
One Year later

Sienna’s POV

“Alexander! I’m just about to leave!” I yell out as I place on my earrings in the bathroom “Oooh noooo… forget it, I can’t let you leave the house looking so fucking sexy” he growls into my ear wrapping his arm around my waist and biting down gently on my neck, his teeth just lingering.

 forget it, I can't let you leave the house looking so fucking sexy" he growls into my ear wrapping his arm around my waist and biting down gently on my neck, his teeth just lingering

“Baby, you know I have to go, I can’t let down Mia on her bachelorette night” I tell him however feeling that full effects of his seductive touches “I know, I know. I can’t believe Mia and Damon are getting married tomorrow” He says backing away from me leaning up against the wall giving me his best cheeky smirk.

 I can't believe Mia and Damon are getting married tomorrow" He says backing away from me leaning up against the wall giving me his best cheeky smirk

“I’m so happy for both of them. So Damon didn’t want to do drinks with the guys tonight or anything?” I ask as Alexander shakes his head “Nah I asked him a couple of times and he said he didn’t want anything and wanted to spend the night before his wedding by himself. He did mention he was sorting out a few finals things… whatever that means… I’m guessing he’s talking about work” Alexander shrugs.

“Well maybe he’s just wants a night alone before he becomes a married man. So what big plans do Ava and yourself have tonight?” I ask now ready to head out walking over to my man.

“A Dora the Explorer marathon is on tonight and while Ava is enjoying Dora I’ll be thinking about all the naughty things I’m going to do to you once you get home, first thing will be ripping off this sorry excuse for a dress, I can’t wait to see it on our bedroom floor” his hands start to explore underneath my dress as his teeth gently pulls the skin on my bare shoulder. 

“Mmm can’t wait for that handsome, let’s see if you’re still in the mood for that when I get home, you might be too tired” I giggle as his finger wrap around my lace panties “Maybe I could show you right now” Alexander growls as I feel his hard excitement pressing up against me.

“Sorry I have to go handsome, I can’t be late, you’ll have to hold off till I get home and then we can make love in our bed for as long as you like” I smile as I see Alexander look slightly disappointed “Fine… I’ll keep you to that promise. Enjoy your night Si, I love you baby girl, call me if you need anything” Alexander states as I nod and enjoy a long kiss goodbye.

Damon’s POV

It was the night before my wedding and I felt good, really good. Mia is a fantastic woman and I was so lucky to have found her. There was just one final thing I needed, closure.

I sat in a slightly rundown bar  just outside the city slowly sipping on my drink waiting for her. After 15 minutes of nursing my drink I see her appear, she was looking as beautiful as ever.

“I didn’t think you were going to come” I say to her standing up leaning in to give her a small peck on the cheek “Well it had been a while and I still do care about you.” she says to me as we sit down in the booth. I still couldn’t believe Scarlet was here.

"How have you been? I heard you had a baby a while ago" I ask her trying to break the ice "Actually I have daughter and twin boys, they're all doing really well, I still can't believe I'm the mother of twin boys" she smirks taking a sip of her coc...

“How have you been? I heard you had a baby a while ago” I ask her trying to break the ice “Actually I have daughter and twin boys, they’re all doing really well, I still can’t believe I’m the mother of twin boys” she smirks taking a sip of her cocktail.

“Wow… three kids, that’s great Scar….and um… Jean-Marc… he’s well?” I ask as she nods “Yes he’s very well” she continues smiling keeping her answers short and sweet.

“I guess you’re wondering why I ask you to meet me here. Well I’m getting married soon, very soon actually, tomorrow. I know you’ve met Mia before through Sienna and she’s just wonderful, I’m so lucky but something has been eating me up inside for a while” I tell her taking another big gulp from my drink.

“What is it?” she asks looking confused “Fuck this is harder than I thought it would be” I deeply sigh before continuing “I was…. I was never enough for you, what if one day she wakes up and thinks I’m not good enough for her. Tell me why I was never enough so Mia doesn’t leave me, I want to have a wonderful married life with Mia, I don’t want her to leave me for someone else” I tell Scarlet choking back on my emotions.

