
Sienna’s POV

I walk towards the family home, I couldn’t help but look back at him and I wish now that I didn’t, his face showed his pain, our pain, I just wanted to run back to him and tell him to drive us somewhere, anywhere, away from everyone

I take a deep breath as I continue to walk up to the house “Sienna, is that you?” I hear Mom shout out, “Yes, the one and only” I reply, “So good to see you Sweetheart, how are you? oh and how was the wedding? Betty emailed us some photos, it looked so beautiful” typical Mom wanting to know everything at once

“I’m fine Mom, the wedding was beyond beautiful, they’re a perfect couple, so in love” I say to her with slight sadness, I envied my cousin, I was happy for her of course but I had to put my love on hold and it hurt 

“Sienna! How’s my favorite child?” Dad appears from the kitchen wrapping me up in a big bear hug, I laugh “You mean your only child” I shake my head at him “Did you guys have a good time?” I ask “Yes! we had a blast, you wouldn’t believe it but I won a limbo competition!!” he tells me excitedly…. I didn’t really want to know, dear god now I’m getting mental images of it… “That’s um…. great Dad”

"So Kate called us just before and told us Brandon got into UCLA, should we assume our wonderful daughter will also be there?" Mom asks eagerly, sigh, time to rip off the band aid

“So Kate called us just before and told us Brandon got into UCLA, should we assume our wonderful daughter will also be there?” Mom asks eagerly, sigh, time to rip off the band aid

“Actually, I need to talk to you both about that, maybe we could sit down?” I ask them nervously, we head to the lounge and sit “Sienna, you’re freaking us both out, what’s going on?” Mom asks worried “Mum, Dad, I got into Columbia, I applied thinking I wouldn’t get in, I mean it’s Columbia it’s damn tough but it’s the perfect course for me, Law and Gender Studies and I got accepted” I say to them both with my heart in my throat, I prepare myself for the shitstorm I’m about to encounter 

Dad stands up first “My baby got into Columbia? one of the best schools in country?” I see him shake his head and tear up “I’m so proud of you Sienna, how did we get so lucky to have a smart kid like you?” he wraps me up in his arms tightly, I was feeling fairly guilty, If Dad had any idea of what I did or who I did over the weekend he definitely wouldn’t be proud of me

“Owen?? Are you kidding me?! Sienna is not going to Columbia, where is she going to live? She needs to stay in California” Mum jumps up from her chair, clearly she’s pissed, her face is red and every vein in her body was showing

“Penelope, Sienna is an adult, I know in our eyes she’s our baby but she isn’t a kid anymore, I mean our daughter is going to Columbia, we should be happy for her, she will be well educated and no doubt very successful, of course we will miss her but we will visit and she will return home for every holiday” Dad takes Mum’s hands in his trying to calm her down

At that moment my phone went off, it was a text from Brandon, he wanted to see me “Is it okay if Brandon comes over for a bit? I haven’t told him yet” I ask 

I see Mom take a deep breath in “Sure and congratulations Sweetheart, Columbia… that’s very impressive” Mom gives me a small smile back

I proceed to tell them I’ll be staying with Aunt Betty until I get myself sorted, Scarlet also offered a room at her apartment but I think sharing an apartment with newlyweds wouldn’t be a good idea, a pair of noise cancelling headphones would be frequently required

We hear a knock on the front door, I open it up “Hey Brandon” I say smiling “Boo, you must have been drinking fineapple juice in New York cause you’re looking good” he saying smirking “Fineapple? what a truly terrible pun” I say as we both crack up laughing

We hear a knock on the front door, I open it up "Hey Brandon" I say smiling "Boo, you must have been drinking fineapple juice in New York cause you're looking good" he saying smirking "Fineapple? what a truly terrible pun" I say as we both crack u...

To be honest I still had my sex glow from the weekend, my body absolutely basked in the pleasure it received and my skin couldn’t hide it 

“Do you want something to drink? I want to chat to you about something” I ask him, he follows me to the kitchen as I grab out some ice tea “I know what you’re going to say Boo, you’re going to say you made a huge mistake and you’re madly in love with me again, well all is forgiven” he teases with a huge grin on his face, I playfully push his chest “In your dreams Buddy!”

He laughs it off and his face begins to turn more serious “Okay, what you gonna tell me Boo?” he asks “I got into Columbia, Law, and I accepted it” I tell him sheepishly, I see him working overtime processing the unexpected news “Oh…wow…Columbia… that’s amazing Boo, seriously what a smart cookie you turned out to be, um… I can’t believe it” I watch him run his fingers through his hair

“It will open up so many doors for me, the course I’m doing is unique, you know one of a kind, I couldn’t not apply and I couldn’t turn it down, I’d really like us to stay in touch, I don’t want to lose you as a friend just because of a little bit of distance” I say to him lightly brushing his arm, trying to comfort him without giving him the wrong idea

“Yeah… of course… always Boo” the shock still evident on his face “Hey, I’m going to take off, I’ll come by tomorrow morning okay?” he says, I nod, Brandon kisses me on the forehead as he walks out the door without saying another word, as much as it pains me to hurt people I care about a wave of relief washes over me knowing my Columbia news was no longer a secret

I head up to my room after a long day, I throw on some soft pajamas and move myself immediately under the covers, even though I was so physically tired my mind couldn’t switch off, I kept thinking about Alexander, the way he touched my skin, he grazed every single section of my body with his manly yet gentle fingers, his lips were like fire on my skin creating a reaction every time they came together, how could I just walk away from this man?

