The Announcement

Sienna’s POV

Alexander starts preparing dinner as Brandon and my parents casually chat, I started getting slightly anxious knowing we were soon about to break the news to them

We decided to cook some spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, a meal that would be very filling so hopefully Dad would be too full to physically hurt Alexander

As Alexander fries up the meatballs I started to feel so nauseous again “Oh Fuck” I say as I head straight for the bathroom toilet, it was not going to be a pretty sight “Is she okay?” Mom asks Alexander as I race past her “Can you take over cooking for a moment Penelope?” Alexander tells her as I shut the bathroom door firmly

“Baby, are you okay, can I get you some water?” Alexander asks leaned up against the door, he slowly opens the door as I tell him to get out “Come on Sienna, a bit of vomit isn’t going to scare me away, let me at least hold your hair back” which he did as he rubs my back

We finally left the bathroom and I decided to stay away from the food being cooked and catch up with Dad “Sienna, do you have the flu?” Mom asks interrupting us “I’m fine Mom, nothing to worry about” Seriously Mom give me another hour and this will all make sense

Alexander serves up the food which I know would have tasted amazing but I couldn’t stomach it, I just stuck to the salad “Not hungry Si-Si?” Dad asks “Big lunch Dad” I reply awkwardly smiling

“So do you have any idea when you’ll get married?” Mom asks us, we both look at each other realizing we probably should have gone over our answers

“Not sure Mom, we will work that out soon I guess” I say shrugging “Yes, no rush at all, you need to focus on your new job Sienna, give them everything you’ve got” Dad chimes in

After we’ve finished eating Alexander clears the plates and Brandon pulls me aside for a moment “Boo, what’s going on? Why are you and Dad being so awkward? Did you guys have a fight or something?” I see the genuine concern laced in Brandon’s eyes

“No B, we’re fine, honestly, just a lot going on right now” I say to him as he looks at me unconvinced “Sienna… I know..” Brandon sentence is cut off by Alexander coming into the room “Oh.. sorry, didn’t know you two were talking, I’m ready when you’re Si” He says shooting me a half smile

“Ready for what?” Brandon asks curiously “Come into the dining room and you’ll find out” I say grabbing his wrist leading him back to everyone

I sat down next to Alexander and I could see Brandon’s eyes focused firmly on me, he needed to know what was going on, he knew something was up, I see Alexander about to speak, fuck here we go

“Well as you all know Sienna and I got engaged on our holiday, hence why you’re all here for tomorrow night’s party, we will be announcing something else tomorrow night but wanted the three of you to be the first to know” Alexander states, I could see Dad’s face he knew what was about to come

“Sienna and I found out a few days ago that we’re expecting!” Alexander says proudly, it was like ripping off a band aid, he just came out and said it 

I see Dad stand up and throw his balled up fists to the table slamming them down “Are you fucking serious Alexander? Did you literally wait seconds after her graduation to knock her up? seriously you’re unbelievable” Dad huffs

“No!” I shout out “I will not let you ruin this moment, this was not Alexander’s fault, if you must know it was my fault, I was the irresponsible one who forgot her birth control, Alexander said he would support any choice I wanted to make and I’ve made it whether you like it or not Dad” I shout, yeah that was definitely the pregnancy hormones talking

“Baby, this is not your fault, it’s my responsibility too, I could have remember that we lost everything on our holiday, I forgot about it as well” Alexander leans in saying to me taking my hand under the table trying to calm me down

“Sienna, we’re happy for you both but we’re just disappointed that you didn’t get to achieve all the things you wanted to in your career, you worked so hard to get that degree” Mom says concerned, I look over at Alexander smiling who returns me a sweet smile back

“Actually Mom, we’re hoping this baby won’t affect that too much, Alexander will be staying home with our child once it’s born, I’ll be going back to work” I tell them as I see the shock on their faces

“What? Really?!” Mom asks as I nod, I look over at Dad who appears a bit sheepish, I think he feels bad for snapping at Alexander 

“You both seem to have it worked out?” Dad mutters out taking a seat “We do Owen and I’ll always support Sienna in anything and everything she wants to do, I know it might be hard to accept but we’re happy together and can’t wait for our child to arrive” Alexander tells him

As Mom and Dad come around to the idea I notice Brandon had slipped outside “I’m going to go talk to Brandon” I say to Alexander “Do you want me to come with you?” he asks, I shake my head “I think I need to do this alone”

I knew exactly where Brandon would be, he’d be on the rooftop looking out at the New York City skyline, “B?” I call out once I get to the top, I see him straight away gazing off into the distance

“You’re really having his baby Boo?” he asks, his words coming out jagged “Yes, I’m pregnant, I guess that means a brother or sister for you” I say as he softly smiles nodding his head

“That’s true, I always wanted a sibling, just……..just not from you Sienna” he says turning his body to face me

“I know, Brandon, I know I’m marrying and having a child with Alexander but that doesn’t take away our friendship or how strong our bond is, what we have couldn’t be recreated by anyone” I say hugging Brandon as I start to feel super emotional 

“That’s true, no one can take away what we have together” he whispers to me stroking my hair as I sob softly into him, I hate hurting Brandon, he was a good guy who didn’t deserve to feel this way

“I want you to know that I will help out if you need it, if Dad fucks up and isn’t around, well, I will be around Sienna, I will drop everything to be with you and the baby, anytime day or night I’ll do that for you” Brandon promises me

“I love you so much B, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that, I’m so lucky to have you in my life” I say to him lifting my head up from his chest tears gushing from my eyes “I love you too Boo, always and forever” He sighs holding me tighter