“Damon… it was never about you not being enough. You’re an amazing man, smart, handsome, sweet, successful… fuck I could go on and on but Jean-Marc already had my heart and it was always his, no one could ever change that no matter how amazing they were” she tells me sympathetically as she reaches out for my hand.

“Scarlet.. I feel like I’m not good enough. Maybe this whole wedding thing was a mistake” I say shaking my head “Do you love her?” Scarlet asks me “Of course, she’s incredible, I couldn’t picture life without her” I reply

“Then getting married isn’t a mistake, if you walk out on her now you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, that would be the mistake” she tells me firmly and I know she’s right.

Scarlet and I continue to talk for the next few hours until she gets a text on her phone “Shit it’s late, I better getting going and you need to get sleep for tomorrow, it’s a big, big day” she tells me as I nod and we get up to leave.

“Congratulations Damon, I’m so happy that you’ve found your girl” she tells me as she places her arms around me for a hug.

“Thank you Scarlet, you… you were always the first” I say as she places my head in her hands “And Mia will be the last” she smiles as she slowly walks away.

I watch Scarlet get into a waiting car outside. I know it will be the last time I see like this, just the two of us and I vow that tonight will be the last time I think of what life could have been like with Scarlet as my wife. 

Brandon’s POV

I reach out for my phone in my half asleep state “Yeah?” I say answering it “Well hello to you!” I hear as I look over at the clock in my room “It’s 2am, what do you expect?” I say groggy and dazed.

“Well I wouldn’t be calling unless I had some damn good news” he tells me as I sit up in my bed “I’m listening” I reply to my manager.

“From this Monday your single is going to be number one in the UK and US, you fucking did it Brandon!! You bloody well did it!!” he shouts out excited. Fuck I couldn’t believe it. 

I had finished my album last month and this was the first single which I released last week “Let’s go grab a drink or five and celebrate! I knew you were going to be a fucking huge success the minute I met you” he tells me as I sit up in my bed still in shock “Um thanks but… not tonight I’m still half asleep but soon for sure, thanks for letting me know and thank you for everything” I tell him ending the call.

The next week was complete madness, every type of media outlet wanted to chat to me and perform my single for them. My first single was a song about heartbreak, it was titled “Forever Boo”. 

I had been living in the UK for the last year and was heading back to New York to perform on The Tonight Show, it would be the first time going back to New York since I had left, I didn’t even go back at Christmas. I just needed some time away but it felt like this was the right time to see Dad, Ava and Sienna again.

The same day that I flew in I was performing on The Tonight Show so we agreed to meet up the next day after lunch, I would need the morning the sleep in and mentally prepare for seeing them again.

After the performance I head backstage to my dressing room and start to pack up getting ready to head back to the hotel "Brandon? There is a girl here to see you, she says you know each other" My manager says as I shake my head chuckling to myself

After the performance I head backstage to my dressing room and start to pack up getting ready to head back to the hotel “Brandon? There is a girl here to see you, she says you know each other” My manager says as I shake my head chuckling to myself.

“Isn’t that what they all say?” I tell him with a small smirk on my face “I know but for some reason I believe this one, she definitely knows you” he replies as I look up at him perplexed.

I walk out to the empty stage and see her immediately, my heart comes to complete stop. All my feelings came rushing back and it made me realize how much I had missed her. We had so many good times together, so many laughs, so much love and I threw it all away.

“Zara?” I call out as she turns to me and smiles. I run over to her and she throws her arms around me “Have you missed me Bran?” she asks “So much” I softly reply. 

One Year Later

Alexander’s POV

“Daddy, Where is Momma?” Ava asks inquisitively as we enjoy ice creams together in the summer sun sitting in the park across the road “She will be here soon Princess” I reply pitching her noise as she let’s out her sweet girly giggle.

"Are you still leaving tonight Dada?" she asks pouting knowing the answer but trying to guilt me into staying "In just for one night sweetheart, I'll be staying with Uncle Jean but Aunt Scarlet will come here with Violetta" I tell her smiling "Do ...

“Are you still leaving tonight Dada?” she asks pouting knowing the answer but trying to guilt me into staying “In just for one night sweetheart, I’ll be staying with Uncle Jean but Aunt Scarlet will come here with Violetta” I tell her smiling “Do you remember what tomorrow is?” I ask.

