

Thank you for all your comments, I love seeing you guys getting passionate about the story, it’s fantastic to read and it’s very motivating as a writer.

Thank you again and I hope you enjoy the next chapter

Take Care

Starlet x

Heavy Hurt

Sienna’s POV

Brandon escorted me outside to a waiting car, he took us to a fancy upmarket restaurant on the Upper East Side that was way too expensive “Brandon, this… this is too much” I whisper to him feeling slightly overwhelmed.

“Nothing is too much for you Sienna, you’ve been through such pain and you deserve the world” he replies shooting me a sweet smile.

I have to admit it was kind of exciting to be out of the house for once, Brandon had made a lot of effort tonight and it made me appreciate this man even more than I already did.

We enjoyed a wonderful meal together and ordered dessert while finishing off our glasses of wine, we were both just chatting away like crazy, it was always so easy to talk to Brandon, we always had amazing chemistry.

I took the last sip of my wine to give me the courage to tell Brandon something I had been putting off for a while now, seeing as we’re here tonight on quite possibly a date I knew I couldn’t put this off any longer.

“Brandon… there is something I’ve been meaning to tell you” I say to him sheepishly as I fidget with my napkin “Boo, please, let me just say something first” he quips.

“I know this is scary and I know you’re still hurting and I know I’ll never be Alexander but I love you and Ava so much and you know I’ll take care of you both for the rest of your lives… that’s of course if you let me, so Sienna, please, let me take care of you both, let me be your man” Brandon slips my hand into his as he words come out shaky trying to hold back his emotions.

“Brandon that was so sweet, you’re so damn amazing and I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done but I need…. I need to tell you something though.. something I should have said earlier but it’s hard to say, hard to say out loud” now I was the one choking back tears.

“Alexander and I…..we…. we got married before Ava was born, we didn’t tell anyone, it was our little secret, I know he has been missing for over two years now but I still feel like his wife, I don’t know how to get past that… I don’t know if that’s possible” I say to Brandon with a heavy heart.

I watch as Brandon slumps back in his chair completely shocked “I had no idea” he mutters out shaking his head.

Our desserts are placed in front of us however neither of us felt hungry anymore, we ended up paying the bill and leaving without touching the food. 

We pick up Ava from Scarlet’s place and head back to the apartment, I started to feel guilty about ruining the lovely night Brandon had organized for us.

“Brandon, thank you for tonight, I’m so sorry I fucked it up” I say to him gritting my teeth anxiously “You did no such thing Boo, anytime spent with you is perfect, I promise” he smiles gently rubbing my cheek with the back of his hand.

I knew how lucky I was to have Brandon and it wasn’t fair to have him give up everything for us when all he wanted in return was my love, I was holding back my love for a man I hadn’t seen in two years, a man who didn’t appear to be coming home ever again, I couldn’t do this to Brandon anymore, I needed to bite the bullet. My heart was broken into a million pieces and I needed to work on getting it repaired.

“Brandon” I say grabbing his arm pulling it back to me as he walked away “I want… I want a life with you… I want to be the woman you need because you have been the man I needed, I’m yours Brandon” I say to him softly smiling as his face lights up.

“We will take it as slow as you need to Boo, I’ll make you both happy, I promise” he beams gently kissing my forehead “Maybe… maybe give me a real kiss” I say to him smirking as he immediately takes me in his arms and throws his lips down on me passionately.

It wasn’t the same feeling as I’d get kissing Alexander but it was still nice and comforting, I was content knowing that I was allowing myself to be open to love again.

6 months later – Sienna’s POV

“Good Morning Beautiful” I hear as I slowly start to wake up, Brandon was cuddled up next to me in bed as he starts nipping at my neck “Good Morning B” I say as I giggle at his ticklish act “You know I have an early meeting this morning” I say to him as he sighs “I know… I know” he replies.

Just as he finished his sentence we hear Ava calling out to us “I’ll go see her” I say to Brandon as he nods “Yeah… might be best… I think I need a minute to settle down” he smirks as I giggle “Sorry” I reply laughing “No you’re not you tease!” he scoffs throwing his head back into the pillow.

Brandon eventually comes out and takes over looking after Ava while I get ready for work, my wage was enough to cover all our expenses so Brandon looked after Ava most days and worked on writing and recording music in his spare time, I know he has turned down offers to tour because of us and it always made me feel so guilty, Brandon had a huge musical gift and it should be shared with the world.

Brandon’s POV

I pack up Ava’s things for the park as Sienna gives us both a kiss goodbye and heads off to work, I always wanted us to end up together but I just wish it wasn’t in such tragic circumstances. 

I miss my Father immensely and now I had lost both parents. Sienna and Ava felt like they were all I had left so they meant everything to me.

Sienna was taking our relationship slowly but that’s okay, she had made that commitment to me and to us and I know in time we will both have a full loving relationship like any other couple. 

As I finish packing up Ava’s things I hear a knock at the front door “Seems like Mommy forgot her keys again” I say to Ava as she laughs.

I open the door and was shocked to my core, nothing could have prepared me for this “Dad…?” I whisper barely able to get the words out.

“Brandon!!” He yells out his face flooding with tears as he wraps his arms around me “I didn’t know if anyone still lived here but I thought I’d try”  he splutters as he lets go of me.

“Oh my god no… no that isn’t…. Ava?” He says as he falls to his knees, when Dad went missing Ava was just a baby so she doesn’t recognize him. She cowers behind my legs unsure of who this man was.

“Ava… baby girl… it’s me… Daddy” he pleads with her as she grips tighter onto my legs “Um.. Dad.. I think she’s just feeling a bit shy right now, fuck… Dad…. what the hell… where have you been?” I say to him completely confused. 

I watch Dad walk into the apartment as he looks around “Is she here?” he asks me ignoring my question “No Dad… she’s at work” I reply as he shakes his head “Fuck… all the pain I’ve caused everyone” he states as he runs his fingers through his hair “Well maybe take a seat and start explaining… I’ll text Sienna to come home” I tell him still in complete shock.

I put the kettle on and make us some tea as Ava still stays close to me unsure of the man who is currently in the apartment.

I sit down opposite Dad and look at his face, he was clearly tired and his skin all dry and cracked, wherever he was for the last three years has taken it’s toll on him.

“I left Iceland headed back to New York when a few hours into the flight the engine failed, I was surrounded by ocean and had no where to go until I remembered about a small mostly uninhabited island off Greenland, I didn’t know exactly how to get there but I landed in the water about two miles away from the island, my plane sank but I was able to swim to the island, I just kept waiting day after day to be rescued” Dad’s voice cracks as he continues to tell me what happened.

“I wanted to try and swim to another island but I had to get home to you and the girls, I didn’t want to risk downing or freezing to death if I didn’t make it. I barely survived just eating fish and scrubs and drinking rainwater, I honestly thought I was going to die all alone on that island” Dad fully breaks down as he recalls to me the horrible trauma he went through burying in head in his hands.

It was at that point that Ava got off my lap and walks over to Dad and places her hand on his head patting him softly “Don’t be sad, it will be okay” she tells him as he lifts up his head smiling and letting out a small giggle as her cuteness.

“Thank you Angel, do you remember me?” he asks her as she looks slightly confused “I think so, Are you my Daddy?” she asks as he nods and smiles “I am Princess”. Ava lets out a huge smile and throws her arms around him “Don’t leave again” she says basically telling him off “I won’t, I promise” he whispers to her.

“Brandon?! Are you home?! Are you and Ava okay?” I hear from the front door. It was Sienna. I see Dad’s body freeze at the sound of her voice “Brandon? What’s going on?” she says walking into the room.

Sienna’s POV

Everything came to a complete standstill as I see Alexander sitting down on a chair in our lounge room, what the hell was going on? I start to take in some deep breathes as I didn’t know how to process what was happening. Was I fucking dreaming?

“Mommy, are you okay?” Ava asks as I let out a small nod “Ava, how about we go to the park like we planned?” Brandon asks her as she jumps up and down all excited.

