Final – Part Two

Sienna’s POV

I immediately saw red at Alexander’s actions and I had enough of his boorish behavior “Sorry B, just give us a minute” I say to Brandon sympathetically as I grab Alexander’s wrist and lead him to the spare room.

I shut the door behind us before I lay into him “What is wrong with you?? You can’t just coming in yelling and carrying on like that, firstly our daughter is trying to sleep and secondly you could just ask me without jumping to conclusions!” I snap at him.

He sits his ass down on the bed looking like he is about to explode “Are you pregnant Sienna?” he asks as I shake my head “No Alexander, It’s not mine” I say to him bluntly.

 “It’s Scarlet. Last month she thought she was pregnant so we did a test one night after her and Jean had dinner here. She got flustered and threw it under the sink when she thought Jean was about it come into the bathroom. I forgot that she put it under there, anyway she’s pregnant with twin boys and they’re both so ecstatic” I see relief wash over his face as he starts to feel slightly embarrassed.

“Anyway… it would be physically impossible to be mine” I say to him in a huff. He looks at me confused “What are you talking about Si?” he asks quizzically.

I sigh and lean back against the wall crossing my arms “The last time I had sex was 3 years ago… the morning that my husband left for Iceland” I say to him looking down and slightly shy.

“But… but…. Brandon sleeps in the same bed with you every night?” Alexander asks “Yes.. sleeps, we cuddle most nights and sometimes kiss but we’re never intimate, I never felt ready to do that with anyone who wasn’t my husband” I say to Alexander as I see how immensely happy the news has made him.

He leans forward from the bed and grabs the back of my legs pulling me towards him “I still have your heart don’t I Si?” he smirks as I place my hands on his shoulders “You always have, Alexander” I say to him as he softly places kisses on my stomach.

“We need to be together Sienna, we’re married, we’re in love, we have our daughter, I don’t want it to be like this, I want to make love to my wife again, I want to wake up with you again, I want to hold you every night again” he begs me as he takes my hands in his looking into my eyes pleading with me.

“Alexander, I can’t do this right now, Brandon is in the other room and I need to know what’s going on with him. I want all those things too but we need to work out how we can do this without him hating the both of us” I say to Alexander as he nods “I know Si, If it was anyone else I would have told them to hit the road straight away, I don’t want to hurt my son” he tells me shaking his head “I know” I reply.

I left Alexander’s room and head back into the bedroom where Brandon had all this bags together “So sorry about that B. Now tell me… what is going on? where are you going?” I ask him unsure of anything right now.

Brandon takes my hand and sits me down on the bed next to him “I got a call last week for an offer to record some of my music and make it into an album” he tells me “Oh my god Brandon!! That’s fucking amazing” I say to him excitedly throwing my arms around him.

“Yeah it’s a great opportunity, I had a few of these offers before but always turned them down however now seems like the right time” he says to him looking somber, I didn’t really know to response to that comment “Why do you need to pack up all your things? You don’t have to move out because of it, do you?” I ask him perplexed.

“Well I kind of do, the recording studio is in London, I’ll be moving over there… indefinitely.” Brandon replies as I gasp in shock “Come on Sienna, I’m not blind, I see the way the two of you look at each other, I’m just getting in the way being here” Brandon says as I shake my head “That’s not true, everyone wants you here” I say to him as tears rush down my face.

“Will you ever love me the way you love him?” Brandon asks point blank as I try and stop the tears from gusting out “No” I say softly as I knew I had to be honest with him as he gets up to grab his things.

“But I still love you and you mean the world to me Brandon, how can I ever repay you for what you’ve done? Ava and I would have been so lost without you” I say to him crumbling like a mess.

“Be happy Sienna, that’s what you can do for me. I realized that if you truly love someone you want them to be happy, even if it’s not with you and I know you’ll be happy with him, the love you two have is a once in a life time kind of thing” Brandon says to me wiping away the tears rolling down my cheeks.

