Heavy Hurt

Sienna’s POV

Brandon escorted me outside to a waiting car, he took us to a fancy upmarket restaurant on the Upper East Side that was way too expensive “Brandon, this… this is too much” I whisper to him feeling slightly overwhelmed.

“Nothing is too much for you Sienna, you’ve been through such pain and you deserve the world” he replies shooting me a sweet smile.

I have to admit it was kind of exciting to be out of the house for once, Brandon had made a lot of effort tonight and it made me appreciate this man even more than I already did.

We enjoyed a wonderful meal together and ordered dessert while finishing off our glasses of wine, we were both just chatting away like crazy, it was always so easy to talk to Brandon, we always had amazing chemistry.

I took the last sip of my wine to give me the courage to tell Brandon something I had been putting off for a while now, seeing as we’re here tonight on quite possibly a date I knew I couldn’t put this off any longer.

“Brandon… there is something I’ve been meaning to tell you” I say to him sheepishly as I fidget with my napkin “Boo, please, let me just say something first” he quips.

“I know this is scary and I know you’re still hurting and I know I’ll never be Alexander but I love you and Ava so much and you know I’ll take care of you both for the rest of your lives… that’s of course if you let me, so Sienna, please, let me take care of you both, let me be your man” Brandon slips my hand into his as he words come out shaky trying to hold back his emotions.

“Brandon that was so sweet, you’re so damn amazing and I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done but I need…. I need to tell you something though.. something I should have said earlier but it’s hard to say, hard to say out loud” now I was the one choking back tears.

“Alexander and I…..we…. we got married before Ava was born, we didn’t tell anyone, it was our little secret, I know he has been missing for over two years now but I still feel like his wife, I don’t know how to get past that… I don’t know if that’s possible” I say to Brandon with a heavy heart.

I watch as Brandon slumps back in his chair completely shocked “I had no idea” he mutters out shaking his head.

Our desserts are placed in front of us however neither of us felt hungry anymore, we ended up paying the bill and leaving without touching the food. 

We pick up Ava from Scarlet’s place and head back to the apartment, I started to feel guilty about ruining the lovely night Brandon had organized for us.

“Brandon, thank you for tonight, I’m so sorry I fucked it up” I say to him gritting my teeth anxiously “You did no such thing Boo, anytime spent with you is perfect, I promise” he smiles gently rubbing my cheek with the back of his hand.

I knew how lucky I was to have Brandon and it wasn’t fair to have him give up everything for us when all he wanted in return was my love, I was holding back my love for a man I hadn’t seen in two years, a man who didn’t appear to be coming home ever again, I couldn’t do this to Brandon anymore, I needed to bite the bullet. My heart was broken into a million pieces and I needed to work on getting it repaired.

“Brandon” I say grabbing his arm pulling it back to me as he walked away “I want… I want a life with you… I want to be the woman you need because you have been the man I needed, I’m yours Brandon” I say to him softly smiling as his face lights up.

“We will take it as slow as you need to Boo, I’ll make you both happy, I promise” he beams gently kissing my forehead “Maybe… maybe give me a real kiss” I say to him smirking as he immediately takes me in his arms and throws his lips down on me passionately.

It wasn’t the same feeling as I’d get kissing Alexander but it was still nice and comforting, I was content knowing that I was allowing myself to be open to love again.

6 months later – Sienna’s POV

“Good Morning Beautiful” I hear as I slowly start to wake up, Brandon was cuddled up next to me in bed as he starts nipping at my neck “Good Morning B” I say as I giggle at his ticklish act “You know I have an early meeting this morning” I say to him as he sighs “I know… I know” he replies.

Just as he finished his sentence we hear Ava calling out to us “I’ll go see her” I say to Brandon as he nods “Yeah… might be best… I think I need a minute to settle down” he smirks as I giggle “Sorry” I reply laughing “No you’re not you tease!” he scoffs throwing his head back into the pillow.