Brandon grabs her things and takes her hand “Call me if you need me” he says to me as he places a small peck on the lips, I knew he did that on purpose but I was too shell shocked to deal with that right now.

“You look more beautiful than ever Si, god I’ve missed you” Alexander says walking towards me throwing his arms around me running his fingers through my hair “I’ve missed your lovely scent Sienna, I thought about this every night, your smell, your touch, your soft skin, your perfect pink lips, fuck it was torture being away from you” he tells me breaking down in tears as I slowly back away.

“Where were you Alexander? I thought… I thought for so long that you were dead… you broke my heart into a million pieces” I cry out not able to deal with what was happening right now.

“Please baby, please let me explain” he asks as I shake my head “I can’t deal with this” I yell out as I walk away, Alexander grabs my hand and looks deeply into my eyes “Please Sienna, let me tell you what happened” he begs as I eventually nod and take a seat next to him.

He tells me about the emergency landing in Greenland and how he survived during the three year period, he was eventually rescued by fisherman and taken to a hospital on the mainland, he decided to wait to let us know he was alive in person rather than us come to visit him in the Greenland hospital, he thought that it had been so long it had to be in person. 

“I’m so sorry I hurt you Sienna, you know I’d never do that on purpose” he says taking my hand in his “It’s been really hard… really hard but I’m so glad you’re alive” I finally break down and throw myself in his arms.

Alexander places his hand on my face moving it up to his as he places his lips onto mine, initially I return the kiss before pulling away from him. 

“Alexander… there is a lot we need to talk about” I tell him with the guilt starting to eat away at me “I’m not naive Sienna, you’re such an amazing beautiful woman and I’m guessing you’ve been seeing someone…” Alexander say gritting his teeth letting out a small amount of frustration. 

I can barely get out the words but I knew I had to tell him “Brandon…. he’s been by our side ever since you left… every night he’s been here, we grew close.” I say as my heart sinks.

“I understand Sienna and I know it’s going to be hard to let him down” Alexander says as I look up at him surprised “What do you mean?” I ask him quizzically.

“Well… I am your husband Sienna, I’m sorry that Brandon is going to get hurt but we made a commitment” he says nonchalantly “I also made a commitment to Brandon, he gave up his life and career for Ava and I, I can’t just throw him out on the streets, he’s been amazing to me and Ava is very attached to him” I reply getting worked up at our conversation.

“I’m her Father and your husband, I need to be here!” Alexander demands as I stand up trying to defuse the situation “Of course you need to be here and I can set up the spare room for you” I say while trying to calm him down.

“If I’m in the spare room where will Brandon put all his things…. oh” Alexander replies as it hits him, Brandon and I share a room now, a room that use to be our marital bedroom. 

“All your things are in the spare room, I didn’t throw anything out, I just couldn’t” I tell him as I swallow the lump in my throat. 

Alexander gets up and storms into what use to be our room and sees all of Brandon things in there as well as mine “Fuck, I need some air” Alexander states as he leaves in a hurry. 

I take a moment to try and process what’s going on, my head feels like it’s spinning and I couldn’t handle it but I needed to go after Alexander and I knew where he would be.

After a while I go to the roof top and see Alexander looking out at the view of New York City “Alexander?” I call out as I place a hand on his shoulder, he immediately turns around and wraps arms around me.

“I need you, I need my wife” he whispers into my ear as his warm tears hit the bare skin on my neck.  I close my eyes soaking up this moment with Alexander. 

“I’ll be here for you Alexander but I gave him my word, he doesn’t deserve to be hurt, I’m sorry but I can’t break his heart” I say to him “I know Si.. I know” he replies. 


Next chapter is the last one!

Hope you’ve all enjoyed this emotional chapter, once I’ve released the last chapter I’ll be working on French Tutor and Fighting for Love, I also want to try and merge this whole story onto Wattpad again so it can be read from start to finish (so painful!)

Please comment, vote or follow if you’re enjoying, always love hearing from you guys

Take care

Starlet x

Where to Now?

Sienna’s POV

Alexander was missing. His plane was missing. It left Reykjavik International Airport bound for New York and two hours into the flight air traffic control lost all contact with him, it was literally like his plane vanished into thin air.

I couldn’t take it, I was a walking Zombie not being able to hold any type of conversation or listen to word anyone said to me.

It had been 24 hours since we were told of the news, Mom, Dad, Brandon, Betty, Scarlet and Jean-Marc were all in my apartment taking care of Ava but all I wanted was my love, Alexander.

“Can I make you something to eat Sienna?” Mom asks as I shake my head “I know you’re not in the mood sweetheart but Ava still needs your milk, you need to take care of yourself” Mom says trying to convince me otherwise “Just…. just not right now Mom” I say softly with tears slowly running down my face.

Even though I wanted to be alone I was thankful for everyone around me helping out with Ava, plus today was her Birthday and there was constantly people coming to the door delivering things we had ordered for the day like balloons, decorations and cupcakes. Aunt Betty was able to deal with them and send those things back, it just wasn’t a day to celebrate.

I felt bad for Ava but Scarlet and Jean-Marc were doing a great job at keeping her happy and content, I’m glad she’s too young to understand what’s going on, she loves her Dad so much and this would just break her heart.

It was really late at night when everyone decided to leave, well everyone apart from Brandon. Mom and Dad were staying at Aunt Betty’s and Scarlet and Jean-Marc went back home, Brandon decided to stay in the spare room and help out with Ava, at the end of the day Ava is his sister so I guess that made sense.

I lay in bed just staring at the ceiling, I look over to the other side of the bed and can’t believe it’s empty, Where is he? Where is Alexander? I honestly can’t handle not knowing.

Before I knew it I started to breath heavily and quickly, it became so quick I could hardly keep up, Brandon races into the bedroom “Sienna! You’re having a panic attack, slow you’re breaking down baby, slow it right down” he says scooping me up in his arms as we sit up on the bed.

Before I knew it I started to breath heavily and quickly, it became so quick I could hardly keep up, Brandon races into the bedroom "Sienna! You're having a panic attack, slow you're breaking down baby, slow it right down" he says scooping me up i...

“Brandon, I can’t do this without him, I can’t do anything without him, Ava needs her Father” I cry out soaking Brandon’s shoulder.

“You don’t have to Si, he will be here and until he returns I will be here for the both of you, I’m not going to leave until he comes back, okay? You’ll never be alone Sienna” Brandon breaks our hug so he can say those words to my face looking deeply into my eyes ensuring I know how serious his promise is. 

I slowly nod, I was so appreciative of Brandon’s offer but I’m so heartbroken at the same time, it was at that moment a thought hits me “Shit Brandon, I’ve been so fucking selfish, how are you dealing with all of this? I didn’t even ask once” I say to him feeling super guilty.

“Don’t apologize Si, it’s understandable how you’d be feeling. Honestly… I’m scared. I’ve already lost one parent, I can’t lose another one, I mean if Dad is gone… what family do I have?” Brandon finally breaks down and now it was my turn to comfort him.

“As you said he will come home, we both know it. we both feel it. Ava and I, we’re your family, Ava is your sister and fuck if I’m not family to you than I don’t know what I am” I awkwardly laugh.

“Thank you Boo, of course you’re family, you’re everything to me” he says taking me again in a big bear hug “Will stay with me tonight? I don’t think I can be alone right now” I ask as he wipes away my tears, “Of course Si, I’m not going anywhere” he smiles placing a small kiss on my forehead as we lay down on the bed.

"Thank you Boo, of course you're family, you're everything to me" he says taking me again in a big bear hug "Will stay with me tonight? I don't think I can be alone right now" I ask as he wipes away my tears, "Of course Si, I'm not going anywhere"...

2 Years Later – Sienna’s POV

I race around the apartment looking for my heels, fuck I have a 8.30am meeting and I’m running super late. I finally find my shoes and race into the kitchen so I can give Ava her breakfast,  I stumble into the kitchen and was greeted with quite a sight. 

“Good Morning Boo” Brandon smirks with a devilish look on his face, his body was learning up against the kitchen bench and he was wearing just his underwear, yep nothing else.

