Above the Clouds

Sienna’s POV

I laid down on his body for hours, we were softly kissing while chatting about anything and everything, our age gap never seem to effect our conversations, we always have plenty to talk about, I love listening to Alexander talk, he opens my mind and makes me consider things I never thought of, he wanted to empower me, he wanted me to think and educate myself on the things that interested me and the world around us, he was the type of man I needed in every way possible

We made love one more time, this however was so slow and sensual, he let me take control even though I was unsure of what I was doing, I wanted to do to his body what he did to mine

I kissed him all over from head to toe, I kissed softly on his delicious lips and moved further down to his chest and stomach 

When I trailed down to his lap I could see he was hard again, I place his erection into my mouth sucking down gently but firmly, I listen to him groan as he watches me take all of him in my mouth

When I trailed down to his lap I could see he was hard again, I place his erection into my mouth sucking down gently but firmly, I listen to him groan as he watches me take all of him in my mouth

“Sienna…. please ride me, I want to feel your warmth wrapped around me” he begs, I look up at him smiling as I move my body up on him, I place my hips down on his lining up the tip of him at my entrance, he slowly guides himself inside me placing his hands on my ass to move me up and down

Alexander moves up against the headboard so we’re face to face, his lips smack down on mine as he continues to slowly bounce me up and down on his raging cock

I wrap my arms around his neck as I feel even bit of him inside me, he grips my ass tighter as I feel his cock start to twitch and jerk, I throw my head back as I let him deeper inside my tightness, his hands now on my hips as he enters the final stages of his release 

He fills me with his warm seed as my own orgasm rips through me quickly, I love the feeling of him filling me up, experiencing him orgasm inside my pussy turned me on so much

He stays inside me for a few minutes afterwards as we wrap our arms around each other, he places small kisses all over my face and neck as I giggle at his cuteness, he slowly moves out of me and I feel a bit crushed, I didn’t want this to end

I move into the bathroom to clean myself up and get dressed, I look down at my phone, five forty seven am, it was obvious neither of us was going to get any sleep but I didn’t care, I wanted every second I could get with him

“Sienna, come have a look at this!” I hear Alexander yell out, he is standing by the window as I see pure joy sketched all over his face “Si, we can view the sunrise together” 

“Hmm… watching the sunrise with the man I love, yeah sounds pretty damn good” I smirk, it was at this point Alexander lifts me up in the air and places his lips on mine

 watching the sunrise with the man I love, yeah sounds pretty damn good" I smirk, it was at this point Alexander lifts me up in the air and places his lips on mine

“I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of hearing you say that you love me” he smiles as he runs his finger down my cheek

I watch Alexander walk over to the bed and pull off the blanket, he wraps us both in it as we sit in front of the window watching the sun come up, I gently drift in and out of sleep but watching the city wake up as he has his arms and legs wrapped around me was the best feeling in the world, nothing made me happier than this moment, I was loved and I was safe with him

The check out time was creeping closer and closer, I didn’t want it to come “What time is your flight Si?” he asks “4pm, you?” I reply, he looks at me just smiling as his plays with my fingers

“Can I please take you home?” he asks, I was slightly confused “What do you mean?” I reply “I flew here myself, a buddy of mine gave me his six seater plane for the weekend” he smirks

“Wow! that’s amazing, fuck I’ve never been in a small plane before” I jump up filled with excited and nervousness “Well you trust me don’t you Si?” he says looking up smiling at me “Well, I don’t know…. you didn’t get any sleep at all and I heard you were getting your freak on all night…. can I trust a pilot like that?” I say to him jokingly 

He shakes his head and laughs as he walks towards me “Actually I fly better after a long sensual sex session, helps me concentrate” he growls as he snakes his arm around me

Fuck, he made me instantly wet by his seductive words, he kisses down on my lips as he lightly bites down pulling my bottom lip towards him “Come on Si, let me take you home babygirl”

We check out of the hotel and I feel a huge wave of sadness wash over me, I felt weak, I didn’t care about anything but us, fuck my education and fuck everyone who is against us, I needed him, I wanted to be a selfish bitch

Deep down though I knew I couldn’t do any of that, Alexander loved that idea that I wanted to be college educated and make my own mark on the world and I loved that idea too, I have to do it because I never want to resent him and I knew he wouldn’t hold me back

I shake off my negative feelings as I remember he is still with me now, holding my hand in his as we walk out of the lobby, we turn right to grab a cab before something catches my eye