Brandon eventually comes out and takes over looking after Ava while I get ready for work, my wage was enough to cover all our expenses so Brandon looked after Ava most days and worked on writing and recording music in his spare time, I know he has turned down offers to tour because of us and it always made me feel so guilty, Brandon had a huge musical gift and it should be shared with the world.

Brandon’s POV

I pack up Ava’s things for the park as Sienna gives us both a kiss goodbye and heads off to work, I always wanted us to end up together but I just wish it wasn’t in such tragic circumstances. 

I miss my Father immensely and now I had lost both parents. Sienna and Ava felt like they were all I had left so they meant everything to me.

Sienna was taking our relationship slowly but that’s okay, she had made that commitment to me and to us and I know in time we will both have a full loving relationship like any other couple. 

As I finish packing up Ava’s things I hear a knock at the front door “Seems like Mommy forgot her keys again” I say to Ava as she laughs.

I open the door and was shocked to my core, nothing could have prepared me for this “Dad…?” I whisper barely able to get the words out.

“Brandon!!” He yells out his face flooding with tears as he wraps his arms around me “I didn’t know if anyone still lived here but I thought I’d try”  he splutters as he lets go of me.

“Oh my god no… no that isn’t…. Ava?” He says as he falls to his knees, when Dad went missing Ava was just a baby so she doesn’t recognize him. She cowers behind my legs unsure of who this man was.

“Ava… baby girl… it’s me… Daddy” he pleads with her as she grips tighter onto my legs “Um.. Dad.. I think she’s just feeling a bit shy right now, fuck… Dad…. what the hell… where have you been?” I say to him completely confused. 

I watch Dad walk into the apartment as he looks around “Is she here?” he asks me ignoring my question “No Dad… she’s at work” I reply as he shakes his head “Fuck… all the pain I’ve caused everyone” he states as he runs his fingers through his hair “Well maybe take a seat and start explaining… I’ll text Sienna to come home” I tell him still in complete shock.

I put the kettle on and make us some tea as Ava still stays close to me unsure of the man who is currently in the apartment.

I sit down opposite Dad and look at his face, he was clearly tired and his skin all dry and cracked, wherever he was for the last three years has taken it’s toll on him.

“I left Iceland headed back to New York when a few hours into the flight the engine failed, I was surrounded by ocean and had no where to go until I remembered about a small mostly uninhabited island off Greenland, I didn’t know exactly how to get there but I landed in the water about two miles away from the island, my plane sank but I was able to swim to the island, I just kept waiting day after day to be rescued” Dad’s voice cracks as he continues to tell me what happened.

“I wanted to try and swim to another island but I had to get home to you and the girls, I didn’t want to risk downing or freezing to death if I didn’t make it. I barely survived just eating fish and scrubs and drinking rainwater, I honestly thought I was going to die all alone on that island” Dad fully breaks down as he recalls to me the horrible trauma he went through burying in head in his hands.

It was at that point that Ava got off my lap and walks over to Dad and places her hand on his head patting him softly “Don’t be sad, it will be okay” she tells him as he lifts up his head smiling and letting out a small giggle as her cuteness.

“Thank you Angel, do you remember me?” he asks her as she looks slightly confused “I think so, Are you my Daddy?” she asks as he nods and smiles “I am Princess”. Ava lets out a huge smile and throws her arms around him “Don’t leave again” she says basically telling him off “I won’t, I promise” he whispers to her.

“Brandon?! Are you home?! Are you and Ava okay?” I hear from the front door. It was Sienna. I see Dad’s body freeze at the sound of her voice “Brandon? What’s going on?” she says walking into the room.

Sienna’s POV

Everything came to a complete standstill as I see Alexander sitting down on a chair in our lounge room, what the hell was going on? I start to take in some deep breathes as I didn’t know how to process what was happening. Was I fucking dreaming?

“Mommy, are you okay?” Ava asks as I let out a small nod “Ava, how about we go to the park like we planned?” Brandon asks her as she jumps up and down all excited.