“Did someone lose their pants again?” I say to him shaking my head as I open up a cupboard to grab out Ava’s breakfast bowl “She’s already had her breakfast, all taken care of” Brandon smiles taking a sip of his coffee.

"Did someone lose their pants again?" I say to him shaking my head as I open up a cupboard to grab out Ava's breakfast bowl "She's already had her breakfast, all taken care of" Brandon smiles taking a sip of his coffee

“What would I do without you?” I say kissing him on the cheek smiling “Can you still drop Ava off at Scarlet and Jean-Marc’s place?” I ask as I throw some coffee into a take away cup.

“Absolutely, have a great day at work Boo” he smiles as he grabs Ava from her highchair “Say bye to Mommy” he tells Ava “Bye Mumma, love you” she tells me as Brandon bounces her up and down in his arms “Bye Princess, love you Avie” I say as I wave goodbye to both of them.

It’s been two years since Alexander went missing, still no trace of him or his plane. The authorities tell me that he and his place are most likely at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean which makes me feel sick to my stomach, part of me still expects him to walk through the front door any minute now.

I went back to work after 6 months off, I went back because I needed the distraction. I fell into a deep depression a week after Alexander went missing and I know if I didn’t have Ava and Brandon I don’t think I ever would have found the courage to fight for my life.

Work has been amazing, especially Damon, he was a fantastic boss and was so understanding about everything I had been through, even though my heart was shattered into a million pieces I still had a lot to be grateful for

Work has been amazing, especially Damon, he was a fantastic boss and was so understanding about everything I had been through, even though my heart was shattered into a million pieces I still had a lot to be grateful for. 

I was happy enough at work during the day but going to bed at night was the worse, I would usually cry myself to sleep trying my best to keep it muffled so that Brandon wouldn’t hear or worry about me. 

Brandon never really left and moved into the spare room in our apartment, he’s been with me every night since and really has made my life bearable. 

It was just the little things he would do for us, for example I would come home and he’d be making popcorn for Ava and I with a child friendly Netflix movie picked out or he’d be painting pictures with Ava with both of them covered in paint, last week I came home from a long day at work to a bubble bath and my favorite glass of wine waiting for me. I was so damn lucky to have Brandon.

“Sienna?” I hear as I’m caught staring outside my office window, I turn to see Damon smiling at me “Hey Boss, What’s up?” I ask shooting him back a halfhearted smile “Just checking in on you, how’s things?” he asks as I shake my head “I don’t know….Will it ever get easier?” I ask as he sits on the end of my desk.

“It will Sienna, you have you’re beautiful daughter that is a part of you both, anytime you miss him all you have to do is look into her eyes and he’s with you” he tells me looking at me sympathetically “He wouldn’t want you to be unhappy, he would have never ever wanted you to feel all this pain you’re going through” he says as I swallow the lump building in my throat.

“Listen, I have a big case for you next week to work on, why don’t you take the rest of the day off and come back in on Monday refreshed and ready to go?” he asks as I smile “Thank you Damon, you’re really just a big softy at heart, aren’t you?” I say letting out a small giggle “Shhhh, told tell anyone that though” he laughs.

I decide to take a walk through Central Park before picking up Ava from Scarlet’s place, her housekeeper Victoria was looking after Ava and Violetta. I was minutes away from arriving when I receive a text message from Brandon.

“Hey Boo, I called your office and the receptionist told me you’d already left, if you haven’t already got Ava can you come home first?” I read the message kind of confused, I had no idea why I had to come home first.

I arrive home and walk into the apartment to find a huge bouquet of red roses waiting for me, I let out a small gasp at the sight of the beautiful flowers “Boo?” I hear Brandon call out, I follow his voice to find him.

I arrive home and walk into the apartment to find a huge bouquet of red roses waiting for me, I let out a small gasp at the sight of the beautiful flowers "Boo?" I hear Brandon call out, I follow his voice to find him

“Brandon? What’s going on? Why are you all dressed up?” I ask confused noticing Brandon was looking very handsome in his suit.

“Well Boo, I’m taking you out on the town tonight, we both haven’t been out in years and I know it’s painful but we need to start living again, we need to enjoy life, so please, Sienna, can I take you out to dinner tonight?” he asks so damn sweetly.

My head was spinning, I had no idea what was going on, was this a date or just out of pity? I didn't know what to think but what I did know is that this man has stood by my side for the last 2 years without putting a foot wrong, I couldn't deny hi...

My head was spinning, I had no idea what was going on, was this a date or just out of pity? I didn’t know what to think but what I did know is that this man has stood by my side for the last 2 years without putting a foot wrong, I couldn’t deny him his request for a simple dinner.

“Sure, no problem, um… let me get ready” I smile nervously as I head into my bedroom, I go through my closet and look in the back to see anything that’s half decent as I either have work or Mummy clothes.

I grab out a cropped black top and a flowing knee length skirt matched with some black heels, I fix up my hair before making my way back out to see Brandon.

“You’re so beautiful Sienna, always damn beautiful” Brandon mutters as I smile shyly fidgeting with my fingers. Fuck I was nervous. 

Brandon's POV

Brandon’s POV

It was the right time, it had been two years since Dad had gone missing and even though I’d give anything to have him back it became obvious he wasn’t coming back. 

There was no place I’d rather be than with Sienna and Ava, I promised I’d be there for Sienna and I meant every word, I didn’t want to push her but I wanted us to move forward with our relationship, I wanted to be with Sienna, I wanted us to be real couple. 

Tonight was a step in that direction. Tonight I’m going to profess my feelings for Sienna and I’m hoping the night will end in us making love until the morning.


Two chapters left of Love Triangle!

Thank you for sticking with me guys, I know I’ve been a little MIA lately but I want to finish off these chapters soon and I’m going to commit to doing so!

Please comment, vote or follow if you’re enjoying

Hope you’re all well

Take Care

Starlet x


Sienna’s POV

Having baby Ava home with us was just so special, I couldn’t believe how much love filled my heart for our little girl, as happy as I was it always made me lightly anxious.

I mean before it was just me in New York trying to survive college, now, well…now I have a husband and daughter that I love more than life itself, I had so much to lose.

It’s like I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to end up with Alexander and Ava, I was able to keep my career and have the family I’ve always dreamed of, sometimes it just felt too good to be true.

Six months after Ava’s arrival I ended up going back to work, it was really hard to come to that decision and I just didn’t feel ready to leave her yet but this is what I had wanted and asked for, I was originally going to go back after a few months but I just couldn’t, I physically couldn’t leave her as I was way too attached.

We were lucky that Scarlet and Jean-Marc offered to help us out financially so both Alexander and I could stay at home with Ava but the time had come for me to suck it up and go back into the corporate world and start on that dream again of being a damn good human rights lawyer.

“Okay Mommy is going now, is everyone going to be okay?” I ask pouting not waiting to leave “Yesssss” Alexander says rolling his eyes “Stop stressing, we will both be fine and we will both be here when you get home, have a good first day back, love you Si” Alexander states kissing me goodbye.

“Okay…well.. love you both…take care” I say reluctantly as I slowly walk out the door waving goodbye.

6 months later – Sienna’s POV

Work had been going really well and life at home was also wonderful, Alexander and I had been planning for Ava’s 1st birthday party this Sunday, I was taking the Friday off work to get all the last minute things but also to look after Ava as Alexander was flying this weekend to Iceland which was about a 5 hour flight from New York, he was flying over some medical supplies to the Red Cross.

Even though he was only going for one day and would be back Saturday night I always missed him like crazy, knowing his was out of the country and so far away made my heart ache.

We made passionate love that morning during Ava’s nap before Alexander had to leave “See you tomorrow Wifey, love you” he says throwing a long lasting kiss on my lips “Be a good girl for Mommy…ok Princess? Love you too baby girl” he says kissing Ava’s cheeks as she giggles.

I watch Alexander leave before moving away from the window and giving Ava a bath to distract myself, I was fortunate that Ava was a good baby and wouldn’t cause too much trouble while Alexander was gone.