The rest of the week was exactly like I predicted, Brandon wanted to spend heaps of time together before I leave, we hung out down the beach with some of our other friends while Mom and Dad wanted me home before 6pm so we could have dinner together every night before I go, with all this going on and packing for NYC he was still on my mind, I wanted to reach out to him, he was consuming my thoughts

I slowly wonder down the stairs Friday morning and hear Mom and Dad talking in the kitchen, I stopped half way down to listen to their conversation “How long is this going to take Owen? We have two days left with our daughter!” Mom snaps “I’m well aware of that Penelope but what can I do? he needs me to help him move, he’s going through a rough time and I have to be there for him” Dad replies sharply

I knew exactly who they were talking about “Just remember Kate made all this mess not Alexander, she’s happy now shacked up with Susie, Alexander is alone and he needs a good friend to lean on, the divorce is nearly finished and their family home has just been sold, it’s a lot of change” Dad tells Mom in a softer tone trying to ease the situation

“Okay, fine, be there for him, just come home for dinner, Where has he moved to anyway?” Mum asks “Beachside Drive, he’s renting an small house there until the home sale is finalized” 

It made me think about the incredibly hard week Alexander must be having, it made me want to run to him and take all his pain away

It also occurred to me that Brandon never told me anything, I know his parents divorcing wasn’t an easy topic for him but to say nothing was kind of strange

Later that afternoon I met up with Brandon at our favorite juice bar, “Changed your mind yet about NYC Boo?” he asks smiling “No chance, sorry” I smile back “Brandon, why didn’t you tell me about your family home?” I ask

He lets out a small sigh “I don’t know Sienna, it’s shit to think about, I’m going to be going from Mom’s place to Dad’s place like a fucking unwanted child, I hate it, I didn’t mean to keep it from you, I just don’t like talking about it” he shrugs, I place my hand on his knee to comfort him “Maybe you could live on campus? or move in with friends? that way you don’t have to be torn between both of them” I suggest 

“Maybe down the track, I have no money so I can’t afford to live anywhere that costs money, maybe once I’ve settled into college I can think about it more” I nod “I know you’re hurting but remember so are your parents, go easy on them” I say to him, secretly hoping he didn’t pick up on the fact that I want him to be kind to Alexander

“Thanks Boo, I’ll keep that in mind, let me walk you home” Brandon and I casually stroll home together, I’ll miss his friendship and company, even though we dated I really see Brandon like a brother now, I guess both of us being only children we never got to have a sibling and our friendship made up for that

I was leaving for NYC early Sunday morning, Saturday night Brandon had dinner with us and stayed for a bit afterwards before heading back to his Mom’s place, he said he’d be here tomorrow morning to see me off, Mom and Dad were tired and headed to bed early, that left me alone with my thoughts..

I head up to my bed sliding in under the blankets, I try to get to sleep knowing that I have to get up early but as I lay there staring up at the ceiling I thought ‘fuck this’, I get up and go to the only place I want to be

I get changed into something more inappropriate and aim to get to my car without being noticed, as I make my way down the stairs quietly I hear Mom and Dad snoring, I keep moving down knowing I’m safe to make my getaway

I look up Beachside Drive on my GPS and drive the short distance to the street, luckily for me it wasn’t a very long street, I drive slow so I can keep a look out for his car, I was nearly at the end until I spotted it, it was a cute little house meters away from the beach, as I pull over and park I start to get nervous, fuck we said ours goodbyes already maybe he doesn’t want to see me again, maybe he’s already moved on and has someone there

I walk up to his door but before I knock get hit with a wave of nerves, fuck why didn’t I at least have a shot of alcohol first, I close my eyes while my hand freely knocks on it’s own accord, I remove my coat and wait for an answer “Be brave…. be brave…. if this all turns to shit you’re leaving the state tomorrow” I keep saying to myself in my head

Alexander’s POV

I had a late shower and afterwards fell asleep reading a book in bed, I jump up when I hear a knock at my front door, I look down at my watch and see it’s close to midnight, fuck it must be Brandon, I hope he’s okay, only Brandon and Owen knew where I was living so it had to be one of them, I quickly throw some pants on and grab a jumper, when I get to the front of the house I was floored when I pulled the door open, it was the sexiest sight I’ve ever seen 

I had a late shower and afterwards fell asleep reading a book in bed, I jump up when I hear a knock at my front door, I look down at my watch and see it's close to midnight, fuck it must be Brandon, I hope he's okay, only Brandon and Owen knew whe...
"I'd really like one more proper goodbye, if that's possible?" she says seductively "That's more than possible, Si" I say smirking at her as I lift her up throwing her over my shoulder, she had been on my mind since the second I left her and I can...

“I’d really like one more proper goodbye, if that’s possible?” she says seductively “That’s more than possible, Si” I say smirking at her as I lift her up throwing her over my shoulder, she had been on my mind since the second I left her and I can’t believe she has returned to me, my desire for her was so strong it was making my head spin and my heart race, I had one last chance to remind her of our love


Thank you to all my lovely readers for supporting my second story, it means so much to me! Please comment, vote or follow if you’re enjoying the story, let me know your thoughts!

Take Care

Starlet x

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