
Sienna’s POV

I was completely floored by Scarlet’s reaction, that was so unlike her, she’s been my biggest supporter since day one, I thought she’d be jumping up and down like a cheerleader and she’d be so excited for us but for whatever reason that’s not the case at all.

I see Sienna run out of the room and Jean-Marc head out of the other exit “I’ll follow him, you go after her?” Alexander asks me as I nod.

Sienna was slumped over a small balcony on the other side of the room opposite our reception party, her tears were coming out thick and fast, “Scar, what’s happened? Are you okay?” I ask softly, she nearly jumped out of her skin when I said those words clearly not expecting me to find her. 

“Oh Si-Si I’m so sorry for ruining your right, I’m so fucking selfish, it’s just…. I’ve been begging Jean-Marc for another child for so long but after what happened the first time he won’t allow it, the doctors tell me it will be fine as long as I have a c-section but it’s not enough for him, ugh, I should just be grateful that we have Violetta and she’s happy and healthy but I can’t help but want just one more child” she takes a deep breath.

“Your announcement just took me by surprise that’s all, I didn’t mean to react the way I did, I’m really sorry Sienna, I am really happy for you and Alexander, you’ll be amazing parents” she stutters fighting through her tears.

“Don’t be sorry and you didn’t ruin our night, I could understand how heartbreaking that must be, listen, Alexander is talking to him now, maybe he’ll be able to reason with Jean-Marc, you know, see it from a different point of view?” I say comforting her as she gathers her emotions together.

“I hope so or i’ll just have to get over it, I was so weak when I had Violetta I missed out on so much, I want to experience it right from the start, I know it’s just fear holding Jean-Marc back” 

Alexander’s POV 

I see Jean-Marc head up to the rooftop balcony, I follow him up there and see him leaning up against the handrails having a cigarette “Hey man, is everything okay?” I ask him as he turns to see me “Yeah, sorry about the drama, having another child has been causing a lot of friction in our household at the moment so that’s why we’re both a mess” he tells me as he puffs away on his smoke, the stress evident on his face.

“You’re not interested in having another child?” I ask him trying to work out what was going on “I’d love another child but there is no way we’re going through that again, I nearly lost her Alexander, the doctors came in and said to me to prepare for the worst, to basically prepare for a life without Scarlet, the nightmares I had were unbelievable and even after she was home safe I would wake up in the middle of the night sweating and hyperventilating thinking she was gone, I can’t do that again, I won’t risk losing her, we have our daughter…. that’s enough” he shakes his head trying to hold back the tears.

“Have you told her all this?” I ask him “Some of it, not all, I don’t want her to feel guilty, she couldn’t help it but I’ll never risk losing her again for anything” he says to me defiantly.

“Well if she can’t have another child safely than I completely understand” I reply “Well the doctors say if we do an early c-section it should be fine but what if she goes into labor early, what then?!?” he quips 

“So if you don’t have another kid will that hurt your relationship?” I ask trying not to rock the boat too much “I know she will end up resenting me” he shrugs also acting defeated 

“That’s a hard one man, I would talk to the doctors again, see if you can get some more comfort from them because you don’t want to ruin your relationship with Scarlet, if she wants to be a Mom again that’s a hard thing to say no to and it seems like saying no is breaking her heart” I say to him hoping he won’t rip my head off.

“I know it is, you don’t think it breaks my heart seeing her run off crying like she did before? I’m meant to make my wife happy but every time I think about her getting pregnant again I get this lump in my throat and sick feeling in my stomach” Jean-Marc sighs deeply.

“Fuck, I can’t ruin our marriage, I have to pull my head in, I’ll book some appointments with some specialists, thank you for chat man” he says giving me a hug.

“Anytime, now let’s go find our beautiful women and have a good night” I say to him heading down the rooftop stairs.

I return and see Sienna looking so damn radiant, I walk up to her and place a soft kiss on her neck “Missed you handsome” she whispers

We see a defeated looking Scarlet and sheepishly looking Jean-Marc making eye contact, he slowly walks up to her but she looks down at her shoes, he places his finger under her chin lifting her head up slowly shooting her a comforting smile “I’ll make some appointments next week, we’ll go talk to some more doctors Fleur” he whispers as she looks up immediately at him and starts to tear up again “Thank you Beau, I promise I’ll be okay, I promise I won’t go anywhere” she replies softly kissing his lips as they wrap their arms around each other.