The next 24 hours seemed like they went so slow, Ava and I had a good time playing and going to the park but it just wasn’t the same without Alexander, Ava knew it too, being the stay at home parent Ava was definitely more attached to Alexander than myself.

I sat on the couch that night watching some trash tv shows waiting for Alexander to get home, he was due to arrive any minute now and I didn’t want to go to bed without him, Ava has been sleeping for the last few hours so she was happy and content.

I drift in and out of sleep until I can’t fight it anymore and fall asleep, hours later I wake up to hear Ava crying and get up to check on her, after getting her back to sleep I look at the time and realized Alexander should have been home hours ago, it was 2am in the morning. 

I look at my phone and see I have no new messages or missed calls, I attempt to call him but it goes straight to voicemail, my heart started to race and I knew needed help. 

I pick up my phone and call the one person who I think could help me “Dad… I’m sorry to wake you up” I say calling him panicked “It’s okay Si-Si, is everything okay?” he asks worried “It’s Alexander Dad, he was meant to be here four hours ago but he’s still not home, I can’t get it touch with him, can you find out from your pilot friends any information or find out where his plane is?” I ask nervously.

I gave Dad all the information I had about Alexander’s flight and he told me he’d made some calls straight away, I move to floor to try and slow down my breathing as I was getting all worked up and I couldn’t take it, I had to stay calm for Alexander and Ava.

After spending the next 15 minutes on the floor I get up when I hear a noise at the front door, I race over to the door getting ready to open it up and jump in his arms, I’d then give him a massive wack on the arm for getting me so worried.

I look through the peep hole in the door and my heart stops, it was two police officers at the front door, I slowly open it up as my eyes fill with tears “I’m guessing you don’t have good news for me?” I say to them barely being able to get out my words “We’re afraid not” one of them replies.

Brandon’s POV

When I heard the news everything stopped, I had to go to New York straight away, I had to be with Sienna.

“Brandon, where the fuck do you think you’re going?” one of my band mates asks me, we were currently in London on our world tour “I need to get home” I say bluntly packing up all my stuff throwing them into my suitcase, I didn’t have time and was in no mood to give out explanations.

I see Zara come into the room confused “Brandon, what do you mean you’re going home? What’s happened?” she asks, I explain to her the situation and she collapses onto the hotel bed.

“You’re still in love with her…..aren’t you?” she asks looking back at me”Zara… this isn’t the time, can you please just pack up your things so we can go back to New York?” I ask as I watch her go over to the bedroom window.

“I’m not going home with you Brandon, I’m going to stay here, I think…. I think we need some time apart” she states with so much sadness in her voice “Zara… I don’t have time for this, I have to get back” I tell her shaking my head.

I take a deep breath and go over to her, I place a small soft kiss her on the forehead as I leave out the door bound for New York. “Take care of yourself Zara” I say closing the door behind me. 



Please comment, like or vote if you’re enjoying. A few people have been asking and once the story is complete I’m going to try and merge it all onto wattpad again with minimal pictures/gifs of course *rolls eyes* so it can be read start to finish.

Take Care

Starlet x

What The Future Holds

Sienna’s POV

I lay down on the bed in my white lacy lingerie as my husband slowly crawls on top on me, completely naked, he carefully removes my lingerie firstly sliding off my panties than unhooking my bra releasing my swollen breasts thanks to my pregnancy. 

“My beautiful wife” Alexander words coming out so gentle from his mouth but tug hard at my heart strings, I could feel my emotions starting to take over.

“Si, are you crying?” Alexander asks me looking so deeply concerned as I let out a small laugh “Just happy tears handsome, I promise” I smile as he wraps me up, our naked bodies feeling so connected to each other “I’ll love you for forever Sienna, my true love, my one and only” he whispers into my ear.

“I love you so damn much handsome, so much it fucking hurts” I say to him as he smirks letting out a small chuckle “Let me make love to you my gorgeous wife” he says locking eyes with me in a lustful stare as I nod “Please baby” I reply barely getting my words out.

He ever so slowly enters me and I throw my whole body back with a small spasm, it was like ecstasy having him inside me again.

“I want it deep husband” I mutter out as he pounds harder into my tighten core, my nipples fully erect as my body was in a full state of pleasure, Alexander picks up the pace and thrusts deeper inside me.

“I know exactly what you want Si” he tells me shooting me one of his killer smiles, he turns me around on all four and enters me from behind biting down on my ear “I know you love it from behind you naughty girl” he growls smacking my ass firmly.

My arousal was at an all time high, this man knew how to fuck me and fuck me well, his hands grabbing onto my hips pushing them towards him as he repeatedly hits my g-spot over and over again.

“Alexander… I’m so close” I cry out “I know Si, I can feel you tighten up on my hard cock” he mutters out barely being able to speak. 

Suddenly Alexander pulls out of me and turns me around lifting me up into his arms “Sorry baby, I can’t have us finishing too early” he smirks as he carries me to the couch.

He throws me down and roughly enters me once again which results in me yelling out in absolute pleasure “Arghhh you’re naughty Alexander, I fucking love it” I cry out as he laughs.

Not only did this feel amazing it also felt incredibly special, we were making love for the first time as Husband and Wife, the way Alexander was focused on me without breaking our lustful loving stare was ensuring our intensity was sky high.

Alexander’s POV

Sienna, My Sienna, My Wife, The Mother of my unborn child. She was everything to me and I wanted to show her physically how much I love her. 

I see the beads of sweat form at her hairline, her cheeks bright pink and her face completely flushed as she continues to breath hard and heavy. 

I place my forehead on hers as she shoots me the sweetest smile, we were in our happy place, our little love bubble and honestly I never wanted it to end.

“Alexander, I’m so close baby” she cries out as her breathing intensives “Yes Si, let it take over baby girl” I growl trying my best to hold off myself.

Sienna’s body violently shutters as she lets out a loud moan “Allexxannnddeerrrrr” slips out of her mouth as I release my seed deep inside her. 

She lets out a small cute giggle as our lips meet coming together for a passionate kiss “That was just perfect Husband” she smiles “I couldn’t agree more” I reply wrapping her up in my arms

6 Months Later – Alexander’s POV

The first 6 months of our marriage has been blissful, our baby was quickly growing and Sienna had been dealing with the pregnancy like a champion, all the morning sickness, aches and pains just never affected her happiness or wiliness to keep getting on with her day, I always knew she was a strong woman but seeing her go through this pregnancy made her even stronger.

Sienna was still working with Damon at his law firm, he was so good to both of us, I loved seeing Sienna come home so enthusiastic about her work and making a difference in people’s lives. 

Our marriage was still our secret, no one knew and that’s how we liked it for now, I knew in another year or two we would have our big wedding but for now I didn’t need the world to know she was my wife, just knowing myself was more than enough.

“Good Morning Wifey” I say sipping on my morning coffee as I see her appear from our bedroom “Morning Husband, our baby is in a kicking mood this morning, come feel” she says smiling as I walk over and place my hand on her tummy “Wow… so active, it’s just amazing Si” 

We both decided to keep the gender a surprise until birth, as we get closer to the end I know it’s killing Sienna not knowing but I know she’s looking forward to the big day when we meet our little Prince or Princess.

“Okay I’m going to have a shower before we meet up with Jean-Marc and Scarlet for breakfast” She tells me as she heads over to the bathroom

I continue to drink my coffee and read the paper before I hear Sienna scream out, I immediately drop everything and run into the bathroom “My water just broke!!” she cries out, shit… I was so shocked as she wasn’t due for another 3 weeks. 

Luckily we had already packed a bag last week and we were ready to go, we call a cab as Sienna starts wincing in pain “Fuck, I think the contractions are starting, our baby is impatient just like their Father” she cries out as I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.

We were moments away from the hospital when Jean-Marc rings asking where we both were as we were meant to meet them 15 minutes ago, I tell them our news as I hear Scarlet squeal in the background, Jean-Marc tells me they will make their way over to the hospital and meet us there.

I quickly send a group text out to Owen, Penelope and Brandon telling everyone to get on a plane and get to New York, our baby was coming.

