
Alexander’s POV

I stepped back in complete and utter shock, I didn’t understand what was going on “What do you mean we’re getting married this afternoon?” I ask as my heart starts to race at a million miles. 

“Well I know that you really want us to be married before our child arrives, as always you were sweet enough to accept what I wanted which was a big wedding after the birth, well, there is no reason we can’t do both” she smiles nervously reaching for my hand intertwining her fingers with mine.

“Alexander, Town Hall is expecting us in one hour if you want to marry me today, I picked up some wedding rings this morning and I want to end the day with you as my husband but only if you’re comfortable to do this, I hope I haven’t crossed the line” the stress lines on her face appear as she starts questioning what she’s done.

“Sienna, I can’t believe you did this for me, I’m shocked, what you’ve….” the lump in my throat builds as I start to tear up thinking about how fucking lucky I am.

“What you’ve done is such a beautiful gesture, I can’t believe I’ll be going to bed tonight with my wife, the woman of my dreams who looks so damn radiant carrying our child” I shake my head trying to keep my emotions in check.

“Thank you so much Sienna, thank you for knowing how much this meant to me and compromising, I promise when you’re ready baby I’m going to give you the wedding of your dreams” I say kissing down on her hands which were linked into mine.

“So Mr. Alexander Rose, would you like to get married this afternoon?” she asks starting to get giddy at the thought of what’s about to happen “Fuck yeah Ms. Hazelwood! I would love to get married this afternoon, I can’t wait for you to be my wife Sienna, there is nothing I want more in this whole world baby” I say wrapping her up tight in my arms still trying to come to grips with the fact that this was my reality.

“Should we tell anyone afterwards that we’re married or keep it between ourselves?” Sienna asks “Hmm I don’t know, I kind of like the idea of this just being between us” I say as Sienna nods “Me too, until we have our big wedding maybe it can be our little secret” she laughs as she wraps her arms around my neck “What do we say about the rings though?” I ask trying to cover all bases “We can just say they’re commitment rings. Just us, the judge and baby will know we’re married” she smirks as I laugh.

“Well… let’s go get married handsome!” she smiles as we walk out hand in hand “Oh shit… I forgot something” she says running back to the bedroom “Nearly forgot the rings, do you want to see them now or keep it a surprise?” she asks only just containing her excited “You know I’m so impatient Si, let’s take a quick look” I say to her knowing that seeing our wedding rings will just make it all the more real.

As she slowly opens the small red jewelry box I let out a small gasp, our rings were just perfect, I pick up the ring that I’d be wearing until the day I die and can’t help but smile “You did amazing baby, just beautiful” I feel that lump in my throat starting to grow again but shake off my feelings, I need to pull myself together and not be a complete mess today.

As she slowly opens the small red jewelry box I let out a small gasp, our rings were just perfect, I pick up the ring that I'd be wearing until the day I die and can't help but smile "You did amazing baby, just beautiful" I feel that lump in my th...

We embarked on the short walk to the Town Hall and embrace the unusually warm winter’s day in New York, we were a few blocks away when I feel Sienna stop and tug on my hand.

“Handsome, can I get some flowers? I can’t get married without flowers” she giggles “Of course baby, you can get as many as you like, anything for my wifey to be” I say to her completing smitten with this woman.

"Handsome, can I get some flowers? I can't get married without flowers" she giggles "Of course baby, you can get as many as you like, anything for my wifey to be" I say to her completing smitten with this woman
She picks up a few bunches of roses and asks the florist if she can put them together, she ties them together with a white silk ribbon and hands them to Sienna "Now we're ready to get married" she smiles with her eyes sparkling

She picks up a few bunches of roses and asks the florist if she can put them together, she ties them together with a white silk ribbon and hands them to Sienna “Now we’re ready to get married” she smiles with her eyes sparkling. 

We arrive at Town Hall slightly early, even though I wanted this more than anything I could feel the butterflies start to circulate in my stomach, I knew if I was feeling this way Sienna must be feeling the same way if not more nervous

We arrive at Town Hall slightly early, even though I wanted this more than anything I could feel the butterflies start to circulate in my stomach, I knew if I was feeling this way Sienna must be feeling the same way if not more nervous.

I look over at my beautiful girl and she appears to be very calm and peaceful just softly stroking her baby bump, it was comforting to know she was happy about this next huge chapter in our lives.

“Alexander and Sienna?” the judges calls out as we make the way to his chambers hand in hand, the judge briefly speaks to us before he starts the ceremony, he asks us if we would like to say our own vows, something which I’ve had no preparation for “I’ll go first” Sienna speaks up which was a huge relief.

“Alexander, I’ve known you all my life but the day I came over to your house after not seeing you for so long I knew something had changed, our instant and magnetic connection couldn’t be ignored and I just wanted to know more about you. You’re a loving selfless man and always wants the best for me even if it’s not what’s best for you, we’ve had our ups and downs but I can honestly say standing here holding your hands about to become your wife with our child present I’ve never love anyone so much and I never will love anyone more, you’re everything to me Alexander and I’m so honored to become your wife” Sienna pours her heart to me with a few words coming our shaky, my eyes fill with tears as her beautiful words tug hard at my heartstrings. I take a deep breath and get ready to speak from the heart to my love.

“Sienna, my darling, you rescued me from a life of darkness and misery, I had given up on falling in love or having a family again but you showed me kindness, compassion, laughter and love. Now I know that I’ve found it again with you and it’s stronger and deeper than I ever could imagine. Standing here looking at you I’m just in complete awe and I love you more and more everyday. I’m so proud of the smart, brave, caring, intelligent woman who about to be my wife and mother of our child, I’ll love you until my last breath Sienna and I promise you have my heart for eternity” Both of us now struggling with our eyes full of tears trying our best to hold them back “Alexander that was so beautiful” she whispers.