I watch as Brandon takes his bags to the front door and tells Alexander his decision to leave for London “I couldn’t be more proud of you son, you turned out to be such a strong, caring, wonderful man. Thank you for looking after Sienna and Ava, I love you Brandon” Alexander says giving Brandon a hug goodbye.

“Thanks Dad, take care of everyone okay?” Brandon replies as we hear Ava come running out from her bedroom “Where is Brandon going?” she asks dazed and unsure of what’s going on.

Brandon kneels down and tells her that he is going to make some music and has to go away for a while to do that, Ava breaks down into hysterics “No!! Nooo!!” she screams clinging onto Brandon.

“Sorry Avie, I have to go and catch my plane now” Brandon says taking her hands off him “I hate you for leaving!” she yells out as she runs to her room “I’ll go calm her down” Alexander says as he gives Brandon one more hug goodbye.

“You know she doesn’t mean that, she’s such an emotional child. Anyway we will come visit soon yeah?” I say to Brandon trying to hold back my emotions “Yeah… eventually… but I think I need some time alone for a while though Boo, it’s not going to be easy getting over you but I know I need to” He tells me as I feel my heart slowly break.

“Have a wonderful life with Dad and Ava. I’ll always love you Sienna” Brandon says to me as he gives me one final kiss goodbye placing his lips on mine “I love you too, I’ll never forget what you did for us” I reply as tears continue to steam down my face.

I keep the door open as I watch Brandon walk away and walk out of my life, I know we will see him again but as per his wishes it won’t be anytime soon, I just hope that Brandon wasn’t in too much pain. 

Once Brandon was out of sight I close the door and come back into the apartment, I was a fucking mess once again. I sit on the couch feeling completely numb, so many mixed emotions were running through my head, I had my life back with my husband but at the cost of losing my best friend.

Eventually Alexander returns from Ava’s room and comes over to me “She cried herself to sleep the poor girl, she was really upset” he says to me as I nod “We all are” I reply looking up at Alexander with red bloodshot eyes.

“Um.. I’m going to lay down for a while, are you okay to keep an eye on Ava?” I ask Alexander “Of course Si, can I get you anything?” he asks as I shake my head “No thanks”.

I head towards my bedroom and once in lock the door throwing myself onto my bed. I start to let out all my emotions over the last few weeks, getting Alexander back, not able to be with Alexander than losing Brandon, I couldn’t take it. I must have cried for hours before falling sleep and not waking up till 2am the next day.

I get up and check on Ava who is fast asleep, I come out and see Alexander asleep on the couch looking quite peaceful and pretty damn adorable.

“Si?” I hear him faintly call out “You okay babe?” he asks as I reply “Yeah I’m okay, thank you for looking after Ava” I say as I walk over to him.

“You don’t need to thank me for looking after my own daughter. So um.. do you want to cuddle in here with me?” Alexander asks as I let out a small smile “Sure handsome” I say as he opens his arms for me and I slide right into him.

“You’re so beautiful Wifey” Alexander whispers into my ear as I turn to face him “I’ve missed you so much Alexander” I say to him holding onto him tighter “I’m sorry for all the pain I caused, I promise to make it up to you, we will have an amazing life together” he tells me placing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

Alexander looks lovingly into my eyes before placing his lips sweetly onto mine, his kiss lingered and I felt I was now able to return his kiss just like I’ve always wanted to.

Alexander grabs the back of my head pulling me towards him in an increasing passionate embrace, his fingers started to explore and trailed down my body dancing on my skin. The electricity that we always had was well and truly alive.

“You have no idea how badly I want to make passionate love to you Sienna” he growls, judging my his hardness poking into me I think I had a reasonable idea. “I crave every single bit of you, I want to feel your naked skin on mine” he whispers to me as I nod and we sit up on the couch together.

