Final – Part One

Sienna’s POV

I sit down on the roof top with Alexander, he moves behind me wrapping his arms around me as I lay back on his chest “I dreamed every night of you being in my arms again Si” Alexander whispers into my ear softly kissing the side of my face.

I close my eyes and just enjoy the moment with Alexander, I don’t know what the future holds or how this is all going to play out but what I did know was that I was so happy to have him back, my love was back and even though I gave my word to another man at least I could have Alexander in my life in some way or another. 

Alexander and I stayed on the roof top in our warm embrace until the rain started to hit hard, Alexander takes off his jacket and places it over me as we run back inside.

We head back into the apartment and see that Brandon and Ava haven’t returned yet “Um… can I get you something to eat or drink?” I ask Alexander awkwardly.

He shoots me a sly little smirk before replying “I’m hungry… but not for food Sienna” he laughs as I shake my head “Behave Alexander” I reply as he approach me and snakes his arm around my waist “You’ve never ask me that before Sienna and from what I remember you don’t like me behaving at all” he growls into my ear.

I felt a sudden rush of sexual desire hit my body as I have a flash back of a few times in particular when Alexander and I were not behaving at all, I remember the intense pleasure I felt at the time and the way Alexander made my body feel like it was on fire.

“Alexander… you know I can’t” I say to him with my words coming out so very softly, the words I didn’t want to say to him but had to.

“I know Si… well I’m pretty exhausted I might have a shower and catch up some sleep” he tells me as I nod “Let me get you some fresh bedding” I say to him as I walk over to the spare room and he heads to what was our bedroom.

“Oh… yeah… I forgot all my stuff and I are in this room now” Alexander says to me making sure I felt a bit of a sting from that comment so I choose to ignore it.

I start to change the sheets and pillow cases when Alexander strips off naked placing all his clothes on the chair, I couldn’t believe he was now naked in the room, I know I had seen him naked many times before but it had been so long and things were different now.

I place my eyes firmly down on the bedding to ensure I don’t look up at this god like specimen that’s standing in the room staring at me “Do you want to take a small peek Si?” Alexander asks laughing as I throw the old bedding at him “Just go have a shower you trouble maker!” I say as he just keeps laughing.

I had no idea how I was going to live with both Alexander and Brandon under the same roof, Alexander had always been a massive tease and I know he’s not going to stop until he gets what he wants, I knew I had to tell Alexander to stop it but honestly… I didn’t want him to stop, I loved having Alexander desire me because I desired him, more than ever before.

After I finish making Alexander’s bed I wait out in the kitchen making myself some tea thinking about how my life got so fucking complicated.

“You shouldn’t worry so much baby, everything will be okay” Alexander tells me as he leans up against his bedroom door in nothing but a towel, fuck he looked incredible, the water droplets running down his muscular body as he exhumes utter perfection.

He walks into the bedroom throwing the towel on a chair and sliding into the bed naked wrapping the blanket around him “I’ll close the door so Brandon and Ava don’t wake you when they get home” I say to him as he smiles “You know… room for one more in here Si..” he chuckles as I roll my eyes “Enjoy your sleep naughty man” I say before closing the door.

I sat down to drink my tea and reply to some work emails before I hear the front door open and Ava and Brandon come in with Ava running towards me “Shhhhh sweetheart, Daddy is having a sleep” I say to her as she quietly tip toes over to me throwing her arms around me “But I want to play with Daddy” she says giving me her best pouty face as she sits down sulking.

“Ava, you just played with Brandon in the park for hours! Maybe tomorrow when Daddy has rested you can play with him” I tell her as she agrees and heads off to her room to play with her toys.

Brandon comes over and places a small kiss on my lips “How are you going Boo? Are you doing okay?” he asks curiously “Yeah I’m doing okay B, it’s hard you know, I still can’t believe Alexander is here with us, I never… we never expected to see him again” I say to him shaking my head.

“I know it’s crazy…hey…. it’s probably not the right time but are we okay?” Brandon asks nervously. I clear my throat and reply “I made a commitment to you Brandon and I will honor that, it’s just hard because I made one to Alexander too. I think we just all need to mindful of each other’s feeling and in saying that I think we should just hold off on any affection towards each other in front of Alexander, he’s hurting about us being together and I don’t want to cause him further pain” I say to Brandon firmly.

“Yeah I agree Si, I don’t want to hurt Dad either, I’ll be mindful not to do anything in front of him with you” he replies.

Alexander continued sleeping and eventually it was time for Brandon and I to go to bed, Brandon lays out his arm for me as I curl up to him “Everything will work out Sienna, I know it will” he whispers to me kissing me on my forehead goodnight, Brandon falls asleep quickly but I didn’t sleep much that night, I kept on getting up and checking the spare room to make sure this all wasn’t some crazy dream but it wasn’t, my husband was back and I couldn’t stop looking at him, I was in complete awe.