The Judge continues to talk and asks us to exchange our rings, both rings were a perfect fit and it felt so special, I love the feeling of having a wedding ring on my finger again and even more so knowing the amazing woman this ring is connected to. 

The judge says a few final things before announcing us as husband and wife, we move in for a loving sweet kiss which lingered for longer than expected, our first kiss as husband and wife was just electric. The love we had for each other was just so present and I feel a strong shiver go through my body as I notice her skin was covered in goosebumps.

I place my forehead on hers and whisper to her softly “I’ll love you forever my darling wife” as a beautiful small smile dances on her face “I’ll love you forever my wonderful husband” she replies, this moment was perfect and one I’d never forget. 

After signing all the relevant paperwork we head out together hand in hand, married, completely in love and expecting our first child. Life was perfect.

"Baby, I think we should go back home and grab a few things than head upstate for the weekend, I'll book us a cabin tonight

“Baby, I think we should go back home and grab a few things than head upstate for the weekend, I’ll book us a cabin tonight. The only items required is you, me and our wedding rings, mmm yes that’s all we’ll need” I say to her wrapping my arms around her waist softly kissing her neck.

“Will this be kind of like a honeymoon?” she asks giggling as my kisses tickle her neck “Well we’ll have a much bigger one when we have our wedding but yeah it will be like our honeymoon, I mean we have to consummate this marriage you know Si” I say gently biting down on her shoulder.

“I feel like given the chance you’d consummate this marriage right now, but I love the cabin idea, get the fire going and curling up in front of that in your arms wrapped in a nice big blanket, mmm that sounds perfect” she mutters clearly getting affected by my seductive love bites.

Once home Sienna starts packing up our big weekender bag and I jump on my cell and look up accommodation for the weekend, I eventually find the most perfect place to take my goddess wife and make love for the first time as a married couple.

Sienna’s POV

I pack us both clothes for the next few days as well as packing a few silk nighties with lace trim and sexy lingerie sets hoping they still fit, my baby bump was becoming prominent and my breasts had definitely gone up a cup size, not that Alexander was complaining.

Once packed we make our way to the car and Alexander drives us upstate to a secluded self maintained cottage cabin, we walk inside and I was completely gobsmacked, this place was stunning “Alexander…. this place is perfect” I say with my eyes darting around the place like an excited child. 

The cabin was warm and cozy with a huge king size bed and a roaring fireplace next to it, I walk into the next room and see a huge bathtub that will easily fit the both of us. The nature views outside were so gorgeous, I really couldn’t believe I was so lucky to be staying at such an amazing place with my handsome husband.

"Only the best for you my wife" he smirks, it still feels so surreal him calling me his wife but it also felt so right, I knew I was meant to be with this amazing man "Just call me Mrs

“Only the best for you my wife” he smirks, it still feels so surreal him calling me his wife but it also felt so right, I knew I was meant to be with this amazing man “Just call me Mrs.Rose” I say to seductively as he picks me up…. bridal style… of course.

My lips crash down on his and the heat between us was intense and passionate, I’ve never wanted him so much than right now in this moment “I need you Alexander, I crave you so badly” I whisper as a manly groan escape from his lips .

He gently places us onto the bed moving on top of me and slowly lowers down the straps on my white dress, his lips ensuring every single part of my body was given attention, his kisses move from my neck to my shoulders, it felt like he was drinking every inch of me in, my arousal was so strong and I couldn’t help but moan out each time his lips connected with my naked skin.

He slowly unbuttons the back of my dress as the silky material falls off my body leaving me sitting on the bed in my skimpy white lace lingerie, my baby bump definitely present as Alexander smiles looking down at it.

Our eyes connect again and don’t leave each other as Alexander slowly starts to undress, I think we were both a bit nervous but also highly excited for what was about to happen, we just wanted it to be perfect.

Our eyes connect again and don't leave each other as Alexander slowly starts to undress, I think we were both a bit nervous but also highly excited for what was about to happen, we just wanted it to be perfect

“Sienna, my beautiful wife, tonight I want to please you like never before, I want to put you in a state of ultimate pleasure until your body can’t take it anymore, you’ve made me the happiest man alive and you should be rewarded, I want to treat you like the goddess that you are, I want to make love to you until we see the sunrise, can I please do this for you my wife?” Alexander growls, fuck I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on by his words before.

“Yes please, I’m ready for you husband, please make love to me, I need it baby. Your wife needs your love so damn much” I say to him, he slowly unzips his pants as I watch them fall swiftly to the ground, he’s starts to move towards me and all I could think was my husband was complete and utter perfection.


Hope you all enjoyed this lovey romantic chapter, Alexander and Sienna are officially married! woo!

As mentioned previously there is only a couple of chapters left, I don’t know exactly how many but it’s very close to the end

Please comment, vote or follow if you’re enjoying

Take Care

Starlet x

14 thoughts on “Compromise

  1. Thank u so much for the most amazing chapter starlet.
    Alexander made a vow that made my heart melt. Such a beautiful words. Si is very lucky to have such a sexy man as her husband and I’m jealous of her.
    Oh damn that sexy abs 😍.
    Si has the wonderful wedding gown which made her feel a like goddess.
    Can’t wait for the next update.
    Thanks for the sexy pics of Alexander starlet.
    U have a beautiful way of expressing feelings by the words. U are an amazing writer keep up ur good work.
    Have a nice day 😊
    Love u always 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so so much! So glad to hear that you enjoyed the chapter, I’m absolutely jealous too, he’s very good looking! Maybe more jealous of the honeymoon that the wedding hehe!
      Have a wonderful week 💕❤️💕❤️💕


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