9 long painful hours later our daughter was born, Ava Claire Rose. Sienna was as per usual just amazing and was doing really well after the birth.

“Alexander, she’s so perfect” Sienna whispers out completely exhausted “She’s just like her Mother, complete perfection” I reply softly kissing Sienna on the forehead taking Ava out of her arms for a moment “I love you so much my beautiful baby girl, everything we do is for you” I softly tell Ava.

5 years ago when I was trapped in a loveless marriage who knew I’d be here with the real love of my life and getting the chance to be a Father again, I was so damn lucky. 

A few days later I was able to take both my beautiful girls home and start our lives together, Sienna was just glowing even though she was so exhausted and Ava was being a perfect baby mostly just sleeping all day.

“Alexander?” I hear Sienna call out from the bedroom “Yes Wifey?” I reply as she giggles “Promise me you’ll always take care of us” she asks as I look at her confused “Of course I will Si, that’s my number one job” she nods as a small smile appears on her face, she closes her eyes softly drifting off to sleep.


Aww little baby Ava! How sweet! Now I know this would be perfect way to end the story but I’m not done just yet, still got a few more surprises ahead

Take you for your patience in waiting for this chapter to come out, I’m committed to not keep you guys waiting so long again

Take Care

Starlet x


Alexander’s POV

I stepped back in complete and utter shock, I didn’t understand what was going on “What do you mean we’re getting married this afternoon?” I ask as my heart starts to race at a million miles. 

“Well I know that you really want us to be married before our child arrives, as always you were sweet enough to accept what I wanted which was a big wedding after the birth, well, there is no reason we can’t do both” she smiles nervously reaching for my hand intertwining her fingers with mine.

“Alexander, Town Hall is expecting us in one hour if you want to marry me today, I picked up some wedding rings this morning and I want to end the day with you as my husband but only if you’re comfortable to do this, I hope I haven’t crossed the line” the stress lines on her face appear as she starts questioning what she’s done.

“Sienna, I can’t believe you did this for me, I’m shocked, what you’ve….” the lump in my throat builds as I start to tear up thinking about how fucking lucky I am.

“What you’ve done is such a beautiful gesture, I can’t believe I’ll be going to bed tonight with my wife, the woman of my dreams who looks so damn radiant carrying our child” I shake my head trying to keep my emotions in check.

“Thank you so much Sienna, thank you for knowing how much this meant to me and compromising, I promise when you’re ready baby I’m going to give you the wedding of your dreams” I say kissing down on her hands which were linked into mine.

“So Mr. Alexander Rose, would you like to get married this afternoon?” she asks starting to get giddy at the thought of what’s about to happen “Fuck yeah Ms. Hazelwood! I would love to get married this afternoon, I can’t wait for you to be my wife Sienna, there is nothing I want more in this whole world baby” I say wrapping her up tight in my arms still trying to come to grips with the fact that this was my reality.

“Should we tell anyone afterwards that we’re married or keep it between ourselves?” Sienna asks “Hmm I don’t know, I kind of like the idea of this just being between us” I say as Sienna nods “Me too, until we have our big wedding maybe it can be our little secret” she laughs as she wraps her arms around my neck “What do we say about the rings though?” I ask trying to cover all bases “We can just say they’re commitment rings. Just us, the judge and baby will know we’re married” she smirks as I laugh.

“Well… let’s go get married handsome!” she smiles as we walk out hand in hand “Oh shit… I forgot something” she says running back to the bedroom “Nearly forgot the rings, do you want to see them now or keep it a surprise?” she asks only just containing her excited “You know I’m so impatient Si, let’s take a quick look” I say to her knowing that seeing our wedding rings will just make it all the more real.

As she slowly opens the small red jewelry box I let out a small gasp, our rings were just perfect, I pick up the ring that I’d be wearing until the day I die and can’t help but smile “You did amazing baby, just beautiful” I feel that lump in my throat starting to grow again but shake off my feelings, I need to pull myself together and not be a complete mess today.

As she slowly opens the small red jewelry box I let out a small gasp, our rings were just perfect, I pick up the ring that I'd be wearing until the day I die and can't help but smile "You did amazing baby, just beautiful" I feel that lump in my th...

We embarked on the short walk to the Town Hall and embrace the unusually warm winter’s day in New York, we were a few blocks away when I feel Sienna stop and tug on my hand.

“Handsome, can I get some flowers? I can’t get married without flowers” she giggles “Of course baby, you can get as many as you like, anything for my wifey to be” I say to her completing smitten with this woman.

"Handsome, can I get some flowers? I can't get married without flowers" she giggles "Of course baby, you can get as many as you like, anything for my wifey to be" I say to her completing smitten with this woman
She picks up a few bunches of roses and asks the florist if she can put them together, she ties them together with a white silk ribbon and hands them to Sienna "Now we're ready to get married" she smiles with her eyes sparkling

She picks up a few bunches of roses and asks the florist if she can put them together, she ties them together with a white silk ribbon and hands them to Sienna “Now we’re ready to get married” she smiles with her eyes sparkling. 

We arrive at Town Hall slightly early, even though I wanted this more than anything I could feel the butterflies start to circulate in my stomach, I knew if I was feeling this way Sienna must be feeling the same way if not more nervous

We arrive at Town Hall slightly early, even though I wanted this more than anything I could feel the butterflies start to circulate in my stomach, I knew if I was feeling this way Sienna must be feeling the same way if not more nervous.

I look over at my beautiful girl and she appears to be very calm and peaceful just softly stroking her baby bump, it was comforting to know she was happy about this next huge chapter in our lives.

“Alexander and Sienna?” the judges calls out as we make the way to his chambers hand in hand, the judge briefly speaks to us before he starts the ceremony, he asks us if we would like to say our own vows, something which I’ve had no preparation for “I’ll go first” Sienna speaks up which was a huge relief.

“Alexander, I’ve known you all my life but the day I came over to your house after not seeing you for so long I knew something had changed, our instant and magnetic connection couldn’t be ignored and I just wanted to know more about you. You’re a loving selfless man and always wants the best for me even if it’s not what’s best for you, we’ve had our ups and downs but I can honestly say standing here holding your hands about to become your wife with our child present I’ve never love anyone so much and I never will love anyone more, you’re everything to me Alexander and I’m so honored to become your wife” Sienna pours her heart to me with a few words coming our shaky, my eyes fill with tears as her beautiful words tug hard at my heartstrings. I take a deep breath and get ready to speak from the heart to my love.

“Sienna, my darling, you rescued me from a life of darkness and misery, I had given up on falling in love or having a family again but you showed me kindness, compassion, laughter and love. Now I know that I’ve found it again with you and it’s stronger and deeper than I ever could imagine. Standing here looking at you I’m just in complete awe and I love you more and more everyday. I’m so proud of the smart, brave, caring, intelligent woman who about to be my wife and mother of our child, I’ll love you until my last breath Sienna and I promise you have my heart for eternity” Both of us now struggling with our eyes full of tears trying our best to hold them back “Alexander that was so beautiful” she whispers.

The Judge continues to talk and asks us to exchange our rings, both rings were a perfect fit and it felt so special, I love the feeling of having a wedding ring on my finger again and even more so knowing the amazing woman this ring is connected to. 

The judge says a few final things before announcing us as husband and wife, we move in for a loving sweet kiss which lingered for longer than expected, our first kiss as husband and wife was just electric. The love we had for each other was just so present and I feel a strong shiver go through my body as I notice her skin was covered in goosebumps.

I place my forehead on hers and whisper to her softly “I’ll love you forever my darling wife” as a beautiful small smile dances on her face “I’ll love you forever my wonderful husband” she replies, this moment was perfect and one I’d never forget. 

After signing all the relevant paperwork we head out together hand in hand, married, completely in love and expecting our first child. Life was perfect.

"Baby, I think we should go back home and grab a few things than head upstate for the weekend, I'll book us a cabin tonight

“Baby, I think we should go back home and grab a few things than head upstate for the weekend, I’ll book us a cabin tonight. The only items required is you, me and our wedding rings, mmm yes that’s all we’ll need” I say to her wrapping my arms around her waist softly kissing her neck.