“Hey, um, I need to go to the pharmacy across the road, do you mind waiting here for a minute?” I ask him, he nods “Sure, you don’t want me to come with you?” I shake my head “No, I’ll be fine, just girl stuff, I’ll be two minutes” I get up on my tippy toes to kiss his lips as I cross the street

I walk in to see a young female pharmacist greet me “Good Morning, can I help you with something today?” she asks with a smile “Um… yes, I need the morning after pill” I tell her “Sure, no problem, I’ll grab that for you and go over the side effects” she replies

So I lied, I lied to Alexander and I feel incredibly guilty, I’m not on the pill at all, we made love three times and each time he came inside me, when he asked about getting a condom I was so damn aroused that I just wanted his naked raw erection inside me, I wanted to feel him explode inside me, I was fucking selfish

I took the pill while still in the pharmacy and headed back out to Alexander, I see panic on his face “Sienna, I haven’t hurt you from last night have I?” he asks, I shake my head smiling at him “No handsome, I’m fine” I take his hand in mine rubbing my thumb up and down on him

Our cab takes us to a small airport just outside of Staten Island, even though Dad was a pilot I was never comfortable with flying, I hated the thought of being that high up in the air

I look over at Alexander who is beaming, he really loves aviation, we spoke about it before but seeing him in the middle of it all I saw his passion, his love, his face lit up

“Sienna, here is our baby, beautiful plane right?” he says to me excitedly 

"Sienna, here is our baby, beautiful plane right?" he says to me excitedly 
Fuck, the plane looks tiny but I trust Alexander, I trust him with my life

Fuck, the plane looks tiny but I trust Alexander, I trust him with my life

Alexander’s POV

I’ve always loved flying, no matter what was going on in my life as soon as I was up in the clouds I was happy again and now taking Sienna up with me, just us, made me feel like a kid in a toy store, beyond excited

I place our bags in the back and help Sienna up to the passenger seat, I love that she will be next to me 

I inspect the plane to ensure everything is in order before getting it started “What no captain’s hat?” she asks smirking “I only bring out the captain’s hat for good girls and you’re a naughty girl Sienna” I say to her playfully 

I see goosebumps appear on her arms, the fact that my words affected her made me want her so bad but I had to shake that off and concentrate on take off

Our flight was going smoothly, I look over at Sienna who seems slightly nervous “You really feel every bump in these small planes hey?” she says to me “That’s what makes them more interesting, I’ll try to make it as smooth as possible” I say to her as I place my hand on her leg

She was nervous the first hour but after that I saw her start to relax, so much so that I see her drift off to sleep, fuck she was adorable, curled up in the chair with her head resting on her shoulder 

I start thinking about the last 24 hours and how incredible it all was, I never knew these type of feelings existed, I was so addicted to her, she made me feel content and complete  

I move my hand on her leg gently shaking her “Sienna, we will be landing soon, I need you to buckle up babygirl” I say to her calmly, she jolts up quickly not realizing that she has fallen asleep “Oh fuck, Alexander I’m so sorry I fell asleep, what boring company I am” she tells me, I can see the guilt on her face “Don’t be Si, you were a beautiful distraction” I smile 

I land the plane down safely, we were at a small airport about forty minutes outside LA, “That was an awesome flight Captain, you’re much better than Dad” she laughs “Don’t tell him I said that!” she shouts out, I laugh at her silliness

We get off the plane and walk to the parking lot to my car, I take a deep breath and ask the question I’ve been putting off all weekend “Si, when are you moving to NYC?” I ask, I see her softly gasp at my question, I guess she’s been putting off thinking about it too

“Next weekend, I’m going to live with Aunt Betty for a bit until I get set up, fuck I need to tell Mom and Dad tonight” she tells me with a tinge of sadness

We both knew this car ride home could be our last moment together alone, Brandon will be wanting to take up all of Sienna’s time as will her parents knowing that she’s moving away

I pull up a few houses before hers so we don’t get noticed, I feel broken, I look at her face and see tears fall from her eyes, “I love you always Si” I say to her as I pull her into me “I love you too Alexander, thank you for giving me the most amazing weekend, I will never forget it” she places her lips on mine as I cup her face in my hands, I can’t bear to watch her walk away from me, I close my eyes as I hear the car door close, my heart slowing breaking


Thank you for reading my story, it’s so nice to see so many French Tutor readers commenting on this story, I love the support you guys give me!!

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Take Care

Starlet x

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