What The Future Holds

Sienna’s POV

I lay down on the bed in my white lacy lingerie as my husband slowly crawls on top on me, completely naked, he carefully removes my lingerie firstly sliding off my panties than unhooking my bra releasing my swollen breasts thanks to my pregnancy. 

“My beautiful wife” Alexander words coming out so gentle from his mouth but tug hard at my heart strings, I could feel my emotions starting to take over.

“Si, are you crying?” Alexander asks me looking so deeply concerned as I let out a small laugh “Just happy tears handsome, I promise” I smile as he wraps me up, our naked bodies feeling so connected to each other “I’ll love you for forever Sienna, my true love, my one and only” he whispers into my ear.

“I love you so damn much handsome, so much it fucking hurts” I say to him as he smirks letting out a small chuckle “Let me make love to you my gorgeous wife” he says locking eyes with me in a lustful stare as I nod “Please baby” I reply barely getting my words out.

He ever so slowly enters me and I throw my whole body back with a small spasm, it was like ecstasy having him inside me again.

“I want it deep husband” I mutter out as he pounds harder into my tighten core, my nipples fully erect as my body was in a full state of pleasure, Alexander picks up the pace and thrusts deeper inside me.

“I know exactly what you want Si” he tells me shooting me one of his killer smiles, he turns me around on all four and enters me from behind biting down on my ear “I know you love it from behind you naughty girl” he growls smacking my ass firmly.

My arousal was at an all time high, this man knew how to fuck me and fuck me well, his hands grabbing onto my hips pushing them towards him as he repeatedly hits my g-spot over and over again.

“Alexander… I’m so close” I cry out “I know Si, I can feel you tighten up on my hard cock” he mutters out barely being able to speak. 

Suddenly Alexander pulls out of me and turns me around lifting me up into his arms “Sorry baby, I can’t have us finishing too early” he smirks as he carries me to the couch.

He throws me down and roughly enters me once again which results in me yelling out in absolute pleasure “Arghhh you’re naughty Alexander, I fucking love it” I cry out as he laughs.

Not only did this feel amazing it also felt incredibly special, we were making love for the first time as Husband and Wife, the way Alexander was focused on me without breaking our lustful loving stare was ensuring our intensity was sky high.

Alexander’s POV

Sienna, My Sienna, My Wife, The Mother of my unborn child. She was everything to me and I wanted to show her physically how much I love her. 

I see the beads of sweat form at her hairline, her cheeks bright pink and her face completely flushed as she continues to breath hard and heavy. 

I place my forehead on hers as she shoots me the sweetest smile, we were in our happy place, our little love bubble and honestly I never wanted it to end.

“Alexander, I’m so close baby” she cries out as her breathing intensives “Yes Si, let it take over baby girl” I growl trying my best to hold off myself.

Sienna’s body violently shutters as she lets out a loud moan “Allexxannnddeerrrrr” slips out of her mouth as I release my seed deep inside her. 

She lets out a small cute giggle as our lips meet coming together for a passionate kiss “That was just perfect Husband” she smiles “I couldn’t agree more” I reply wrapping her up in my arms

6 Months Later – Alexander’s POV

The first 6 months of our marriage has been blissful, our baby was quickly growing and Sienna had been dealing with the pregnancy like a champion, all the morning sickness, aches and pains just never affected her happiness or wiliness to keep getting on with her day, I always knew she was a strong woman but seeing her go through this pregnancy made her even stronger.

Sienna was still working with Damon at his law firm, he was so good to both of us, I loved seeing Sienna come home so enthusiastic about her work and making a difference in people’s lives. 

Our marriage was still our secret, no one knew and that’s how we liked it for now, I knew in another year or two we would have our big wedding but for now I didn’t need the world to know she was my wife, just knowing myself was more than enough.

“Good Morning Wifey” I say sipping on my morning coffee as I see her appear from our bedroom “Morning Husband, our baby is in a kicking mood this morning, come feel” she says smiling as I walk over and place my hand on her tummy “Wow… so active, it’s just amazing Si” 

We both decided to keep the gender a surprise until birth, as we get closer to the end I know it’s killing Sienna not knowing but I know she’s looking forward to the big day when we meet our little Prince or Princess.

“Okay I’m going to have a shower before we meet up with Jean-Marc and Scarlet for breakfast” She tells me as she heads over to the bathroom

I continue to drink my coffee and read the paper before I hear Sienna scream out, I immediately drop everything and run into the bathroom “My water just broke!!” she cries out, shit… I was so shocked as she wasn’t due for another 3 weeks. 

Luckily we had already packed a bag last week and we were ready to go, we call a cab as Sienna starts wincing in pain “Fuck, I think the contractions are starting, our baby is impatient just like their Father” she cries out as I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.

We were moments away from the hospital when Jean-Marc rings asking where we both were as we were meant to meet them 15 minutes ago, I tell them our news as I hear Scarlet squeal in the background, Jean-Marc tells me they will make their way over to the hospital and meet us there.

I quickly send a group text out to Owen, Penelope and Brandon telling everyone to get on a plane and get to New York, our baby was coming.

9 long painful hours later our daughter was born, Ava Claire Rose. Sienna was as per usual just amazing and was doing really well after the birth.

“Alexander, she’s so perfect” Sienna whispers out completely exhausted “She’s just like her Mother, complete perfection” I reply softly kissing Sienna on the forehead taking Ava out of her arms for a moment “I love you so much my beautiful baby girl, everything we do is for you” I softly tell Ava.

5 years ago when I was trapped in a loveless marriage who knew I’d be here with the real love of my life and getting the chance to be a Father again, I was so damn lucky. 

A few days later I was able to take both my beautiful girls home and start our lives together, Sienna was just glowing even though she was so exhausted and Ava was being a perfect baby mostly just sleeping all day.

“Alexander?” I hear Sienna call out from the bedroom “Yes Wifey?” I reply as she giggles “Promise me you’ll always take care of us” she asks as I look at her confused “Of course I will Si, that’s my number one job” she nods as a small smile appears on her face, she closes her eyes softly drifting off to sleep.


Aww little baby Ava! How sweet! Now I know this would be perfect way to end the story but I’m not done just yet, still got a few more surprises ahead

Take you for your patience in waiting for this chapter to come out, I’m committed to not keep you guys waiting so long again

Take Care

Starlet x

15 thoughts on “What The Future Holds

  1. Thank u so much for updating starlet. It’s an amazing chapter.
    Baby Ava is so precious 😍.
    Thanks for the wonderful pics of Alex and the baby.
    I’m really excited for the next chapter.
    I’m glad that u are updating this story again.
    Love u always 😘

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m so sad this book is almost done😭😭 I’ve loved this book from the beginning and will always love it. I’m so happy you are back and writing again❤ your stories have been the best one’s I’ve read, seriously. I can’t wait for you to update more and make more books when your ready btw I LOVE this chapter❤

    Liked by 1 person

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