“Will this be kind of like a honeymoon?” she asks giggling as my kisses tickle her neck “Well we’ll have a much bigger one when we have our wedding but yeah it will be like our honeymoon, I mean we have to consummate this marriage you know Si” I say gently biting down on her shoulder.

“I feel like given the chance you’d consummate this marriage right now, but I love the cabin idea, get the fire going and curling up in front of that in your arms wrapped in a nice big blanket, mmm that sounds perfect” she mutters clearly getting affected by my seductive love bites.

Once home Sienna starts packing up our big weekender bag and I jump on my cell and look up accommodation for the weekend, I eventually find the most perfect place to take my goddess wife and make love for the first time as a married couple.

Sienna’s POV

I pack us both clothes for the next few days as well as packing a few silk nighties with lace trim and sexy lingerie sets hoping they still fit, my baby bump was becoming prominent and my breasts had definitely gone up a cup size, not that Alexander was complaining.

Once packed we make our way to the car and Alexander drives us upstate to a secluded self maintained cottage cabin, we walk inside and I was completely gobsmacked, this place was stunning “Alexander…. this place is perfect” I say with my eyes darting around the place like an excited child. 

The cabin was warm and cozy with a huge king size bed and a roaring fireplace next to it, I walk into the next room and see a huge bathtub that will easily fit the both of us. The nature views outside were so gorgeous, I really couldn’t believe I was so lucky to be staying at such an amazing place with my handsome husband.

"Only the best for you my wife" he smirks, it still feels so surreal him calling me his wife but it also felt so right, I knew I was meant to be with this amazing man "Just call me Mrs

“Only the best for you my wife” he smirks, it still feels so surreal him calling me his wife but it also felt so right, I knew I was meant to be with this amazing man “Just call me Mrs.Rose” I say to seductively as he picks me up…. bridal style… of course.

My lips crash down on his and the heat between us was intense and passionate, I’ve never wanted him so much than right now in this moment “I need you Alexander, I crave you so badly” I whisper as a manly groan escape from his lips .

He gently places us onto the bed moving on top of me and slowly lowers down the straps on my white dress, his lips ensuring every single part of my body was given attention, his kisses move from my neck to my shoulders, it felt like he was drinking every inch of me in, my arousal was so strong and I couldn’t help but moan out each time his lips connected with my naked skin.

He slowly unbuttons the back of my dress as the silky material falls off my body leaving me sitting on the bed in my skimpy white lace lingerie, my baby bump definitely present as Alexander smiles looking down at it.

Our eyes connect again and don’t leave each other as Alexander slowly starts to undress, I think we were both a bit nervous but also highly excited for what was about to happen, we just wanted it to be perfect.

Our eyes connect again and don't leave each other as Alexander slowly starts to undress, I think we were both a bit nervous but also highly excited for what was about to happen, we just wanted it to be perfect

“Sienna, my beautiful wife, tonight I want to please you like never before, I want to put you in a state of ultimate pleasure until your body can’t take it anymore, you’ve made me the happiest man alive and you should be rewarded, I want to treat you like the goddess that you are, I want to make love to you until we see the sunrise, can I please do this for you my wife?” Alexander growls, fuck I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on by his words before.

“Yes please, I’m ready for you husband, please make love to me, I need it baby. Your wife needs your love so damn much” I say to him, he slowly unzips his pants as I watch them fall swiftly to the ground, he’s starts to move towards me and all I could think was my husband was complete and utter perfection.


Hope you all enjoyed this lovey romantic chapter, Alexander and Sienna are officially married! woo!

As mentioned previously there is only a couple of chapters left, I don’t know exactly how many but it’s very close to the end

Please comment, vote or follow if you’re enjoying

Take Care

Starlet x


Sienna’s POV

I was completely floored by Scarlet’s reaction, that was so unlike her, she’s been my biggest supporter since day one, I thought she’d be jumping up and down like a cheerleader and she’d be so excited for us but for whatever reason that’s not the case at all.

I see Sienna run out of the room and Jean-Marc head out of the other exit “I’ll follow him, you go after her?” Alexander asks me as I nod.

Sienna was slumped over a small balcony on the other side of the room opposite our reception party, her tears were coming out thick and fast, “Scar, what’s happened? Are you okay?” I ask softly, she nearly jumped out of her skin when I said those words clearly not expecting me to find her. 

“Oh Si-Si I’m so sorry for ruining your right, I’m so fucking selfish, it’s just…. I’ve been begging Jean-Marc for another child for so long but after what happened the first time he won’t allow it, the doctors tell me it will be fine as long as I have a c-section but it’s not enough for him, ugh, I should just be grateful that we have Violetta and she’s happy and healthy but I can’t help but want just one more child” she takes a deep breath.

“Your announcement just took me by surprise that’s all, I didn’t mean to react the way I did, I’m really sorry Sienna, I am really happy for you and Alexander, you’ll be amazing parents” she stutters fighting through her tears.

“Don’t be sorry and you didn’t ruin our night, I could understand how heartbreaking that must be, listen, Alexander is talking to him now, maybe he’ll be able to reason with Jean-Marc, you know, see it from a different point of view?” I say comforting her as she gathers her emotions together.

“I hope so or i’ll just have to get over it, I was so weak when I had Violetta I missed out on so much, I want to experience it right from the start, I know it’s just fear holding Jean-Marc back” 

Alexander’s POV 

I see Jean-Marc head up to the rooftop balcony, I follow him up there and see him leaning up against the handrails having a cigarette “Hey man, is everything okay?” I ask him as he turns to see me “Yeah, sorry about the drama, having another child has been causing a lot of friction in our household at the moment so that’s why we’re both a mess” he tells me as he puffs away on his smoke, the stress evident on his face.

“You’re not interested in having another child?” I ask him trying to work out what was going on “I’d love another child but there is no way we’re going through that again, I nearly lost her Alexander, the doctors came in and said to me to prepare for the worst, to basically prepare for a life without Scarlet, the nightmares I had were unbelievable and even after she was home safe I would wake up in the middle of the night sweating and hyperventilating thinking she was gone, I can’t do that again, I won’t risk losing her, we have our daughter…. that’s enough” he shakes his head trying to hold back the tears.

“Have you told her all this?” I ask him “Some of it, not all, I don’t want her to feel guilty, she couldn’t help it but I’ll never risk losing her again for anything” he says to me defiantly.

“Well if she can’t have another child safely than I completely understand” I reply “Well the doctors say if we do an early c-section it should be fine but what if she goes into labor early, what then?!?” he quips 

“So if you don’t have another kid will that hurt your relationship?” I ask trying not to rock the boat too much “I know she will end up resenting me” he shrugs also acting defeated 

“That’s a hard one man, I would talk to the doctors again, see if you can get some more comfort from them because you don’t want to ruin your relationship with Scarlet, if she wants to be a Mom again that’s a hard thing to say no to and it seems like saying no is breaking her heart” I say to him hoping he won’t rip my head off.

“I know it is, you don’t think it breaks my heart seeing her run off crying like she did before? I’m meant to make my wife happy but every time I think about her getting pregnant again I get this lump in my throat and sick feeling in my stomach” Jean-Marc sighs deeply.

“Fuck, I can’t ruin our marriage, I have to pull my head in, I’ll book some appointments with some specialists, thank you for chat man” he says giving me a hug.

“Anytime, now let’s go find our beautiful women and have a good night” I say to him heading down the rooftop stairs.

I return and see Sienna looking so damn radiant, I walk up to her and place a soft kiss on her neck “Missed you handsome” she whispers

We see a defeated looking Scarlet and sheepishly looking Jean-Marc making eye contact, he slowly walks up to her but she looks down at her shoes, he places his finger under her chin lifting her head up slowly shooting her a comforting smile “I’ll make some appointments next week, we’ll go talk to some more doctors Fleur” he whispers as she looks up immediately at him and starts to tear up again “Thank you Beau, I promise I’ll be okay, I promise I won’t go anywhere” she replies softly kissing his lips as they wrap their arms around each other.