Brandon grabs her things and takes her hand “Call me if you need me” he says to me as he places a small peck on the lips, I knew he did that on purpose but I was too shell shocked to deal with that right now.

“You look more beautiful than ever Si, god I’ve missed you” Alexander says walking towards me throwing his arms around me running his fingers through my hair “I’ve missed your lovely scent Sienna, I thought about this every night, your smell, your touch, your soft skin, your perfect pink lips, fuck it was torture being away from you” he tells me breaking down in tears as I slowly back away.

“Where were you Alexander? I thought… I thought for so long that you were dead… you broke my heart into a million pieces” I cry out not able to deal with what was happening right now.

“Please baby, please let me explain” he asks as I shake my head “I can’t deal with this” I yell out as I walk away, Alexander grabs my hand and looks deeply into my eyes “Please Sienna, let me tell you what happened” he begs as I eventually nod and take a seat next to him.

He tells me about the emergency landing in Greenland and how he survived during the three year period, he was eventually rescued by fisherman and taken to a hospital on the mainland, he decided to wait to let us know he was alive in person rather than us come to visit him in the Greenland hospital, he thought that it had been so long it had to be in person. 

“I’m so sorry I hurt you Sienna, you know I’d never do that on purpose” he says taking my hand in his “It’s been really hard… really hard but I’m so glad you’re alive” I finally break down and throw myself in his arms.

Alexander places his hand on my face moving it up to his as he places his lips onto mine, initially I return the kiss before pulling away from him. 

“Alexander… there is a lot we need to talk about” I tell him with the guilt starting to eat away at me “I’m not naive Sienna, you’re such an amazing beautiful woman and I’m guessing you’ve been seeing someone…” Alexander say gritting his teeth letting out a small amount of frustration. 

I can barely get out the words but I knew I had to tell him “Brandon…. he’s been by our side ever since you left… every night he’s been here, we grew close.” I say as my heart sinks.

“I understand Sienna and I know it’s going to be hard to let him down” Alexander says as I look up at him surprised “What do you mean?” I ask him quizzically.

“Well… I am your husband Sienna, I’m sorry that Brandon is going to get hurt but we made a commitment” he says nonchalantly “I also made a commitment to Brandon, he gave up his life and career for Ava and I, I can’t just throw him out on the streets, he’s been amazing to me and Ava is very attached to him” I reply getting worked up at our conversation.

“I’m her Father and your husband, I need to be here!” Alexander demands as I stand up trying to defuse the situation “Of course you need to be here and I can set up the spare room for you” I say while trying to calm him down.

“If I’m in the spare room where will Brandon put all his things…. oh” Alexander replies as it hits him, Brandon and I share a room now, a room that use to be our marital bedroom. 

“All your things are in the spare room, I didn’t throw anything out, I just couldn’t” I tell him as I swallow the lump in my throat. 

Alexander gets up and storms into what use to be our room and sees all of Brandon things in there as well as mine “Fuck, I need some air” Alexander states as he leaves in a hurry. 

I take a moment to try and process what’s going on, my head feels like it’s spinning and I couldn’t handle it but I needed to go after Alexander and I knew where he would be.

After a while I go to the roof top and see Alexander looking out at the view of New York City “Alexander?” I call out as I place a hand on his shoulder, he immediately turns around and wraps arms around me.

“I need you, I need my wife” he whispers into my ear as his warm tears hit the bare skin on my neck.  I close my eyes soaking up this moment with Alexander. 

“I’ll be here for you Alexander but I gave him my word, he doesn’t deserve to be hurt, I’m sorry but I can’t break his heart” I say to him “I know Si.. I know” he replies. 


Next chapter is the last one!

Hope you’ve all enjoyed this emotional chapter, once I’ve released the last chapter I’ll be working on French Tutor and Fighting for Love, I also want to try and merge this whole story onto Wattpad again so it can be read from start to finish (so painful!)

Please comment, vote or follow if you’re enjoying, always love hearing from you guys

Take care

Starlet x

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