Alexander lifts up my top and removes my pants exposing my naked body “mmm pure perfection” he smirks as I laugh, I can feel my heart racing as I was actually nervous about making love to Alexander, it had been so long and I wanted this to be so special.

“Relax baby” he says placing his hands on my face clearly picking up on my nervous energy, Alexander slips out of this shorts and now we were both naked and wrapped up in each other just softly and slowly exchanging deep kisses.

I know Alexander must have been on edge and eager to make love but I was glad he was taking it slow, I wanted to remember exactly how this use to feel, making it slow and sensual rather than quick and fast.

He cups my breasts as his mouth gently bites down on my neck, I move into his lap as I feel his hardness brush up against my needy soaked core, neither of us could hide how badly we wanted this.

Alexander places his hands on my waist as he lifts me up in the air and gently throws me down on the couch “I’ve missed how good you taste Si, I need to taste you again baby” he growls as he opens up my legs and places head down between me.

His tongue starts to eagerly explore my wetness “Oh god Alexander!” I shout out as my body spasms up in the air.

His tongue is working overtime to ensure every single bit of my needy clit was given proper attention, his talented tongue flickers at the base of my entrance and my nipples become erect with my body covered in goosebumps.

 “Alexander, please, I need you, I need you inside me” I plead with him as he knew he had teased me some hard that I had to have more of him.

He lets out a small chuckle knowing how worked up I am “I’ve been dreaming of this for so long baby, I love you Sienna” he smiles as he moves up and onto my body “I love you too Alexander” I reply as he firmly enters me.

I moan out loudly in pleasure as Alexander finds the exact spot that makes me lose my mind “Shhh Si, you don’t want Ava to hear us making her a sibling” he laughs as I playfully smack him on the chest. 

Alexander places his mouth down on my perk pink nipples as I grab a chunk of his hair and throw my head back further into the couch pillow “Fuck me just like that handsome” I cry out to him as his thrusts deeper inside my tight wetness.

Alexander moves my legs and places them on his shoulders as my toes point to the ceiling, he wants to get deeper inside me and I immediately feel his thick hardness stretching me out.

“Oh fuck Sienna, you feel so damn amazing, like fucking heaven” Alexander cries out as it becomes obvious that he’s struggling to not finish our love making.

“Let me see you bounce on me baby, I want those fucking amazing breasts in my face” Alexander growls into my ear as his dirty words turn me on just as much as his actions.

I slide into his lap and we immediately connect, Alexander’s hand start on my hips throwing me up and down on him before his hands move up my body cupping my face. 

His eyes firmly locked in with mine as we continue to make love “I can’t live without you Sienna” he whispers as we both begin to climax.

I tighten around his hardness as we both pant and moan out in pleasure “I need you always husband” I cry out. As we continue to climax our speed increases as I feel like a rag doll being thrown up and down on Alexander’s hard greedy cock.

“Cum with me baby” Alexander demands as I let out one final loud moan. I throw my head back with my hair sweaty and sticky. 

I was in complete awe of what just happened, that was seriously the most intense pleasure I’ve ever experienced and I know Alexander felt it too.

“Fuck Wifey, that was fucking incredible” he blurts out as I laugh and collapse my head on his shoulder “We’re just made for each other Husband” I reply as he softly kisses my forehead.

“That we are Wifey” he smiles.


Aww our wonderful couple together again.

Okay so I know I said this was the last chapter but once again I lied 😦

I didn’t mean to lie but I end up writing so much more than I think I will (this one was 2500 words) so next chapter I will be wrapping everything up so you’ll find out what happens to all the characters in the future. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter,please let me know your thoughts!!

Take Care

Starlet x

7 thoughts on “Final – Part Two

  1. Awwww I feel so bad for B 💔! But her and Alexander are just meant to be. Hopefully he’ll find someone who he truly loves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too hun but Alexander and Sienna were always going to end up together, she just wanted Brandon to realise it so she didn’t have to hurt him! Thank you for your kind comment hun 💕❤️💕❤️


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