Where to Now?

Sienna’s POV

Alexander was missing. His plane was missing. It left Reykjavik International Airport bound for New York and two hours into the flight air traffic control lost all contact with him, it was literally like his plane vanished into thin air.

I couldn’t take it, I was a walking Zombie not being able to hold any type of conversation or listen to word anyone said to me.

It had been 24 hours since we were told of the news, Mom, Dad, Brandon, Betty, Scarlet and Jean-Marc were all in my apartment taking care of Ava but all I wanted was my love, Alexander.

“Can I make you something to eat Sienna?” Mom asks as I shake my head “I know you’re not in the mood sweetheart but Ava still needs your milk, you need to take care of yourself” Mom says trying to convince me otherwise “Just…. just not right now Mom” I say softly with tears slowly running down my face.

Even though I wanted to be alone I was thankful for everyone around me helping out with Ava, plus today was her Birthday and there was constantly people coming to the door delivering things we had ordered for the day like balloons, decorations and cupcakes. Aunt Betty was able to deal with them and send those things back, it just wasn’t a day to celebrate.

I felt bad for Ava but Scarlet and Jean-Marc were doing a great job at keeping her happy and content, I’m glad she’s too young to understand what’s going on, she loves her Dad so much and this would just break her heart.

It was really late at night when everyone decided to leave, well everyone apart from Brandon. Mom and Dad were staying at Aunt Betty’s and Scarlet and Jean-Marc went back home, Brandon decided to stay in the spare room and help out with Ava, at the end of the day Ava is his sister so I guess that made sense.

I lay in bed just staring at the ceiling, I look over to the other side of the bed and can’t believe it’s empty, Where is he? Where is Alexander? I honestly can’t handle not knowing.

Before I knew it I started to breath heavily and quickly, it became so quick I could hardly keep up, Brandon races into the bedroom “Sienna! You’re having a panic attack, slow you’re breaking down baby, slow it right down” he says scooping me up in his arms as we sit up on the bed.

Before I knew it I started to breath heavily and quickly, it became so quick I could hardly keep up, Brandon races into the bedroom "Sienna! You're having a panic attack, slow you're breaking down baby, slow it right down" he says scooping me up i...

“Brandon, I can’t do this without him, I can’t do anything without him, Ava needs her Father” I cry out soaking Brandon’s shoulder.

“You don’t have to Si, he will be here and until he returns I will be here for the both of you, I’m not going to leave until he comes back, okay? You’ll never be alone Sienna” Brandon breaks our hug so he can say those words to my face looking deeply into my eyes ensuring I know how serious his promise is. 

I slowly nod, I was so appreciative of Brandon’s offer but I’m so heartbroken at the same time, it was at that moment a thought hits me “Shit Brandon, I’ve been so fucking selfish, how are you dealing with all of this? I didn’t even ask once” I say to him feeling super guilty.

“Don’t apologize Si, it’s understandable how you’d be feeling. Honestly… I’m scared. I’ve already lost one parent, I can’t lose another one, I mean if Dad is gone… what family do I have?” Brandon finally breaks down and now it was my turn to comfort him.

“As you said he will come home, we both know it. we both feel it. Ava and I, we’re your family, Ava is your sister and fuck if I’m not family to you than I don’t know what I am” I awkwardly laugh.

“Thank you Boo, of course you’re family, you’re everything to me” he says taking me again in a big bear hug “Will stay with me tonight? I don’t think I can be alone right now” I ask as he wipes away my tears, “Of course Si, I’m not going anywhere” he smiles placing a small kiss on my forehead as we lay down on the bed.

"Thank you Boo, of course you're family, you're everything to me" he says taking me again in a big bear hug "Will stay with me tonight? I don't think I can be alone right now" I ask as he wipes away my tears, "Of course Si, I'm not going anywhere"...

2 Years Later – Sienna’s POV

I race around the apartment looking for my heels, fuck I have a 8.30am meeting and I’m running super late. I finally find my shoes and race into the kitchen so I can give Ava her breakfast,  I stumble into the kitchen and was greeted with quite a sight. 

“Good Morning Boo” Brandon smirks with a devilish look on his face, his body was learning up against the kitchen bench and he was wearing just his underwear, yep nothing else.

“Did someone lose their pants again?” I say to him shaking my head as I open up a cupboard to grab out Ava’s breakfast bowl “She’s already had her breakfast, all taken care of” Brandon smiles taking a sip of his coffee.

"Did someone lose their pants again?" I say to him shaking my head as I open up a cupboard to grab out Ava's breakfast bowl "She's already had her breakfast, all taken care of" Brandon smiles taking a sip of his coffee

“What would I do without you?” I say kissing him on the cheek smiling “Can you still drop Ava off at Scarlet and Jean-Marc’s place?” I ask as I throw some coffee into a take away cup.

“Absolutely, have a great day at work Boo” he smiles as he grabs Ava from her highchair “Say bye to Mommy” he tells Ava “Bye Mumma, love you” she tells me as Brandon bounces her up and down in his arms “Bye Princess, love you Avie” I say as I wave goodbye to both of them.