The next few weeks were interesting to say the least, there was definitely a lot of different types of tension in the house, Alexander continued with his best attempts to seduce me when Brandon wasn’t around, Brandon was highly suspicious of Alexander’s intentions with me and a few times when Brandon and I went to bed at night I heard Alexander punching the wall, I didn’t know how long we could continue in this mad house. 

The only shining light was Ava, she loved having all three of us under the same roof, she was given so much attention and adorable by all of us that she was in heaven, the rest of us were living our own kind of hell.

One Saturday morning we were all getting ready to go to the park when Brandon comes into the bedroom to see me as I was getting ready “Boo, I think I’m going to stay home but you guys go and have fun” he tells me with a slight sadness in his voice.

“Are you sure? Is everything okay?” I ask him concerned “Of course” he replies without keeping eye contact with me, I knew he was lying but I couldn’t keep Ava waiting any longer and decided to confront Brandon after we get back.

“Ready Momma?” Ava asks as I nod, Ava moves into the middle of Alexander and I taking one hand each “Let’s go!” she announces as we laugh heading off to the park together.

Once we arrive Ava quickly makes a new friend in the park, Alexander and I watch as they run around jumping on the play equipment together. 

“Did I tell you how beautiful you look today Si?” Alexander purrs into my ear sliding right up next to me on the park bench “We’re in public Alexander and in the presents of children, behave yourself” I say to him as he lets out a naughty chuckle.

“I can’t help it, my wife is so fucking sexy and it’s hard to control myself. Do you know how many times I see you walking around the apartment when all I want to do is pin you up against the wall and rip off your panties” Alexander whispers, I gasp out but before I could reply Alexander places a finger over my mouth to stop me from replying.

He moves his hand under my skirt and grips my thigh, my coat was covering any evidence that he was doing so “I’d take you then and there up against the wall, I know exactly how you like it Sienna, you’d want me bounce you up and down repeatedly hitting your pleasure spot while your fingernails dig into my shoulders, you biting down on my ear screaming in pleasure”

My wetness felt like it was seeping through, I can’t remember feeling this aroused before, his dirty sexual words hit me like a ton of bricks and all I wanted to do was…well….Alexander. 

“Why are you torturing us both?” I ask him barely able to get my words out “I’m reminding you what I can do to you, if my words can get you this turned on just imagine what my actions can do” he smiles removing his hand from my thigh.

“Daddy! Momma!” Ava calls out “Can someone push me on the swing?” she asks “I will Princess” Alexander replies to her as he gets up off the bench “Momma needs to collect herself” he smirks looking back at me, what a fucking tease.

Ava and Alexander were so damn cute together, I could see her getting attached to him again just like she did when she was a baby. 

“Higher Daddy! Higher!” Ava calls out as Alexander pushes her a little bit harder “I think that’s high enough Princess” Alexander calls out “Momma! Watch me jump off!” Ava shouts out.

“No!! Ava, No!! It’s too high” I yell as I jump up seeing Ava taking a huge leap in the air, I can see her facial expression change as she realizes it was too high.

Alexander quickly acts and dives in front of her catching her in his arms before he hits the ground “Are you both okay?!?” I race over as Ava starts balling her eyes out crying.

“I don’t think she hit the ground, I think she just got a fright” Alexander replies as I see blood gushing from his elbow “Shit, let’s get you back home so we can bandage up your elbow” I reply as all three of us head home.

Ava eventually falls asleep in my arms as Alexander opens the front door and we put her into her bed. 

We walk back into the hallway but come to a complete stop when I see a suitcase packed “Um.. I’m going to see what’s going on, the bandages and antiseptic are under the sink in the bathroom” I say to Alexander as he nods.

I walk into the bedroom and see Brandon sitting on the bed, all of his things were packed “B, what the fuck is going on?” I ask him completely confused as he looks up from the ground with a somber face.

Before he can answer we hear shouting from the bathroom “What the Fuck is this?!” we hear Alexander yell out as he starts storming towards the bedroom.

“Are you fucking kidding me!? When were you going to let me know !?” he shouts out as I shake my head throwing my hands up into the air “What the hell are you talking about?” I snap at him.

“When were you both going to tell me about this?” Alexander growls as he shows us the positive pregnancy test he found in the bathroom.


So I had to break up the finale in two parts as this was over 2000 words, I know you’re all hating my cliffhangers but this will be my last one as the next one will 100% be the very last chapter.

Thank you for all your comments, I love seeing you guys getting passionate about the story, it’s fantastic to read and it’s very motivating as a writer.

Thank you again and I hope you enjoy the next chapter

Take Care

Starlet x

9 thoughts on “Final – Part One

    1. I’m not ready either! I hate finishing books knowing I can’t write about the characters anymore it sucks! Thank you for your support hun πŸ’•β€οΈπŸ’•β€οΈ


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