After that mini drama the rest of the night went well, everyone was so excited for us and Sienna only had to excuse herself once to be sick so she was having fun too.

I had my arm wrapped around Sienna’s waist from behind rubbing her tiny baby belly when Aunt Betty approaches us “Well who would have thought the forbidden naughty date you had at my daughter’s wedding would turn into a proposal and pregnancy?” she asks jokingly “That was an amazing night” Sienna replies smiling tilting her head back to me shooting me a cheeky grin.

“Oh please I don’t need to know the  intimate details, but anyway good on you both and it’s good to see you’re having a baby before the wedding, it’s crazy that couples think they have to get married before a baby comes, I mean it’s so old fashioned” she states taking another big gulp of her cocktail, one of many consumed that night I’m suspecting.

Sienna’s POV

Aunt Betty was clearly drunk and it was hilarious, I’m glad to see she’s enjoying herself, I reply to her previous statement “Well I think it’s up to the individual couple I mean whatever works best for them” I reply looking over at Alexander for his reaction.

“Yeah… I guess so” he shrugs, I was puzzled by his reaction but didn’t think this was the best time to get into it.

As the night went on I see Alexander drinking more and more until he was clearly drunk, I obviously had to stick to the plain soda all night which was no fun at all being surrounded by alcohol affected guests. 

After everyone had left I called for a cab to take us back home, we jump in and Alexander is immediately all over me “You’re so sexy Sienna, your breasts look fucking amazing in that dress, can’t wait to have you naked in our bed and have your legs wrapped around my neck” he whispers to me however what he thought was a quiet whisper was actually quite loud, I see the cab driver look back at us in the rear vision mirror, I couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh.

“Alexander, let’s talk about this at home” I reply as he keeps trying to start a deep passionate kiss with me “Please wifey, don’t deprive me” he pouts as he tries to unhook my bra “Wifey? I’ll be your Wifey soon baby” I reply smiling “Not soon enough” he replies before passing out asleep.

I let Alexander sleep for the rest of the cab ride than manage to wake him up so he can get into our apartment, he walks straight to our bed and collapses in it snoring seconds later “What happened to my legs around your neck?” I ask him smiling knowing he won’t answer cause he’s asleep, I get into my pajamas and slide in next to him doing some research for tomorrow on my laptop.

Alexander’s POV

I wake up at 4am feeling horrendous, why did I have to have so much to drink? I head to the bathroom and throw up, this poor bathroom has had way too much vomit to deal with lately, I brush my teeth to get out the horrible taste in my mouth and take a couple of headache tablets and some water to try to recover from my stupidity.

I walk back to bed and see my beautiful angel sleeping so peacefully, one hand on her belly protecting our child with her engagement ring glistening from the moonlight, I couldn’t help but smile, she was perfection to me, she made me so happy and I was lucky to have her, I loved her so deeply and I couldn’t ever imagine feeling any other way.

I return to our bed and cuddle her up into my arms “I’ll keep you safe always Si” I whisper as she smiles and we fall asleep together.

I wake up later that morning feeling pretty good but I was super hungry and badly needing coffee.

“Good Morning Handsome, how are you feeling?” Sienna asks smirking already dressed and ready for the day ahead “Feeling good baby, how are you and our little bambino doing?” I ask rubbing her belly “Both doing well, especially after that hot passionate love making session we had last night, you were so good” she laughs as I roll my eyes and shake my head.

“Yes I know, I was a big let down in that department last night for sure but I can make it up to you right now” I say as I start trailing slow kisses down her neck moving onto her collarbone.

“Sorry handsome I’ve got too many things to do today but will you be home at 3pm?” she asks as I wonder what she was up to “I was just going to go to the gym with Jean-Marc but I’ll be here at 3pm” I reply pouring myself a coffee.