After that mini drama the rest of the night went well, everyone was so excited for us and Sienna only had to excuse herself once to be sick so she was having fun too.

I had my arm wrapped around Sienna’s waist from behind rubbing her tiny baby belly when Aunt Betty approaches us “Well who would have thought the forbidden naughty date you had at my daughter’s wedding would turn into a proposal and pregnancy?” she asks jokingly “That was an amazing night” Sienna replies smiling tilting her head back to me shooting me a cheeky grin.

“Oh please I don’t need to know the  intimate details, but anyway good on you both and it’s good to see you’re having a baby before the wedding, it’s crazy that couples think they have to get married before a baby comes, I mean it’s so old fashioned” she states taking another big gulp of her cocktail, one of many consumed that night I’m suspecting.

Sienna’s POV

Aunt Betty was clearly drunk and it was hilarious, I’m glad to see she’s enjoying herself, I reply to her previous statement “Well I think it’s up to the individual couple I mean whatever works best for them” I reply looking over at Alexander for his reaction.

“Yeah… I guess so” he shrugs, I was puzzled by his reaction but didn’t think this was the best time to get into it.

As the night went on I see Alexander drinking more and more until he was clearly drunk, I obviously had to stick to the plain soda all night which was no fun at all being surrounded by alcohol affected guests. 

After everyone had left I called for a cab to take us back home, we jump in and Alexander is immediately all over me “You’re so sexy Sienna, your breasts look fucking amazing in that dress, can’t wait to have you naked in our bed and have your legs wrapped around my neck” he whispers to me however what he thought was a quiet whisper was actually quite loud, I see the cab driver look back at us in the rear vision mirror, I couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh.

“Alexander, let’s talk about this at home” I reply as he keeps trying to start a deep passionate kiss with me “Please wifey, don’t deprive me” he pouts as he tries to unhook my bra “Wifey? I’ll be your Wifey soon baby” I reply smiling “Not soon enough” he replies before passing out asleep.

I let Alexander sleep for the rest of the cab ride than manage to wake him up so he can get into our apartment, he walks straight to our bed and collapses in it snoring seconds later “What happened to my legs around your neck?” I ask him smiling knowing he won’t answer cause he’s asleep, I get into my pajamas and slide in next to him doing some research for tomorrow on my laptop.

Alexander’s POV

I wake up at 4am feeling horrendous, why did I have to have so much to drink? I head to the bathroom and throw up, this poor bathroom has had way too much vomit to deal with lately, I brush my teeth to get out the horrible taste in my mouth and take a couple of headache tablets and some water to try to recover from my stupidity.

I walk back to bed and see my beautiful angel sleeping so peacefully, one hand on her belly protecting our child with her engagement ring glistening from the moonlight, I couldn’t help but smile, she was perfection to me, she made me so happy and I was lucky to have her, I loved her so deeply and I couldn’t ever imagine feeling any other way.

I return to our bed and cuddle her up into my arms “I’ll keep you safe always Si” I whisper as she smiles and we fall asleep together.

I wake up later that morning feeling pretty good but I was super hungry and badly needing coffee.

“Good Morning Handsome, how are you feeling?” Sienna asks smirking already dressed and ready for the day ahead “Feeling good baby, how are you and our little bambino doing?” I ask rubbing her belly “Both doing well, especially after that hot passionate love making session we had last night, you were so good” she laughs as I roll my eyes and shake my head.

“Yes I know, I was a big let down in that department last night for sure but I can make it up to you right now” I say as I start trailing slow kisses down her neck moving onto her collarbone.

“Sorry handsome I’ve got too many things to do today but will you be home at 3pm?” she asks as I wonder what she was up to “I was just going to go to the gym with Jean-Marc but I’ll be here at 3pm” I reply pouring myself a coffee.

“Great, well I’ll see you this afternoon” she states kissing me letting her lips linger on mine before she heads out the door “Wait! What’s happening this afternoon?” I shout out to her confused “You’ll see” she winks as she leaves shutting the front door behind her.

After having breakfast and catching up on some work I meet Jean-Marc just before lunch to smash out a gym session “How are things with you and Scarlet?” I ask him as we’re running on the treadmills “Good, I’ve got us an appointment lined up tomorrow and the next day with another doctor, she was very appreciative last night” he smirks as I laugh shaking my head.

“Good to hear, I couldn’t wait to get Sienna home last night but stupid me had too much to drink and fell asleep before anything could happen” I sigh as Jean-Marc let’s out a boisterous laugh. 

“Oh that happens to the best of us, just don’t let it happen too often or you”ll have an unhappy fiance” he replies as I nod “I know, I won’t, I’ll make it up to her tonight, hopefully” I state as we get off the treadmill and head towards the weights

“Hopefully?” He replies inquisitively “Yeah, she has something planned for us this afternoon I think, maybe something to do with the baby, I don’t know” I shrug 

After another hour in the gym I hit the showers than head home as I see it’s close to 2pm and I needed to make sure I’m ready for anything she had planned at 3pm.

 I get home and see my tux suit laid out on the bed, I notice that it’s been freshly pressed and dry cleaned “Sienna?” I call out wondering what’s going on as I start getting changed into the outfit.

I gasped out loud, I was stunned and my breath was completely gone when I see Sienna appear, she was looking stunning, beyond stunning, her hair perfectly done with beautiful big loose curls and her make up light but highlighted all her best features, her dress a mixture of angelic and sexy all in one, I couldn’t believe the sight in front of me.

“Baby, you look…I mean… you’re so….” I stutter trying to get out my words as she playfully laughs “Where are we going so dressed up Si?” I asked excited as I wrap my arms around her smiling like a kid on Christmas morning.

 “Well…We’re getting all dressed up because we’re going to get married this afternoon” she says shyly with our eyes locking together, I take a step back in disbelief.


Hey Guys,

Only a few chapters left of ‘Love Triangle’ which is very sad!

I’ve released my third book called ‘Fighting for Love’ first four chapters have been released on Wattpad and will be on my blog once ‘Love Triangle’ has finished 

Please comment if enjoying

Take Care

Starlet x

The Announcement

Sienna’s POV

Alexander starts preparing dinner as Brandon and my parents casually chat, I started getting slightly anxious knowing we were soon about to break the news to them

We decided to cook some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, a meal that would be very filling so hopefully Dad would be too full to physically hurt Alexander

As Alexander fries up the meatballs I started to feel so nauseous again “Oh Fuck” I say as I head straight for the bathroom toilet, it was not going to be a pretty sight “Is she okay?” Mom asks Alexander as I race past her “Can you take over cooking for a moment Penelope?” Alexander tells her as I shut the bathroom door firmly

“Baby, are you okay, can I get you some water?” Alexander asks leaned up against the door, he slowly opens the door as I tell him to get out “Come on Sienna, a bit of vomit isn’t going to scare me away, let me at least hold your hair back” which he did as he rubs my back

We finally left the bathroom and I decided to stay away from the food being cooked and catch up with Dad “Sienna, do you have the flu?” Mom asks interrupting us “I’m fine Mom, nothing to worry about” Seriously Mom give me another hour and this will all make sense

Alexander serves up the food which I know would have tasted amazing but I couldn’t stomach it, I just stuck to the salad “Not hungry Si-Si?” Dad asks “Big lunch Dad” I reply awkwardly smiling

“So do you have any idea when you’ll get married?” Mom asks us, we both look at each other realizing we probably should have gone over our answers

“Not sure Mom, we will work that out soon I guess” I say shrugging “Yes, no rush at all, you need to focus on your new job Sienna, give them everything you’ve got” Dad chimes in

After we’ve finished eating Alexander clears the plates and Brandon pulls me aside for a moment “Boo, what’s going on? Why are you and Dad being so awkward? Did you guys have a fight or something?” I see the genuine concern laced in Brandon’s eyes