“Yes. You and Momma are getting married tomorrow” she replies continuing to munch on her ice cream “That’s right Princess, you’ll have a beautiful pretty dress to wear tomorrow and we will have a big party” I smile feeling giddy about tomorrow.

“Hello my loves” we both hear from the distance as we see Sienna appear, I help Ava up as we both run over to her.

"Hello my loves" we both hear from the distance as we see Sienna appear, I help Ava up as we both run over to her

“Missed you Mumma” Ava says wrapping her arms around Sienna “Missed you too baby girl” she replies. I place my lips down on Sienna and greet her with a lingering kiss “Everything good Si?” I ask as she nods “Absolutely Handsome, everything is ready for tomorrow” she tells me as we all head inside.

“I can’t believe we’re finally having our dream wedding tomorrow” Sienna tells me as I see a little sparkle in her eyes “Me too baby, I can’t wait to have our day tomorrow and than afterwards….mmm” I growl that last part into her ear as she giggles.

“Don’t get me started naughty man, anyway Jean-Marc and the boys are waiting for you” she tells me with a slight bit of disappointment in her voice.

I say goodbye to my two beautiful girls and make my way towards Jean-Marc’s place, I still can’t believe tomorrow is our wedding day.

Once the twins were asleep Jean-Marc pours us both a drink as we sit down and chat about our incredible women “So have you and Sienna spoken about having another child?” Jean asks me smirking into his drink.

“Ha, well, maybe, I hope so. I mean it’s Sienna’s call, she’s the one working so much maybe we don’t have the time, she’s pretty much Damon’s right hand, he can’t function without her and she’s become one of the best lawyers in that firm. She’s way too busy right now to think of having another child. All I asked her for was one child and Ava is just so amazing, I have my son and I have a daughter, I can’t be greedy” I reply letting out a small sigh.

“I get it man, I do but If you want another child you should let her know, if she says she doesn’t want anymore than at least you know the answer rather than second guessing it” Jean states to me as I finish off that drink.

"I get it man, I do but If you want another child you should let her know, if she says she doesn't want anymore than at least you know the answer rather than second guessing it" Jean states to me as I finish off that drink

“By the way… you just had to bring up that asshole Damon, didn’t you?” Jean states as he chuckles and I shake my head “Let it go bud, you got the girl. You won” I laugh.

Scarlet’s POV

I couldn’t believe it, my wedding day was here. I shouldn’t feel this nervous, I mean we’re already married. To this day no one knew we were already married apart from Brandon, I can’t believe we kept it a secret for this long.

As I get up out of bed I see Mum, Mia, Scarlet and Aunt Betty frantically getting themselves and the girls ready for today “Oh Si-Si finally you’re up, quickly have something to eat because the make up artist will be here in 20 minutes” Scarlet tells me, she always takes charge of a situation.

An hour and half later we were all ready to go, everyone waited for me outside as I spend a final minute alone in our apartment. I walked out of our apartment to everyone “Oh Si, you’re so damn stunning, so radiant” Mum says to me giving me a small kiss on my cheek.

“Si-Si you have to see our girls, they look so cute!” Scarlet tells me as we look over at the girls holding hands, Violetta was about 18 months older than Ava so she a bit taller but they looked so much alike, it was freaking adorable.

"Si-Si you have to see our girls, they look so cute!" Scarlet tells me as we look over at the girls holding hands, Violetta was about 18 months older than Ava so she a bit taller but they looked so much alike, it was freaking adorable

Our wedding was outside in a beautiful garden setting, I had been so busy at work that Alexander had organized most of it. I had no doubt that he would create the wedding of my dreams.

Once we’re at the ceremony I take a final deep breath and meet up with my Dad before I walk down the aisle. “Ready Si-Si? I’m so proud of you darling” he tells as gives me a sweet kiss on my forehead before placing my veil over my head and linking my arm with his as we start to walk towards the man of my dreams.

 "Ready Si-Si? I'm so proud of you darling" he tells as gives me a sweet kiss on my forehead before placing my veil over my head and linking my arm with his as we start to walk towards the man of my dreams

I try and keep my emotions in check but as soon as I lock eyes with my man I started to feel my eyes fill with tears. I couldn’t believe Alexander and I were finally having the wedding of our dreams.