“Great, well I’ll see you this afternoon” she states kissing me letting her lips linger on mine before she heads out the door “Wait! What’s happening this afternoon?” I shout out to her confused “You’ll see” she winks as she leaves shutting the front door behind her.

After having breakfast and catching up on some work I meet Jean-Marc just before lunch to smash out a gym session “How are things with you and Scarlet?” I ask him as we’re running on the treadmills “Good, I’ve got us an appointment lined up tomorrow and the next day with another doctor, she was very appreciative last night” he smirks as I laugh shaking my head.

“Good to hear, I couldn’t wait to get Sienna home last night but stupid me had too much to drink and fell asleep before anything could happen” I sigh as Jean-Marc let’s out a boisterous laugh. 

“Oh that happens to the best of us, just don’t let it happen too often or you”ll have an unhappy fiance” he replies as I nod “I know, I won’t, I’ll make it up to her tonight, hopefully” I state as we get off the treadmill and head towards the weights

“Hopefully?” He replies inquisitively “Yeah, she has something planned for us this afternoon I think, maybe something to do with the baby, I don’t know” I shrug 

After another hour in the gym I hit the showers than head home as I see it’s close to 2pm and I needed to make sure I’m ready for anything she had planned at 3pm.

 I get home and see my tux suit laid out on the bed, I notice that it’s been freshly pressed and dry cleaned “Sienna?” I call out wondering what’s going on as I start getting changed into the outfit.

I gasped out loud, I was stunned and my breath was completely gone when I see Sienna appear, she was looking stunning, beyond stunning, her hair perfectly done with beautiful big loose curls and her make up light but highlighted all her best features, her dress a mixture of angelic and sexy all in one, I couldn’t believe the sight in front of me.

“Baby, you look…I mean… you’re so….” I stutter trying to get out my words as she playfully laughs “Where are we going so dressed up Si?” I asked excited as I wrap my arms around her smiling like a kid on Christmas morning.

 “Well…We’re getting all dressed up because we’re going to get married this afternoon” she says shyly with our eyes locking together, I take a step back in disbelief.


Hey Guys,

Only a few chapters left of ‘Love Triangle’ which is very sad!

I’ve released my third book called ‘Fighting for Love’ first four chapters have been released on Wattpad and will be on my blog once ‘Love Triangle’ has finished 

Please comment if enjoying

Take Care

Starlet x

9 thoughts on “Selflessness

  1. Oh my gosh! This chapter is soooo amazing to read abt! The different opinionated themes were so interesting. And Ugk. Damn Alexander. You missed some real action bc u got drunk. ๐Ÿ˜•


    And this ending! I swear, how on earth do u even think of this amazingness?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ummmmm ๐Ÿ˜• she couldnโ€™t talk it over with him! I donโ€™t like how she didnโ€™t tell him that she wanted to get married right away,or did she? Did I miss it? I want to know how this will play out he stepped back in shock but is it a bad shock or good shock ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nope she didnโ€™t talk to him about it, I like that youโ€™ve got a different opinion about this chapter youโ€™re right if he doesnโ€™t want to right now itโ€™s going to be super awkward, thank you for your comment dear ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•


  3. This wonderful chapter made my day more than happy and all i can do is smile.
    Thank u so much for updating the most amazing chapter starlet. I’m very sad that it’s going to end soon. Feel like losing someone very important in my life. But I’m saving this book so I can read it again and again. U are the most talented writer and I’ve never loved any writer like I do for u. Stay blessed and keep writing the wonderful books. Hope u will publish these two amazing books so I can treasure it.
    I can’t contain the happiness anymore because they’re getting married.
    I’m so glad that everything worked out well between jean and scarlet.
    “She was very appreciative last night “๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    I’m happy for Beau.
    Thanks for the beautiful and sexiest pics ever.
    Love u always Starlet ๐Ÿ˜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you hun as always for your lovely long comment you say the nicest thing and it really makes my day ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ Iโ€™m glad to hear you loved seeing Jean-Marc and Scarlet again! Theyโ€™re still a very loved up couple! Hope you have a wonderful week! Love
      you too ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’•โค๏ธ


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