After a few minutes Brandon speaks “I’m going to head off and go for a walk, I’ll see you tomorrow night at the party okay?” he says as I nod my head separating from him and clearing the smudged mascara from under my eyes

“I need you there!” I shout you as he walks away, he looks back at me and smiles awkwardly without replying, I think he doubted my words but they were true, I need my friendship with Brandon

I stay up on the roof for a little while longer just clearing my head and emotions before heading back to the apartment which I’m sure will just be all three yelling and fighting, ugh, not in the mood for that at all

When I walked back in I was surprised, it was silent, I enter the lounge to see Alexander holding a bottle of champagne “Ah you’re back Si” he replies as he pops open the bottle with Mom and Dad both holding glasses “Don’t worry, I have some sparkling apple cider for you baby” Alexander chuckles as well as my parents, what the fuck have I just walked in on?

“Um… what is going on? where is the shouting? the throwing of fists? the tears?” I ask confused “Honey, we’d be naive if we thought this wasn’t going to happen, I mean yes it’s maybe a bit sooner than we anticipated but we’re happy for you both and knowing that you’ll still be able to work so you can follow your dreams, well, we think it’s very honorable for Alexander to stay home with the child” Mom smiles as Dad nods 

“Me too, he’s pretty amazing” I smile as Alexander hands me a glass of apple cider “I’d like to propose a toast to our baby and your grandchild, I know they will bring us all so much joy” Alexander says putting his arm around my waist as we all clink glasses together, it was actually a lovely moment

The Next Day – Alexander’s POV

We were both getting ready for our engagement party which we had to leave for shortly, I see Sienna in her beautiful red gown with some very tempting cleavage on display “Mmmm how about we just have a party for two tonight?” I whisper into her ear wrapping my arm around her waist kissing softly down her neck

“Baby you can’t tease me, you know my pregnancy hormones are out of control, I just want to jump on top and ride you for hours” she groans, her voice mixed with pleasure and pain 

“You don’t know how badly I want that Si, you look so fucking sexy and I just want to fucking rip that dress off you and throw you up against the wall until you scream out my name at the top of your lungs” I growl squeezing her firm breasts

I hear Sienna moan and that’s when I knew I had to have her, I start to unbutton her dress while my teeth dig into her naked shoulder “Baby… I’m so wet for you” she hisses as I pull her closer to me so she can feel my excitement for her

I was struggling with the buttons so I give up “Fuck it!” I yell out as she laughs, I push her down so her hands were on the end of bed but her ass is in the air, I throw her dress over her head while I pull down her thin white lace g-string, I quickly unzip myself and connect immediately to her wetness, just like always ….it was fucking heaven, she was so tight up against my extreme hardness

I give her ass a firm slap as she cries out in pleasure, her moans filling our apartment “Fuck me harder Alexander” she yells, this pregnancy caused her to be so damn frisky that I felt like I couldn’t do enough to pleasure her 

I lift up one of her legs so her knee was resting on the bed with the other leg still standing on the ground, I spread her legs open a bit more so she can feel how much I can fill her up

“Oh god Alexander that feels so good” her wetness covering every inch of me as she tightens up, her orgasm came quick and fast as she breathlessly shouts out my name as she body shutters, I allow myself to get my own release and blow deep inside my beautiful pregnant fiance

“Well that should keep me satisfied for a few hours” she laughs as I help her up from the bed “Mmm me too naughty girl” I say slapping her ass as she walks past

Sienna quickly touches up her make up and hair as we leave for our engagement party, we walk in slightly late and can see most of our guests have already arrived

We mingle with all our friends and family in attendance before I ask for everyone’s attention tapping the top of my wine glass as I place my arm around Sienna’s waist

“Family and Friends, Sienna and I are so grateful that you’re all here to celebrated our engagement, we’re both very excited for our upcoming wedding” our guests clap as I take a deep breath, the nerves start to kick in

“We also wanted to share some other news with you all tonight, a few weeks after our engagement we found out a little miracle was headed our way, Sienna and I are expecting in August this year!” I announce beaming from ear to ear, Sienna and I kiss as we hear cheers and whistles from the crowd

One person however looked like they didn’t take the news well and unexpectedly left the room shocked, it was someone who we thought would be over the moon excited for us but clearly wasn’t

Sienna and I watch as she runs out of the room in tears, we couldn’t help but wonder what was going on with Scarlet


Take Care

Starlet x

21 thoughts on “The Announcement

  1. lovely update …happy with their double happiness …so what is wrong with scarlet ????
    can’t wait to read the next chapter …
    Brandon’s response was very well written.Enjoyed reading it .continue soon

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel so bad for Brandon, you can still tell he loves her so much. I think she’s probably upset cause she almost died giving birth. I’m still so excited for Alexander and Sierra πŸ€—πŸ€—

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi starlet it’s been a while. Hope u are doing well. I’m very glad that u have updated new chapter. Due to health issues I couldn’t read this chapter early but still I’m very happy. It’s an wonderful update. I’m happy that sienna has accepted her pregnency. Congratulations to both of them but It feels kind of sad to see Brandon and I feel like I’m broken inside for him. I know he still loves her very much.
    Thank u so much for updating
    Scarlet is very upset cause she is also hoping for the baby and it’s not happening at this moment.
    Brandon looks extremely handsome in the gif.
    Thank u for all the pics and gif
    Love u always and Take care starlet. 😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hope you’re feeling much better now hun was wondering if you were okay! Thank you for your lovely comment! Also I’ve released my third book with the first 4 chapters have a look if you get a chance πŸ’•β€οΈπŸ’•


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