Alexander’s POV

Our wedding day was here, after everything we had been through and nearly losing each other on more than one occasion that was all now in the past, we were a family, we were everything together and nothing or no one was ever going to change that.

I see our daughter first and she looked like a perfect little angel, flowers scattered in her hair and shining in a gorgeous pink flowery dress, the amount of happiness that Ava brought Sienna and I was immense, she was our world.

Moments later my hearts stops when I see my enchanting woman, she was absolutely flawless and so beautiful, I’ll never ever forget this moment or how stunning Sienna looked walking down the aisle.

Sienna and Owen meet me as Owen shakes my head “Take care of her always Alexander” he says to me as I nod “Always” I reply.

“You take my breath away Sienna, you’re the most beautiful woman in the whole world” I whisper to her as I take her hands in mine both of us clearly nervous.

"You take my breath away Sienna, you're the most beautiful woman in the whole world" I whisper to her as I take her hands in mine both of us clearly nervous

We just look at each other smiling like a couple of dorky teenagers, the celebrant asks us to give our own vows to each other, Sienna begins first.

“Alexander, we haven’t always had the easiest of times together but I would take a difficult day with you than an easy day with anyone else. You light the fire inside me and I feel more alive when I’m with you. My love for you runs deep through my veins and you’re all I ever want or need. You’re the perfect Father and the perfect husband any woman could want and today you giving me your love for forever will keep me happy for the rest of my life” Sienna beautiful words come out shaky in the last sentence as we both try and keep it together for now. Now it was my turn.

“Sienna, My beautiful Sienna. The love that I feel for you is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before, I crave you when you’re not around and I count down the seconds till you’re with me again. I’m not perfect at all but with the love that you’ve shown me I’ve become the man I’m meant to be. I’ve never met such a warm, beautiful, funny, smart and down to earth woman like you and that’s what I’ve come to realize, there is no one in the world like you Sienna and I’m so lucky that I get to call you my wife. I give you my word today that I’ll love you till the end of time” I say to her as we’re both now complete blubbering messes. 

After our vows we exchanged rings and end the ceremony with a long sweet kiss which was accompanied by the cheers and clapping from our guests.

After the ceremony finished glasses of champagne were passed around as our guests mingled with each other, after a little while I thought it would be the perfect moment to steal my wife away and show her the reception area which was set up on a hotel rooftop near by.

“Alexander, this… this is the same place of Scarlet and Jean wedding yeah?” Sienna asks excitedly as I had kept this a secret from her.

“It is my love, I wanted to surprise you. We had such a good time at that wedding and we really became one that night, this place is special to me” I say to her as I see her look around the roof top at the silk lined tables and fresh cut white flowers scattered everywhere.

 We had such a good time at that wedding and we really became one that night, this place is special to me" I say to her as I see her look around the roof top at the silk lined tables and fresh cut white flowers scattered everywhere

“I love it Alexander” she smiles as she comes back and wraps her arms around me “Hey… one question Si, How come you never call me Alex?” I ask inquisitively raising my eyebrow.

“Alex… it’s a boys name. Alexander… that’s a man’s name. You were never a boy to me, ever.” She chuckles as she pulls me in for a long deep embrace.

We enjoyed the rest of the night dancing and socializing with our guests, however my favorite part of the night was spending it with just Sienna and Ava.  

We didn’t know it yet but what seemed like just the three of us was really the four of us, our son was on his way. My beautiful wife was pregnant once again. Our family would be complete.


Arghhh I hate finishing books! So sad to finish them but I really hope you enjoyed this story, I’m going to try and get all of this story on Wattpad at some stage (if they don’t delete it, ugh!) so it can be read from start to finish.

Going forward I’ll be focusing on re-writing French Tutor and my other story Fighting for Love, I’d love for my readers to continue supporting my work.

Please let me know what you thought of this chapter/story, I really greatly appreciate comments from you guys!

Take Care

Starlet x

5 thoughts on “Finale

  1. I’m so sad this book is over😭 this book has been my favorite book and its so sad to know that its over but I’m excited to read other new books you make in the future❤


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