
Sienna’s POV

Having baby Ava home with us was just so special, I couldn’t believe how much love filled my heart for our little girl, as happy as I was it always made me lightly anxious.

I mean before it was just me in New York trying to survive college, now, well…now I have a husband and daughter that I love more than life itself, I had so much to lose.

It’s like I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to end up with Alexander and Ava, I was able to keep my career and have the family I’ve always dreamed of, sometimes it just felt too good to be true.

Six months after Ava’s arrival I ended up going back to work, it was really hard to come to that decision and I just didn’t feel ready to leave her yet but this is what I had wanted and asked for, I was originally going to go back after a few months but I just couldn’t, I physically couldn’t leave her as I was way too attached.

We were lucky that Scarlet and Jean-Marc offered to help us out financially so both Alexander and I could stay at home with Ava but the time had come for me to suck it up and go back into the corporate world and start on that dream again of being a damn good human rights lawyer.

“Okay Mommy is going now, is everyone going to be okay?” I ask pouting not waiting to leave “Yesssss” Alexander says rolling his eyes “Stop stressing, we will both be fine and we will both be here when you get home, have a good first day back, love you Si” Alexander states kissing me goodbye.

“Okay…well.. love you both…take care” I say reluctantly as I slowly walk out the door waving goodbye.

6 months later – Sienna’s POV

Work had been going really well and life at home was also wonderful, Alexander and I had been planning for Ava’s 1st birthday party this Sunday, I was taking the Friday off work to get all the last minute things but also to look after Ava as Alexander was flying this weekend to Iceland which was about a 5 hour flight from New York, he was flying over some medical supplies to the Red Cross.

Even though he was only going for one day and would be back Saturday night I always missed him like crazy, knowing his was out of the country and so far away made my heart ache.

We made passionate love that morning during Ava’s nap before Alexander had to leave “See you tomorrow Wifey, love you” he says throwing a long lasting kiss on my lips “Be a good girl for Mommy…ok Princess? Love you too baby girl” he says kissing Ava’s cheeks as she giggles.

I watch Alexander leave before moving away from the window and giving Ava a bath to distract myself, I was fortunate that Ava was a good baby and wouldn’t cause too much trouble while Alexander was gone.

The next 24 hours seemed like they went so slow, Ava and I had a good time playing and going to the park but it just wasn’t the same without Alexander, Ava knew it too, being the stay at home parent Ava was definitely more attached to Alexander than myself.

I sat on the couch that night watching some trash tv shows waiting for Alexander to get home, he was due to arrive any minute now and I didn’t want to go to bed without him, Ava has been sleeping for the last few hours so she was happy and content.

I drift in and out of sleep until I can’t fight it anymore and fall asleep, hours later I wake up to hear Ava crying and get up to check on her, after getting her back to sleep I look at the time and realized Alexander should have been home hours ago, it was 2am in the morning. 

I look at my phone and see I have no new messages or missed calls, I attempt to call him but it goes straight to voicemail, my heart started to race and I knew needed help. 

I pick up my phone and call the one person who I think could help me “Dad… I’m sorry to wake you up” I say calling him panicked “It’s okay Si-Si, is everything okay?” he asks worried “It’s Alexander Dad, he was meant to be here four hours ago but he’s still not home, I can’t get it touch with him, can you find out from your pilot friends any information or find out where his plane is?” I ask nervously.

I gave Dad all the information I had about Alexander’s flight and he told me he’d made some calls straight away, I move to floor to try and slow down my breathing as I was getting all worked up and I couldn’t take it, I had to stay calm for Alexander and Ava.

After spending the next 15 minutes on the floor I get up when I hear a noise at the front door, I race over to the door getting ready to open it up and jump in his arms, I’d then give him a massive wack on the arm for getting me so worried.

I look through the peep hole in the door and my heart stops, it was two police officers at the front door, I slowly open it up as my eyes fill with tears “I’m guessing you don’t have good news for me?” I say to them barely being able to get out my words “We’re afraid not” one of them replies.

Brandon’s POV

When I heard the news everything stopped, I had to go to New York straight away, I had to be with Sienna.

“Brandon, where the fuck do you think you’re going?” one of my band mates asks me, we were currently in London on our world tour “I need to get home” I say bluntly packing up all my stuff throwing them into my suitcase, I didn’t have time and was in no mood to give out explanations.

I see Zara come into the room confused “Brandon, what do you mean you’re going home? What’s happened?” she asks, I explain to her the situation and she collapses onto the hotel bed.

“You’re still in love with her…..aren’t you?” she asks looking back at me”Zara… this isn’t the time, can you please just pack up your things so we can go back to New York?” I ask as I watch her go over to the bedroom window.

“I’m not going home with you Brandon, I’m going to stay here, I think…. I think we need some time apart” she states with so much sadness in her voice “Zara… I don’t have time for this, I have to get back” I tell her shaking my head.

I take a deep breath and go over to her, I place a small soft kiss her on the forehead as I leave out the door bound for New York. “Take care of yourself Zara” I say closing the door behind me. 



Please comment, like or vote if you’re enjoying. A few people have been asking and once the story is complete I’m going to try and merge it all onto wattpad again with minimal pictures/gifs of course *rolls eyes* so it can be read start to finish.

Take Care

Starlet x

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