It’s been two years since Alexander went missing, still no trace of him or his plane. The authorities tell me that he and his place are most likely at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean which makes me feel sick to my stomach, part of me still expects him to walk through the front door any minute now.

I went back to work after 6 months off, I went back because I needed the distraction. I fell into a deep depression a week after Alexander went missing and I know if I didn’t have Ava and Brandon I don’t think I ever would have found the courage to fight for my life.

Work has been amazing, especially Damon, he was a fantastic boss and was so understanding about everything I had been through, even though my heart was shattered into a million pieces I still had a lot to be grateful for

Work has been amazing, especially Damon, he was a fantastic boss and was so understanding about everything I had been through, even though my heart was shattered into a million pieces I still had a lot to be grateful for. 

I was happy enough at work during the day but going to bed at night was the worse, I would usually cry myself to sleep trying my best to keep it muffled so that Brandon wouldn’t hear or worry about me. 

Brandon never really left and moved into the spare room in our apartment, he’s been with me every night since and really has made my life bearable. 

It was just the little things he would do for us, for example I would come home and he’d be making popcorn for Ava and I with a child friendly Netflix movie picked out or he’d be painting pictures with Ava with both of them covered in paint, last week I came home from a long day at work to a bubble bath and my favorite glass of wine waiting for me. I was so damn lucky to have Brandon.

“Sienna?” I hear as I’m caught staring outside my office window, I turn to see Damon smiling at me “Hey Boss, What’s up?” I ask shooting him back a halfhearted smile “Just checking in on you, how’s things?” he asks as I shake my head “I don’t know….Will it ever get easier?” I ask as he sits on the end of my desk.

“It will Sienna, you have you’re beautiful daughter that is a part of you both, anytime you miss him all you have to do is look into her eyes and he’s with you” he tells me looking at me sympathetically “He wouldn’t want you to be unhappy, he would have never ever wanted you to feel all this pain you’re going through” he says as I swallow the lump building in my throat.

“Listen, I have a big case for you next week to work on, why don’t you take the rest of the day off and come back in on Monday refreshed and ready to go?” he asks as I smile “Thank you Damon, you’re really just a big softy at heart, aren’t you?” I say letting out a small giggle “Shhhh, told tell anyone that though” he laughs.

I decide to take a walk through Central Park before picking up Ava from Scarlet’s place, her housekeeper Victoria was looking after Ava and Violetta. I was minutes away from arriving when I receive a text message from Brandon.

“Hey Boo, I called your office and the receptionist told me you’d already left, if you haven’t already got Ava can you come home first?” I read the message kind of confused, I had no idea why I had to come home first.

I arrive home and walk into the apartment to find a huge bouquet of red roses waiting for me, I let out a small gasp at the sight of the beautiful flowers “Boo?” I hear Brandon call out, I follow his voice to find him.

I arrive home and walk into the apartment to find a huge bouquet of red roses waiting for me, I let out a small gasp at the sight of the beautiful flowers "Boo?" I hear Brandon call out, I follow his voice to find him

“Brandon? What’s going on? Why are you all dressed up?” I ask confused noticing Brandon was looking very handsome in his suit.

“Well Boo, I’m taking you out on the town tonight, we both haven’t been out in years and I know it’s painful but we need to start living again, we need to enjoy life, so please, Sienna, can I take you out to dinner tonight?” he asks so damn sweetly.

My head was spinning, I had no idea what was going on, was this a date or just out of pity? I didn't know what to think but what I did know is that this man has stood by my side for the last 2 years without putting a foot wrong, I couldn't deny hi...

My head was spinning, I had no idea what was going on, was this a date or just out of pity? I didn’t know what to think but what I did know is that this man has stood by my side for the last 2 years without putting a foot wrong, I couldn’t deny him his request for a simple dinner.

“Sure, no problem, um… let me get ready” I smile nervously as I head into my bedroom, I go through my closet and look in the back to see anything that’s half decent as I either have work or Mummy clothes.

I grab out a cropped black top and a flowing knee length skirt matched with some black heels, I fix up my hair before making my way back out to see Brandon.

“You’re so beautiful Sienna, always damn beautiful” Brandon mutters as I smile shyly fidgeting with my fingers. Fuck I was nervous. 

Brandon's POV

Brandon’s POV

It was the right time, it had been two years since Dad had gone missing and even though I’d give anything to have him back it became obvious he wasn’t coming back. 

There was no place I’d rather be than with Sienna and Ava, I promised I’d be there for Sienna and I meant every word, I didn’t want to push her but I wanted us to move forward with our relationship, I wanted to be with Sienna, I wanted us to be real couple. 

Tonight was a step in that direction. Tonight I’m going to profess my feelings for Sienna and I’m hoping the night will end in us making love until the morning.


Two chapters left of Love Triangle!

Thank you for sticking with me guys, I know I’ve been a little MIA lately but I want to finish off these chapters soon and I’m going to commit to doing so!

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Hope you’re all well

Take Care

Starlet x

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