“No B, we’re fine, honestly, just a lot going on right now” I say to him as he looks at me unconvinced “Sienna… I know..” Brandon sentence is cut off by Alexander coming into the room “Oh.. sorry, didn’t know you two were talking, I’m ready when you’re Si” He says shooting me a half smile

“Ready for what?” Brandon asks curiously “Come into the dining room and you’ll find out” I say grabbing his wrist leading him back to everyone

I sat down next to Alexander and I could see Brandon’s eyes focused firmly on me, he needed to know what was going on, he knew something was up, I see Alexander about to speak, fuck here we go

“Well as you all know Sienna and I got engaged on our holiday, hence why you’re all here for tomorrow night’s party, we will be announcing something else tomorrow night but wanted the three of you to be the first to know” Alexander states, I could see Dad’s face he knew what was about to come

“Sienna and I found out a few days ago that we’re expecting!” Alexander says proudly, it was like ripping off a band aid, he just came out and said it 

I see Dad stand up and throw his balled up fists to the table slamming them down “Are you fucking serious Alexander? Did you literally wait seconds after her graduation to knock her up? seriously you’re unbelievable” Dad huffs

“No!” I shout out “I will not let you ruin this moment, this was not Alexander’s fault, if you must know it was my fault, I was the irresponsible one who forgot her birth control, Alexander said he would support any choice I wanted to make and I’ve made it whether you like it or not Dad” I shout, yeah that was definitely the pregnancy hormones talking

“Baby, this is not your fault, it’s my responsibility too, I could have remember that we lost everything on our holiday, I forgot about it as well” Alexander leans in saying to me taking my hand under the table trying to calm me down

“Sienna, we’re happy for you both but we’re just disappointed that you didn’t get to achieve all the things you wanted to in your career, you worked so hard to get that degree” Mom says concerned, I look over at Alexander smiling who returns me a sweet smile back

“Actually Mom, we’re hoping this baby won’t affect that too much, Alexander will be staying home with our child once it’s born, I’ll be going back to work” I tell them as I see the shock on their faces

“What? Really?!” Mom asks as I nod, I look over at Dad who appears a bit sheepish, I think he feels bad for snapping at Alexander 

“You both seem to have it worked out?” Dad mutters out taking a seat “We do Owen and I’ll always support Sienna in anything and everything she wants to do, I know it might be hard to accept but we’re happy together and can’t wait for our child to arrive” Alexander tells him

As Mom and Dad come around to the idea I notice Brandon had slipped outside “I’m going to go talk to Brandon” I say to Alexander “Do you want me to come with you?” he asks, I shake my head “I think I need to do this alone”

I knew exactly where Brandon would be, he’d be on the rooftop looking out at the New York City skyline, “B?” I call out once I get to the top, I see him straight away gazing off into the distance

“You’re really having his baby Boo?” he asks, his words coming out jagged “Yes, I’m pregnant, I guess that means a brother or sister for you” I say as he softly smiles nodding his head

“That’s true, I always wanted a sibling, just……..just not from you Sienna” he says turning his body to face me

“I know, Brandon, I know I’m marrying and having a child with Alexander but that doesn’t take away our friendship or how strong our bond is, what we have couldn’t be recreated by anyone” I say hugging Brandon as I start to feel super emotional 

“That’s true, no one can take away what we have together” he whispers to me stroking my hair as I sob softly into him, I hate hurting Brandon, he was a good guy who didn’t deserve to feel this way

“I want you to know that I will help out if you need it, if Dad fucks up and isn’t around, well, I will be around Sienna, I will drop everything to be with you and the baby, anytime day or night I’ll do that for you” Brandon promises me

“I love you so much B, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that, I’m so lucky to have you in my life” I say to him lifting my head up from his chest tears gushing from my eyes “I love you too Boo, always and forever” He sighs holding me tighter

After a few minutes Brandon speaks “I’m going to head off and go for a walk, I’ll see you tomorrow night at the party okay?” he says as I nod my head separating from him and clearing the smudged mascara from under my eyes

“I need you there!” I shout you as he walks away, he looks back at me and smiles awkwardly without replying, I think he doubted my words but they were true, I need my friendship with Brandon

I stay up on the roof for a little while longer just clearing my head and emotions before heading back to the apartment which I’m sure will just be all three yelling and fighting, ugh, not in the mood for that at all

When I walked back in I was surprised, it was silent, I enter the lounge to see Alexander holding a bottle of champagne “Ah you’re back Si” he replies as he pops open the bottle with Mom and Dad both holding glasses “Don’t worry, I have some sparkling apple cider for you baby” Alexander chuckles as well as my parents, what the fuck have I just walked in on?

“Um… what is going on? where is the shouting? the throwing of fists? the tears?” I ask confused “Honey, we’d be naive if we thought this wasn’t going to happen, I mean yes it’s maybe a bit sooner than we anticipated but we’re happy for you both and knowing that you’ll still be able to work so you can follow your dreams, well, we think it’s very honorable for Alexander to stay home with the child” Mom smiles as Dad nods 

“Me too, he’s pretty amazing” I smile as Alexander hands me a glass of apple cider “I’d like to propose a toast to our baby and your grandchild, I know they will bring us all so much joy” Alexander says putting his arm around my waist as we all clink glasses together, it was actually a lovely moment

The Next Day – Alexander’s POV

We were both getting ready for our engagement party which we had to leave for shortly, I see Sienna in her beautiful red gown with some very tempting cleavage on display “Mmmm how about we just have a party for two tonight?” I whisper into her ear wrapping my arm around her waist kissing softly down her neck

“Baby you can’t tease me, you know my pregnancy hormones are out of control, I just want to jump on top and ride you for hours” she groans, her voice mixed with pleasure and pain 

“You don’t know how badly I want that Si, you look so fucking sexy and I just want to fucking rip that dress off you and throw you up against the wall until you scream out my name at the top of your lungs” I growl squeezing her firm breasts

I hear Sienna moan and that’s when I knew I had to have her, I start to unbutton her dress while my teeth dig into her naked shoulder “Baby… I’m so wet for you” she hisses as I pull her closer to me so she can feel my excitement for her

I was struggling with the buttons so I give up “Fuck it!” I yell out as she laughs, I push her down so her hands were on the end of bed but her ass is in the air, I throw her dress over her head while I pull down her thin white lace g-string, I quickly unzip myself and connect immediately to her wetness, just like always ….it was fucking heaven, she was so tight up against my extreme hardness

I give her ass a firm slap as she cries out in pleasure, her moans filling our apartment “Fuck me harder Alexander” she yells, this pregnancy caused her to be so damn frisky that I felt like I couldn’t do enough to pleasure her 

I lift up one of her legs so her knee was resting on the bed with the other leg still standing on the ground, I spread her legs open a bit more so she can feel how much I can fill her up

“Oh god Alexander that feels so good” her wetness covering every inch of me as she tightens up, her orgasm came quick and fast as she breathlessly shouts out my name as she body shutters, I allow myself to get my own release and blow deep inside my beautiful pregnant fiance

“Well that should keep me satisfied for a few hours” she laughs as I help her up from the bed “Mmm me too naughty girl” I say slapping her ass as she walks past

Sienna quickly touches up her make up and hair as we leave for our engagement party, we walk in slightly late and can see most of our guests have already arrived

We mingle with all our friends and family in attendance before I ask for everyone’s attention tapping the top of my wine glass as I place my arm around Sienna’s waist

“Family and Friends, Sienna and I are so grateful that you’re all here to celebrated our engagement, we’re both very excited for our upcoming wedding” our guests clap as I take a deep breath, the nerves start to kick in

“We also wanted to share some other news with you all tonight, a few weeks after our engagement we found out a little miracle was headed our way, Sienna and I are expecting in August this year!” I announce beaming from ear to ear, Sienna and I kiss as we hear cheers and whistles from the crowd

One person however looked like they didn’t take the news well and unexpectedly left the room shocked, it was someone who we thought would be over the moon excited for us but clearly wasn’t

Sienna and I watch as she runs out of the room in tears, we couldn’t help but wonder what was going on with Scarlet


Take Care

Starlet x